Oooooohhhh Pretties!

in #palnet5 years ago

Heya #STEEMfam & #PALfam ;) I've been busy with the #growfoodnotlawns part of the garden for the last week, and meanwhile the wildflowers on the land have gone...well...WILD!



Let's Indulge in Some Beauty...


I walked around this morning to capture these sweet, 6 petal white flowers. (You'll notice I don't know the names of anything, except the lupins.) So these sweet, 6 petal flowers only open when the sun gets way up in the sky :)


Beginning to open.

A couple hours later...


The area they grow in is dappled/shaded for most of the day. I love shady flowers!


More Shady Flowers




Fun in the Sun


As of this morning that's how many lupins I can see from this angle looking at the front yarden. In among them are lettuces, peas, corn, beans. I like having both, wild flowers and food. Every year all of these flowers come back on their own. A lot of the flowers I started here (the black eyed susans, giant poppies and cosmos) keep coming back without any effort on my part besides weeding and thinning in the spring.

Pretties From the Last Few Weeks that I Haven't Shared Yet


I've just been soaking it alllll in. Hope you Enjoy...





Apple Time!



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Looking out the window makes happy.



Or just sleeping by it, like the Mighty Greyseaux!


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I Have a Couple Last Pretties to Share...


Being outside is instant peace, everywhere is beauty. I am blessed to live here.


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Lilac floating in the sky.


yeah i cant wait to get out there its also my favorite place and ive been out west at least a dozen times but it cant touch nova scotia or prince edward island

Flowsies, Guitars, and Cats. All my favorite ingredients.

Awww Flowsies hahaa :) YAY!!! Nice catch on the fiddles too. Thank you for stopping by Onno.

Thanks for sharing the beauty of your world. <3 Love those flowers! Your yarden must smell heavenly.
Grayseauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuux! :D

When the apple trees were in bloom, and then the lilac bloomed, together was pretty heavenly indeed...I wait all year for this! The roses are coming next...

Right on!!

Lupins are the new flowers my little one picked out to plant this year. My problem is I don’t know them and what their first sprouts look like. That and the fact I have no idea where she planted them. I think there are some in the veggie garden but I suppose I will find out sooner or later.

Are they perennial or do they have seed pods (like nasturtiums?) so you can plant them again next year without having to buy more?

Posted using Partiko iOS

If you live in a warm climate you may get the lupin to grow by planting the seeds in the spring. Here in Canada we have to plant the seeds in the fall. It's really easy, just scatter them around and put only a thin layer of dirt over. They thrive in poor soil. They are abundant up and down the sides of ditches around here.

It's a perennial, but I've read it's got a 3 year life. It scatters its seeds really well. The pod almost looks like a pea pod, once it dries you can pick it and save the seeds, or just let nature do it.

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The seedling is pretty easily recognizable from common weeds:

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(Those are not my photos) I wish you the best of luck @zekepickleman, and I hope you and your daughter find a few lupin seedlings around soon!

Wow good to know! Central hosers like me should plant the seeds in the fall. I took that picture and found a couple in the garden so i might be in luck. Can’t drop pics in @partiko just yet but I threw up a shot on my weds walk post.

Thanks for the help! The blockchain taught me!

Posted using Partiko iOS

When the flowers have gone wild , but they were so beautiful, you probably did everything right.

Thank you @siphon, I forgot to mention in the post, that my chickens help a lot. All fall and winter they free range over the land, spreading seed, tilling the earth gently, and of course adding manure!

Superb photos, lovely place to live.

Ain't Spring flowers wonderful/ I grow more weeds in my garden then vegetables.. ha ha but some of them weeds are pretty... :-)

Weeds are pretty, but a line must be drawn. Unfortunately.

I love all the pretty flowers! 😍💐💐💐💕

Thank you beauty, have you been feasting on strawberries?!!

Lol. I just got done picking for today!
It's starting to slow down now. Thank god because I don't know how many more strawberry recipes I can come up with. 😂 I made a big batch of ice cream yesterday. Might just keep doing that until they're all gone. I'm not doing strawberries again next year. 🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Lovvvve all the flowers! These are great. Summer is amazing!! Gosh i cant wait to plant lupin seeds. day. Hugs! Keep smilin' girl ❤

Just throw the lupin seeds around in the fall, before the ground hardens the first time. Put a little dirt over em, like a teensy tiny bit, and you'll have some surprises in the spring!!

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