"No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God remains in us and his love has been perfected in us."

in #palnet5 years ago

"No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God remains in us and his love has been perfected in us."

Consider the phrase No one has ever seen God. Some question this statement, pointing to Biblical examples of those who claim to have seen God. Of course, Adam was the first to see him, then we have the case of Moses, who spoke to God face to face, when he was hiding in the cleft of a rock when God passed by. Also the prophet Isaiah said in 6: 1, I saw the Lord sitting on a high and sublime throne. We also find that Ezekiel had visions of God, and that the Lord appeared to Daniel and others. However, we can also read that John said in his own gospel, in chapter 1, verse 18: No one has ever seen God; the only begotten son who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made him known, that is, that He explained it, interpreted it before human beings. When God appeared to people in the Old Testament, they didn't see God, because He is a Spirit and that's the way we worship Him. Those people saw what is known as a theophany. That is, God manifested himself in some way before such people, but He did not reveal Himself in all its fullness. This is why John said in His epistle, even after the Lord Jesus had returned to heaven: No one has ever seen God. And in his Gospel, in 14: 9, we see that the Lord said to Philip: He who has seen me has seen the Father. But how did they see you? They saw him as veiled, in a human body, to such an extent that the crowds did not recognize him. He grew up to be an adult back in Nazareth, hidden by the veil of his humanity, so they did not know that He was the Son of God. So no one saw God in all His fullness, and this statement includes modern times.


The important thing that John wanted to emphasize here was that no one had ever seen God, but God today can manifest Himself through believers, who love each other. Since the world at large is not seeing Jesus as He is presented in the Word of God, the only way for people to know the love of God is through believers, who represent Him on earth. None of us knew the love of God until God showed it to us on the cross when Christ died, and He makes it real for us through the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul said in Romans 5: 5, the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. And a little later, in verse 8 he wrote: 8But God shows his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Christ died for us. It is still true that there is no one who seeks God. (Romans 3:11). Thus it was that God has come to seek men, and He came more than 2,000 years ago, manifesting Himself in the Lord Jesus Christ. And all I know about God is what I know in the person of Christ. I don't know how God feels about certain things. I don't know what he thinks about some matters, but when I follow the Lord Jesus and listen to him, I can know what God is thinking, I can feel God's heartbeat and I know how He feels at a funeral, because the Bible in John 11:35 tells us that Jesus wept. I know how He feels about children, because He took them in His arms and blessed them. And I know these details because the Lord came and showed us what God is like.

Now, how is this evil world in which we live going to know God? Unfortunately, there are too many believers who are trying to please the world instead of preaching to the world. We are concerned with what the world thinks of us, but what is important is what the world thinks of Jesus. What do people think of those of us who fulfill the function of representing him? Someone has put it this way: "At the age of 20, we don't care what the world thinks of us. At the age of 30, we worry about what the world may be thinking of us. age of 40 we discovered that he is not thinking of us at all. " And this is close to reality. We today must bear witness to the world. And how are we going to do it? Spreading the Word of God? Yes, this work is extremely important. But the world is hungry for love and does not truly know what love is. People have different ways of differentiating the types of human love and many even identify it with sex. But they know nothing about the love of God. They don't know how magnificent and extraordinary God is, but He can manifest Himself in us.

And verse 12 ends by saying and his love has been perfected in us. His love is being developed in us. Experience growth within us. But the world is not seeing enough of this love, and yet it has seen it in the lives of so many believers


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