Some danger from the Covid 19, from a numbers perspective....

in #palnet5 years ago

The danger of dying from Covid 19 in the USA today, is on in 3 million, the average infection risk is one in 55,000. The SARS Virus infection risk was one in 7500 a few years ago. For perspective there is a one in 200,000 chance that you will be struck by lightning.

Image from pixabay:

So we were over seven time more likely to get SARS then as we are to get Covid 19. Did you even know someone who had SARS? I didn't my self.
Some danger from the Covid 19, from a numbers perspective....
So today, I am 15 times more likely to be struck by lightning, than I am to die from Covid 19! FIFTEEN TIMES more likely to get zapped!

This is a political problem, the MSM has deliberately caused a panic, so their owners can raid the stock market and empty the retirement accounts of people who will not even know they are being robbed! When they find out, they will blame the pandemic, not the real thieves! That is quite a plan, SMH!


I don't know where you came up with those wacko numbers but they're way off sir smithlabs! But at least I found you posts. lol..they aren't showing up on esteem for some reason!

They came from a news agency called OAN (One American News) and are on youtube. They were using numbers from DC!

Here is a posting using numbers from the State of Oklahoma:

Shows about the same thing....

This is a stock market money grab!


well well well... look who's suddenly mr know it all. No wait, you always been mr. know it all. lol.

So, you are worried about someone who knows how to read....

The numbers are Theirs, and they DO NOT support such radical actions! This virus is many times less dangerous that the rinovirus (the common cold).

It is a "contagion boogieman", and it worries me what they are doing to the stock market!


I think the market will be fine and will bounce back like stronger than ever. That's my official prediction based on real numbers. lol.

It is undervalued, because of their profit taking (aka stock theft), so it will bounce back; and they will steal a fortune!


Yes, it will bounce back on it's way to 100,000! lol.

The theft occurs at the bottom....


I didn’t even know what SARS was, so that should say something. I myself am quite tired of all the media on this virus. Can we just move on already? This is what happens when people have a fear of the world instead of the fear of God, don’t you agree?

You are Spot on, as usual! I just got back from delivering food to a church Lady with no car, because they stopped the bus lines.

Reasonable caution is enough, and the full knowledge that GOD is in control! I have caught flack over feeding these homeless, like letting them starve is acceptable!!! So GOD will just need to protect my people when we feed next Sunday. He has kept us safe from lightning for years already....

I just can't let them starve!


Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
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Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Thanks for the upvote! We need to be careful, but not fearful.


not denying your results here but I am just curious as to where these stats come from... if you can remember that is.

They came from a news agency called OAN (One American News). I found them on youtube, but they are published elsewhere too. Some interesting news stories....

The WHO worries me because they seem to be unsure of what is best...THEY should Know!


you are wrong... you don't understand that's its a man made unarmed bioweapon... understand the role of ACE2 in lungs and the HIV proteins surface of the virus.

you will note they reanamed it from ncov to to covid... i guess to flaut the tags in various social medias... maybe wuhan virus is more catchy... but ncov2019-0.1 reflect that 0.2... and then 1.0 the armed...

in reality it's maybe XXXX.0.954 It's like software, unless it takes it's own life in hands... like said in jurassic park one with the eggs outdoors...

It was 'weaponized', Badly, by the Chinese. The were able to increase the incubation period by over a week. This is insidious because the weapon will not even be an obvious weapon that way. You can attack an enemy so subtly that you can deny the attack.

We have seen what damage can occur from the simple threat of infection....

Right now they are raiding everyone's retirement accounts, and NO one is even paying attention!

BTW, today the current drug sold under the name of 'Z Pack" has been tested to be 100% effective against the Covid 19 virus.

Who knows maybe it will cure the common cold too.

I will keep my schedules, and get what I want done. I work mostly online, and on the homestead, so this won't affect me much, I still have to work.

When this is done, deaths will be a forth of the expected number, and 401K's will be worth a third of what they were worth last month!


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