Do you want to learn Stand Up Comedy?
Stand Up Comedy
If you're in Melbourne, the fine people at the School Of Hard Knock Knocks are running another stand up comedy course there. This time you will get the opportunity to meet, work with and perform on stage with Greg Fleet, Evan Hocking and Judy Stutz.

When I went through the Adelaide course, I was taught by comedy genius Glynn Nicholas of The Big Gig fame.
Which was truly an honour and to graduate was the highlight of my year so far.

Great work Shane! I hope you feel very proud of what you've achieved in just a few days. Hearty congratulations!
I wasn't a fan of public speaking and I also had a crippling social anxiety disorder (I hide it well). I don't even like having to ring Government departments and show them how incompetent they are, which is often.
So, if you also have an issue with public speaking, or the idea of getting up in front of a crowd, I can heartily recommend this course for you. I found it challenging but ultimately rewarding and I made some new friends as well.
Not only that, as an alumni of the course I get access to all sorts of discounts and benefits and exclusive invitations to various events. It really is amazing and well worth the money.
You can enrol in the course quickly by clicking on the link below.
Adelaide and Sydney events will be advertised here as they become available.
I wish you would join me as an alumni of the fantastic course.
Your future friend,
Shane Lockwood
Images sourced from the School Of Hard Knock Knocks and from myself.
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