John F Kennedy was murdered in a regime coup because he suggested space collaboration over a "space race"
John F Kennedy suggested a joint moon landing with the Soviet Union 2 months before he was assassinated in the regime coup by Lyndon B Johnson (who one year later did the Gulf of Tonkin false flag attack in Vietnam. ) That was probably the reason, or the "drop that made the cup run over". He took an American nationalistic vision, and offered to share it as a global vision, a borderless narrative. The incentives and mediation in a nation-state is, game theoretically, such that people align with their nation, and the effect was that the status quo (a game theoretical equilibrium) simply refused to trust the new "space collaboration" vision. Trust is important. Had Jack Kennedy lived there would not have been a "space race" but a human collective effort without boundaries, and no American astronauts to prop up and send on parades around the world, no Make America Great Again, and no collapse of the Soviet Union. No Gulf of Tonkin. No War on Drugs as coined by Richard Nixon in 1972. No "refugee crisis". Just peaceful technological and cultural progress.
Chinese Longjiang-2/DSLWP-B, 2018
The USSR believed JFK was assassinated in a "ultra-right" coup by president Johnson and co-conspirators of his.
Lyndon B. Johnson insisted that JFK’s wife Jackie Kennedy accompany him back to Washington on Air Force One just hours after her husband was assassinated and that she stand beside him in the famous photograph where he was sworn in as president, a new book reveals.