Challenge Accepted - Art Explosion - Introduce Yourself
A smile can hide a broken heart. A smile can change the tone of a request. A smile can imply, leave an impression, and often times it does exactly that. Often judged for height, smile, and ethnic background, but it doesn't tell you the whole story.
This is me. Kubby Elizabeth. College Education. 27 Years of Age. Two Languages.
Nicknames, last names, real names, often change and become a filter through which we see ourselves and require others to see us. Does this information peel back the layers or add to it? Does my name, my voice, my interest add value? Does beauty uphold a different standard? Does it increase with interest? Does it create a shadow?

Do words alone introduce a person?
A character can hide intentions. A character can change with experience. A character can alter, be tested, be an example and often times it does exactly that. Often judged for actions, rationed words, and an example, but it doesn't tell you the whole story.
This is me. 176 CM Tall. Curly Hair. Medium Length. Devout Christian.
History, legacy, preference, often change and become the filter through which we see ourselves and require others to see us. Like a smile, do these filters peel back the layers or add to it? Dose color, stickers, effects add value? Does it uphold a new standard of beauty? Does it increase one's interest? Or does it cloud ones' judgment?

Do images alone introduce a person?
Language can hide a culture. Language can change with location. Language can be learned, be developed, be a tool and often times it is used for exactly that. Often judged for expression in writing, development in accent, and sound, but it doesn't tell you the whole story.
This is me. Born in North America. Disciplined in Finances. Influenced by Latin Cultured.
Makeup, clothes, religion, often changes and becomes a filter through which we express an identity. Family, friends, and self-awareness, do they peel back the layers or add to it? Does faith, ambition, failure, love add value? Does it uphold a set of beautiful? Does it increase one's interest? Does it cloud ones' judgment?
This is my Art EXPLOSION Entry
Small steps before a jump. Giant leaps before a swing!
Thanks for reading, upvoting, and commenting!
Love always,

That last filter almost looks like it tried to turn things into wood or something. Looks like something my grandfather would have carved.
Not my kind of challenge but it looks like you had a blast.
It was fun to make this post, are you participating in another challenge?
Posted using Partiko iOS
Just the usual self-challenge of trying grow out social media accounts. That counts right? Hehe.
Of course it does!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I am really falling in love with those art works
Are you going to be entering the contest?
Errmagherds Kubby entered!!!!!!!!! Awesome work :) don't forget to leave a link in the contest comment section so we can find it later!
This was a wonderful post. Great creativity here, really person. Love the images.
Thank you so much, Julia hosting this contest has one every week. You should join.
I forgot to mention my medium. I used several random free art sites to blend and add effects. :)
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