
in #panamacanal2 months ago

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal for a dollar said Trump despite the canal being valued at over a trillion dollars now and despite 38,000 men dying from infected mosquitos during the construction of the canal which we all know how much Bill Gates loves infecting people with mosquitos and Prince Philips said he would love to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to wreak havoc on the world, and the canal has big problems right now and I got this screenshot from the Jeremy Prime Cobra Cast 199 show on YouTube.

1125/ My server is full of idiots, my server was destroyed, I'm trying to rebuild it, but these idiots have no idea what happened, they don't care, they don't want to help at all, and they are not mad at me even as I'm not the one who destroyed the server, yet they blame me. 1133/ I'll promote the first super mod or lower who promotes at least ten qualified people.

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal; videos: Beginning to sound a lot like Christmas, pretend your candy canes are Star Wars lightsabers video, Don't Have Time Song; watched: Original Sin 102-103, Tucker Carlson - Jenner Furst: Secret Chinese Biotech Programs, and the Documentary That Could Put Dr. Fauci in Jail, Jay Leno | Club Random with Bill Maher, Cobra Cast 199 - President Trump LIVE Speech Amfest 2024, Chrissie Mayr - SimpCast! Milo VS Laura Loomer! Bryson Gray Fight at TPUSA AmFest


Screenshot at 2024-12-23 00-10-40.png
Milo, Laura Loomer, and Lila Hart in the background like Waldo

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-22 - Sunday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

09:22 PM
Don't Have Time Song

10:35 PM
2024-12-22 - Sunday - Chrissie Mayr Simpcast Orgasm Theme


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-22 - Sunday - 12:39 AM - Discord Log

1125/ My server is full of idiots, my server was destroyed, I'm trying to rebuild it, but these idiots have no idea what happened, they don't care, they don't want to help at all, and they are not mad at me even as I'm not the one who destroyed the server, yet they blame me. 1126/ I'm hiding the log channels because it seems nobody in my server want access to them at all, they all say there is only one channel which is not true, they continue to lie about everything. 1127/ Alliana, I don't think they know it was three people who raided the server because their attention span is way too short and they don't actually read your Oatmeal Twitter Updates and they only pretend to but really they only see a few words and then zone out. 1128/ I'm trying to get the bots to work again before I try to open additional channels in the server. 1129/ That's fake news, I'm not merely handing out roles because people can use Dyno to promote and demote and I already told everybody this but nobody can hear me no matter how loud I scream, they choose to lie every single time, period, and that is why they suck oatmeal balls. 08:27 PM: 1130/ UK Star Wars Darth Loner honored fuzzy wuzzy Magnus cat with the femboy role baby. 1131/ Magnus did something a few months ago as I mentioned earlier, that's a fact. 1132/ The raid in December 2024 actually started way back in May or June of 2024. 1133/ I'll promote the first super mod or lower who promotes at least ten qualified people. 1134/ It only takes five seconds to find out who freed this hamburger and fries account shown in this screenshot by using the Discord search bar or by looking in the log files but trolls too lazy to spend five seconds to do simple research. 1135/ Hello everybody, please type 7 in general chat if you refuse to do the challenge presented in message 1133, I assume nobody even knows what that challenge is, I even promise to promote the first person who does the challenge but nobody wants to do the challenge, oh well. 1136/ Here is a screenshot of more fake news from ham, you can promote and demote using Dyno, not just the image permission role but many different roles, stop spamming Oatmeal Fake News. 1137/ Assumptions are dangerous unto even death. 1138/ I turned off Dyno because it lets mods promote themselves to admin or even to owner possibly, a crazy glitch or bug, I don't know how to fix this vulnerability, I got to get Carl back. 1139/ How do I fix Carl Bot on Discord? 1140/ I'll promote the first person who tells me how to fix Carl so Carl can promote and demote again, but only if you are able to successfully help do all of that. 1141/ Hamburger didn't know there was an admin role because Ham doesn't know how to find things just like all the other blind people. 1142/ I fixed Carl by adding roles which can use Carl to the Integrations center in the server settings, I forgot about Integrations and it seems nobody bothered to remind me about Integrations, I was going to promote anybody who told me about Integrations. 1143/ This is fake news, do you want to know why and how, I already told you the answer earlier but do you want me to say it again? 1144/ I'll promote whoever shows the bad things Hamburger did as seen in log channels. 1145/ People always ask what's my Twitter despite the fact there are links to my Twitter on all the websites, it's like these idiots don't know how to find their own nose on their own head, they are helpless babies. 1146/ Happy Birthday Lera. 08:10 PM: 1147/ I will promote the first person who promotes at least ten qualified people, see the ⁠welcome channel for more information, promoting non-qualified people will disqualify you, the secret is simply in those who try their best.

Twitter Tweets

09:13 PM

Grok called Trump a liar

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal for a dollar said Trump despite the canal being valued at over a trillion dollars now and despite 38,000 men dying from infected mosquitos during the construction of the canal which we all know how much Bill Gates loves infecting people with mosquitos and Prince Philips said he would love to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to wreak havoc on the world, and the canal has big problems right now and I got this screenshot from the Jeremy Prime Cobra Cast 199 show on YouTube

Grok said the canal wasn't bought for a dollar, somebody forward this to Elon Musk, but Trump said it was, so who's right in this debate?

Somebody must have suggested America try to buy back the canal or something, Trump chuckled saying that is probably a good idea and Trump also trolled Canada calling it a state of the United States which I say either that or reform their constitution to allow free speech

09:59 PM
Woke is bullshit

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Original Sin 102-103

2024-12-22 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Dexter: Original Sin 102-103, My Cloud

Dexter's mom born like 1946. Dexter is working at the Miami Police Department in 1991 when he was about 20 which means he was born probably in 1971. The original show started in 2004 which is 13 years later. So, Dexter might have been around 33 years old during the first season of the original series. Fake earrings. Meeting young Dexter and Brian. Going after his second human kill. Deb's friend likes Dexter who is blending with giving cops donuts and learning to dance. She kissed Dex and he fist pounded her in return.

08:00 AM
Tucker Carlson - Jenner Furst: Secret Chinese Biotech Programs, and the Documentary That Could Put Dr. Fauci in Jail](


01:59 PM
$650 million returned back to or came to Fauci, is that what Jenner Furst said to Tucker Carlson?

11:00 PM
Chrissie Mayr - SimpCast! Milo VS Laura Loomer! Bryson Gray Fight at TPUSA AmFest!

11:34 PM
Did Laura Loomer call Milo a drug addict? It seems to me they are both accusing each other of different things and they both might believe what they're saying and they both might be wrong, I tend to want to take Laura's side, I don't want to believe the accusations thrown at Laura, Milo is a little odd, it seems Milo was a bit MIA for years but it also seems to me Laura has been around for years doing a lot of work for MAGA Trump

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 2 AM. Awoke around 7:50 AM. I wake up with thinking I hear a sound of a man yelling maybe from raids in the past or other things but it was probably just in my head. Before that I felt something was going to hit me when I was falling asleep and my chest and body jolted or moved as a reflect to what I thought was real. That has happened to me a few times while sleeping in my life since I was a boy. I think one time that happened was when I was maybe seven years old. Beginning to sound a lot like Christmas, pretend your candy canes are Star Wars lightsabers video. Breakfast: 08:00 AM. Sunday school, Matthew, the ten bride grooms and ten had no extra oil for their lamp which was foolish. I was reading about the brain in my book. Mark did the sermon on the joy of Christmas, the value there, joy over circumstances. After church, I showed Montana Kelly my You book, the health book I mentioned earlier where I was learning about the brain. I said it is crazy brain cells are all over the body. Kelly said watch out for insane people with insane ideas about health or anything. Like snake oil salesmen. Snacks downstairs, mostly cookies, I had a few. Lunch: 12:30 PM. Nap for like an hour or less starting around maybe 04:20 PM, up around like 05:30 PM, dishes after that for over like two hours while making TikTok videos. Groceries in. Dinner: 05:30 PM and 07:55 PM. Nap, 11:40 PM for 20 minutes. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 3 boiled eggs, 08:00 AM. Lunch: 2 chocolate chip cookies, 2 peanut butter cookies, another like cookie dough style cookie, and then at home, 3 tangerines from the tangerines I brought home from church today, and a Rice Crispies Treats Original, 12:30 PM. Dinner: peach vanilla ice cream in a small bowl while watching a bit of Edge of Tomorrow, 05:30 PM, soup, baked blueberry bagel and a baked cheese bagel with humus, tea, 07:55 PM.

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