RE: Winged Shadows and Red Petals, Haiku, Red and Monochrome Monday @old-guy-photos
OK, disregard my last comment in the newest post. You've already done it. But these are way cool. I think the best is either 'Shadowy Ghost Figure Holding Up Goose To See Over Fence With One Longer, Bristly Arm Outstretched', or 'Chunky Pigeon, Sliding Down Steep Hill Toward Shadowy Pelican, and Onto Bed Of Thin and Wiggly Barrel Cacti'. But I can't be sure. Love the post, so much going on in color and BW. You are very creative for sure. The hot and cold was amazing, and not just because my first Haiku read said something like Blue freezya pig. I often wonder what my brain is doing up there, sometimes...
I like your original much better, it matches the photo, and actually makes sense. And I enjoy your multiple 'layer' posts. Always so very creative and enjoyable. Keep up the great works, and Cheers.
Haha. You should definitely be in the business of naming artwork. I got a real kick out of this comment. I think you are the first one to notice my left-field attempt to tie it all together.
Blue Freezya Pigs for everyone:):):)
I can relate to the left handed stuff going on by like a flash of clueless light. My last post, the 28 Minute Freewrite on Plaid, was supposed to be a joke. As I mis-spelled Played as Plaid and blamed it on my mother. No one got it, probably just thought I don't have a dictionary by my desk and felt bad for me. Oh well, a guy's gotta try what a guy's gotta try.
Maybe there is a great living in naming other people's art. Then again...
As the shoemaker writes...As awlways,
Yours in the Frozen Blue Piglet, DD
Nah ... I noticed. LOL. I figured it was meant to be played and spell check had done a number on you. I was going to tell you and then forgot to when I got to the end of the piece. Sorry ... what was my name again:):):)
Why thank you, um....Bethany. Yeah, it might have been a bit dorky. Even with the last little bit, it didn't exactly fly. Oh well, sometimes you catch the fish, sometimes the fish catches you. ( I don't think that's how that goes, but it's about time for bed...) I appreciate the thought though. I'm always up for help when something goes sideways awry.
I will keep that in mind. George:)