Dear Diary: I Hadn't Gotten Enough Sleep Last Night And Will Just Compensate For It This Evening
Last night I did slept but I woke up midnight and just decided again to make myself productive and at least earn some extra in the PALnet-MSP Discord channel. But things had gotten entertaining and because of that I wasn't able to come back with my sleep.
Past 5:00 AM I am offered by my mother to eat my breakfast and so I did eat believing that it can help me with my blood pressure because at 9:00 AM I will get hooked up for my dialysis. So before 7:00 AM I am already eaten, bathed, and clothed.
It was raining today too but it was intermittent and it was already raining lightly when they wheeled me outside so we can head back out home. At dialysis my BP went very low which made my nurses pump Sodium solution to my body so that the blood pressure can raise up.
But my BP had began to go down on the second hour after being hooked up. At the beginning of the fourth hour I could not endure it anymore as my vision is already dimming out and my neck is hurting already which is a sign of crashing BP.
I cannot really handle that situation lest I risk myself from shock. So again the nurses had made some corrections just to chase my BP back up. The blood pressure is easily corrected by infusing Saline Solution (NSS) but they also set for the machine to by-pass further fluid drawing plus setting the blood pump into lower speeds.
I wasn't also able to eat well because I was so sleepy but I couldn't sleep much because of the noise in the dialysis center. The sleepiness affected my appetite maybe so I just had ate half of the rice that my mother bought for me.
I might sleep later this evening to compensate for my brain's need to rest but I am thankful today that I was also able to get a dialysis treatment for my blood cleaning.
You are really strong old friend.
Yes, catch up on the lost sleep tonight :)