What Im watching this Evening
Im constantly watching documentations with some spliffs in the evenings, but I never share onchain what I watch and I think that I should start to.
I usually on mobile data as I have no contracts for internet or anything else in life, and usually in places with not so quick signal strength. Since a few years or so, I use Tubemate to just download the video to be efficient with data, and anyway I have no youtube account etc.
A screen shot of previous downloads
Im waiting for a Joe Rogan interview featuring Russel brand, and I got internet from the libary next door 🤣. 3 hours long of hearing more things to support the facts of the stuff joe public dont ever want to talk about - 'The elephant stood in the lounge' type of stuff, keeps me sain.
Joe Rogan
Has interviewed many people, and is also a truth seeker plus a professional fighter, so he is a busy man. I have only watched a dozen of his shows, so not many, and this one I am looking forward to hear what mr Brand has to say 😀