Statismphobia and anti-statism hatred, a growing problem?
Statismphobia is the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Statism religion or Statists generally, especially when seen as a geopolitical force or the source of terrorism. The meaning of the term continues to be debated, and some view it as problematic. The causes and characteristics of statismphobia are also subjects of debate. The word Statismphobia is a neologism formed from Statism and -phobia, a Greek suffix used in English to form "nouns with the sense 'fear of – – ', 'aversion to – – '." There are a number of other possible terms which are also used in order to refer to negative feelings and attitudes towards Statism and statists, such as intolerance against Statists, anti-Statist prejudice, hatred of Statists, or anti-Fascism.