Foot, meet mouth
You might know Ben Shapiro from some of his viral videos. He's the guy that "owns the libs" everytime he goes to campuses, and pretty much made his fame by debating uninformed college students. I won't lie and say that all his arguments are bad, but I would never call him a member of the intelligentsia as he claims to be.
Do you remember?
He's been recently putting his foot in his mouth with such skill, it's become one of my favorite things of the day. To find someone letting him know how inconsistent he can be, and how much he loves to "own himself". As you might imagine, he's got a legion of fans too, so it's a dangerous occupation to let him know how inconsistent he truly is, but there's a few brave soldiers that don't mind the e-mob.

A big pet peeve of mine has to be political posturing, and you could say that is one of Shapiro's X-men powers. It might even be his only one, that is if we discard speaking fast while making unbacked claims, plowing through a conversation without letting the other person address any point being made.
At any rate, I hope you find these two tweets to be as entertaining as I did.
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WTF no drama for me WAYYYYYYY to gooooooooo
Nu pfone. Who dis?
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someone who makes DRAMA MOFO!!!!!
Sorry got to disagree with you on Shapiro whether you like him or not if ypu watch his actual debates and discussions he backs his arguement's with statistics and checkable data. In terms of the lib crushed idea that is just from clips on Youtube. "Uninformed College Students" are pushed ideas everyday by their professors and often they dont back their views up. I know it has happened to me. I find the characterization of his not letting the other side talk as wrong because at his fill events if you would see the whole thing he allows people to ask more and more while addressing them politely. Sharp contrast to when "Uninformed College stidents" basically riot so he CAN'T express his views. Gonna have to go with no on this one bro. Thanks for the thought though.
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oh listen, the liberal kids who are anti-speech are a horrible problem. I'm a free speech absolutist. If you see my conversation with bearbear on this post, is pretty much the main point im trying to make here.
I understand brother was just stating when view in the scope of a whole event Shipiro actually takes time to site sources and converse. The way your post was delivered it basically turned him into a guy that rushes information with no backing at those that have no clue and that's plain wrong. In honesty if you want free speech Shipiro is what you want on either side. He is open on his views but will entertain other points and express why he disagrees. Not liking a person or what he say is fine but we must all strive to realize that those willing to have discussions are solutions not problems. Too often you have places like The Young Turks on YouTube that put out a ton of false data thats not backed up and gets a pass on it. Additionally they are not willing to go head to head with those that disagree without become disruptive and ending in slurs. Just what I have seen. Appreciate your view man.
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Oh, the TYT is mostly garbage imo. It's literal race baiting 24/7 - I can't watch them anymore.
Gotta give it to Ben Shapiro. Even after that diva fit on BBC he still manages to get out of bed everyday and shill his book with no shame.
Wow! Now that's some awesome shit right there, lol.
I think this is better than the BBC smackdown... well it's close. It was fun to watch him throw a tantrum and try to extricate himself from that interview.
Personally, I can't stand that guy and I agree with your call that fast talking and not letting others speak is his tired schtick, and then doing self-congratulatory victory laps aka "DESTROYS (insert name)".
His latest stance, crying that we need to bomb Iran, is just cementing his place as a tool of empire though.
I think I'm going to start to follow him on Twitter so I can watch this train wreck in real time... lol. Thanks for the idea!
The BBC interview really exposed his character. He won't live that one down.
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I don’t find this very illuminating, but it is kinda funny. The book uses the phrase but that’s not what the book is about. It has an interesting thesis.
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Excellent review @meno and I also hope that these messages will be interesting, Lol
Trolls gotta troll. He would be working in a comic book shop if he hadn’t built himself a soap box to stand on and marketed himself on the internet.
He does realize that ‘right’ can also mean more than just morally correct right? (See what I did there;)
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maybe the premis of the book is that there is no right side of history?
I'm not seeing what you seem to be seeing with your screen capture.
he first bashes the very idea of "the right side of history" calling the one who used it (a journalist) an idiot for using it...
then a few years later, he writes a book about the phrase itself, so not only does he embrace the notion of the right side of history, but he makes it a core principle of his political philosophy... it's not only ironic, it's hilarious.
Did you read the book? Is that what is really happening? I'm just wondering if you are jumping to conclusion.
I think you are not understanding his characterization of "right" - he is not referring to right as a political right, he's using it as a replacement for "the good side, the correct, the moral".
He mocks the notion that someone could deal in absolutes. Because he's a theist, he even goes as far as to say that Absolute good can only be defined by a God. So, he mocks the lack of humility from someone who is grandstanding by using the phrase.
A few years later, he writes a book about the phrase, as I said, and that he knows the correct and moral things. He is trying to fight history revisionists (which I agree that we ought to do so) but declares himself to be on the "right side of history" (again meaning the correct one).
As far as me reading the book, I've read excerpts, so I know the content of it, at least in a general sense. However, my point here is not nullified by some nuance you can find on chapter 3 or something of the sort.
Grandstanding is stupid, Judgement is for God alone.
Look I wrote a book judging everyone who got it wrong.
Foot in the mouth.
He may very well be 100% accurate on his book mind you, my critique is not of the content of the book itself. If you want to harp on that, don't bother. My critique is on what I've tried to simplify in two points.
You're upping the drama to new levels! Have a DRAMA.
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go to it speech of freedom, we are free like birds