New York Post Disgraces Itself With 'Last Living Relative of Hitler' Story

The Mirror reports that Hitler's "last living relative" is a pedophile.
A man who claims to be the last remaining relative of Adolf Hitler has been convicted of paedophilia after kissing a 13-year-old girl.And he's clearly swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool, judging by his photo.Romano-Lukas Hitler claims to be the only man alive bearing the name of the murderous Nazi leader and claims to be related to the Fuhrer through Hitler's father Alois.
Romano-Lukas, from the East German city of Goerlitz, says that Alois had a younger brother, and that the grandson of the younger brother who fled to Slovakia after the war was his dad.
But now the 69-year-old Hitler has been convicted of a sex attack on a child, known only as Ania.
Prosecutors took the case to court after a complaint by the girl's father.
But that's not the photo the New York Post decided to go with. This is:
That's right. The one in which this mentally ill piece of Scheisse is wearing a yarmulke.
Shame on the New York Post. That's all I've got to say about this.
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