The ecoTrain Question Of The Week Tie Up Post : THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND

in #palnet5 years ago

"The Unconscious Mind"

This week we have delved deep into the world of the mind. You have all offered so many insightful posts. It was good to see a few esoteric posts as well, helping us to understand the mind and its role in our greater journey. There were also some great tips and advice about how to keep our minds in a healthy condition, and it was great to see a post on meditation among the mix.

If we can only understand our minds, and all the facets of our mental processes, we can understand ourselves better. WE make decisions every moment, often based on unconscious interventions that we may or may not be aware of. When these decisions are based on a fear or protection due to trauma or past experience, we can end up limiting ourselves in so many ways. If we can look at our actions and thoughts from a high perspective, we can learn to see our denials and shadows without judgement, and understand where they came from and the ways in which they affect our perspective and actions. Therefore, to be able to understand our unconscious mind we need only to watch our thoughts and actions and inquire.

Thank you to all who took part! IT was a deep question this week and Im happy to see so many of you joined in.

<3 Watch our for the next QOTW coming very soon!


In modern medicine, the brain-mind-body connection regarding diseases is rarely brought into play. And although medical doctors will recognize that stress or depression, for instance, can add to an existing issue like a stomach ulcer or gallstones, I yet have to find a doctor that will treat the underlying issues before they will treat the symptoms.

In the 'older' types of medicine, like traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, as well as some psychotherapies like hypnosis, they have recognized the brain-mind-body connection for many years. In hypnotherapy, among others, we differentiate between three layers of the mind.


The Things That Bubble Up From The Unconcious Mind: Making Sense of Wounds

And what do you see now?

I'm in my bedroom, and I'm 16 years old. On the right side are the windows and the bookshelf and I'm playing PJ Harvey. To bring me your love – she howls and screams and I am so lonely, so lonely. I'm conscious of Mum in the kitchen, cooking us a meal – we'll sit together and eat and I'm conscious that I am loved. But I'm so alone. Today someone handed around a pack of 24 photographs, printed at the pharmacist. It is full of smiling girls and I sifted through them and there I was, in one photo only, an accidental snapshot. To the left are a conspiracy of girls, poorly but perfectly framed, at least in the way my brain is making sense of how it was, back then – there I am, an outside, eating my sandwich on the periphery, trying to figure out how I can fit in. Feeling devastated when I think I am, but realising it is always betrayal. That's the way teenage girls are. They pull and push you, promise and poke you, undo you. Oh you smiling girl, I think, where did you go?


What is consciousness? We believe it to be the biggest differentiating factor between mankind and the other species of this planet. This weeks @ecotrain Question of the Week, attempts to take a closer look at the deep levels of the mind and our consciousness versus our unconsciousness.

The fact that we are aware of ourselves, separate yet collectively bound together, is a pretty powerful understanding. We are beginning to realize that we are tied together as a conscious energy. We are also aware of each other physically. We also have individual thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. We can argue that isn't the case for most species on earth. That is what makes humankind so unique compared to our other companions of earth. We can think interdependently of each other, yet also for our own collective.


Of the Unconscious Mind and Namarupa - Rūpa (Mind) and Nāma (Matter)

Such an interesting and deep subject! The unconscious mind, besides dealing with all the daily functions to keep us alive, it will act as a filter for all the gazillion things that would be bombarding us. Because reality is so complicated and complex beyond comprehension it can be overwhelming. To prevent this, the mind will attempt to simplify things and screen out all the complexity, leaving you to focus on doing the one thing you are attempting to do.

The mind is trying to figure out what can be ignored. That's where all your past conditioning, all the other background information, all the connections and circuitry of your developed brain come into play. Things that are apart of your unconscious mind will decide what to bring forward for the conscious mind.



An interesting topic for this week by eco train which may look like everyone can attempt to say something about. But the fact is that it is one of the most complicated subject Probably since the evelution of mankind.

What is mind, that itself is confusing, Any scientist, or doctors have found out what exactly is, I believe not. That itself is the testimony that it is a futile attempt to describe anything about mind. But it is also a fact that this was a topic of serious discussion and investigation since vedic period. just to make.


THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND! Which let us to be conscious!!

Hello Wonderful Readers!

Hope you are doing great!!

Our unconscious mind is the base of our body and mind. It runs our body, communicates through emotion and symbols, stores and organizes memories and so on. Without it we will not be able to take care of every single activities of our body and mind. You may wonder what I am talking about!

Let me explain!

For me unconscious mind is the thing which let us process different activity automatically without active awareness. Like our feeling, memories ie.

Neurologists says that 95% of our brain activity is beyond our consciousness. You may notice it how it reminds us a thing all of a sudden by seeing something similar or without any clue actually.


When I was growing up, birth was depicted as being a very dramatic and painful medical experience. No one ever talked about it willingly and the only real insight I had was from the television. That vision of a woman screaming in pain, threatening to kill her partner for getting her pregnant in the first place. These images where tucked away in my unconscious mind along with all the other insights I received when I was a child.


Mind your mind! No no, I am serious. Mind your mind because it is a reservoir, a mystical place, an infinite maze of immense, of confusions, of emotions, of knowledge, of unknown. Mind is a mysterious master. Mind it.


This week @ecotrain prompted us to dive into greater depths than what we're normally familiar with. In fact, the QOTW is asking us to explore what we actually.

For being mostly hidden from us, the unconscious makes up a huge part of our mind. This is why it's often compared to an iceberg, floating mostly under the sea, or an ice cube in your kombucha, with only its top sticking out a bit. Although we're not aware of it, its functions are essential to our life, shaping all our experiences, filtering our memories, and ultimately being responsible for how the world appears to us. That is not just a lot, it could almost be said it is everything... well, almost. But let's take these step by step.


Unconscious Mind Trickery

This is for the ecotrain question of the week about what the unconscious mind is and what it does.

Last summer I left yet another long term relationship. He's the father of my two youngest children. We were together for roughly 7.5 years. I really can't begin to describe how positive this decision was. I'm so much happier, so much freer. The relationship was super toxic.


4 surPRIZE Awards For the ecoTrain QOTW: Poem on Hope Tie Up


How do you know when it is time to give up on something?

Is the Death penalty the epitome of hypocrisy? Does an 'eye for an eye' have a place in the modern age, and what kind of message does this send to society?

Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make our rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion I''m just doing my job' ethical?

What rituals do you have, and why are they important to you?

What lessons will you take with you for your potential next life if you die tomorrow?

Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else?

Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

What was one of the happiest times in your life and what made is special?

Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?

Are women who dress provocatively responsible for unwanted attention, or should men learn to control themselves?

If there is a God, why do so many bad things happen?

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And what a great week it was ... very much enjoyed these!

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The really great thing about QOTW is even when you don't get around to posting, you're THINKING about the topic all week and considering the issue. I really liked that. Enjoying and appreciating all the contributions, and the TRAIN DRIVER for preparing the tie up post during a challenging week.

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Awesome collection of juiciness here. I enjoyed the different perspectives. Xoxo

Posted using Partiko Android

Loved the post that came from your question on the unconscious mind!
Thanks for including my post in the tie up post!
Looking forward to the next @ecotrain question of the week.

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