how to waste time for nothing : write stuff :)

in #palnet5 years ago
anything interesting ?



something for the spirit of collaboration i heard so much about although if i had to put a fiver on it and gues id say this would get more clicks here

Is pluralistic ignorance actually an article on P.C. / lets give bias to women disguising itself as a psychology study OR ...
how graphene will replace plastic in five years how many years ago did i hear about this vertical thing ? ... timeframes about the time it takes between announcing something, the first actual set of changes to be had in practical form and then the time between that and actual execution ... being kiplings cat i only have a figurative nine lives, precious, and i think i used up at least eight, im still debating with myself if im still alive or just a ghost trapped in a loop of endless repetition cos i keep hearing and seeing and experiencing the same shit
different day

if life stood still , but time went by, then life went backward really
(if you cant find the guy credit it to me then)

They say in Narnia the question goes : does blockchain imitate life or does life revers itself into a sequence where no data can be lost over time ? The speculation has ofcourse led to a new incident with the believers and the believers in not on which one of them gets to prove that actually they have no way of knowing or dis-proving either

I used to look up to the sky a lot but they put streetlights everywhere because of rapists in the ditches and moats after dark (i wonder what those people do in all those little streets and paths where no one hardly comes by day ... i hope they brought lunch, might be a while before a hapless victim happens by) ... but hell, i wanted to be an astronaut as a toddler too ... the trick to hell

is false hope and very , very gradual decline . Despite that an no matter what , the avalanche has started it is too late for the pebbles to vote ,

Hell or not : sales is all about giving them what they want ...


you say ?

at about what $1 per page ? a stephen king sized novel maybe, for your entertainment and to save the whale from ruining its own puddle by pissing in it all the time and giving not too much back into it ... ? or WHAT ?

time's up ... and wasted

that guy ?

if he can tell me honestly what the hidden agenda is and whats in it for him ill stop calling him the crook for a week

wether its him or another or a chinese or another company that comes to wreck the three webshops who wrecked the whole retail in the country for not being able to follow up in the end wont make much difference to the growing amount of beggars in the streets ... North Korea might see exports increase though afterwards ahem

If you see me smile, think of it as you at work with clients ... if you see me be polite, think of it as less hassle than letting hellfire and vitriol spill out all over earth ...


don't ... i can speculate but i wont : see :

i dont see what's hard about my p.o.v. : if nothing changes THEN nothing happens ... i was like awake for a sec cos i thought shit was happening after years of stalemate in a stale pond and its not, so its NOT interesting (to me ...) fairy tales for the believers ... speculation has no foundations if you made me guess id say someone takes either 500 replies for proof that 1.3 million accounts are fill in the dots yourself OR the three people making money other than STINC (as it got dubbed over time) have put a foot down and said "if you do that then we are out" and someone actually cared ... could a put up another 100 mille and bought all of them ... thats speculation and guttertrash like me has no idea on how high-level business works SO ... don't ... its not interesting since nothing happens since nothing changes , its not very hard to see what i mean
BUT ITS THE WAY YOU SAY IT i know weve been over that 5000 times or more ... je m'en fous, yea ? i just wanna see the money go up the rest is clearly, after three years, utter crud, smoke, mirrors and hot air and a very few people steering the whole thing and calling it de-centralized , i said DONT

get me started :D im not interested

it feels, after the 48hours bump , selloff and bru-ha :

1 )

  1. boring


  1. if it gets the money up i am not complaining, seeing is believing , fairy tales for the believers ... hm i went WAY over my time-budget for steemit this week with all this but im glad i wont have to

since nothing changes (lol)

i know .. peculiar sense of humour

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