I have a similar opinion of the guy. It's one thing to say, "as uncomfortable as it is, xyz has lead me to believe that race and IQ are linked" then hearing and ACTUALLY considering information to the contrary and counter arguments. But he has a habit of coming to a conclusion and that's that....
it's also completely incompatible to believe in self governance, in individualism and merit, and hold beliefs that paint people, based on skin color, as a monolith for intellectual potential.
He's become a parody of himself.
He really has! Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he start flip floping between being anti state and a big advocate of trump?
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he's a full blown trumpist statist these days... i don't know how he justifies betraying his own credo.
Governments suck... Trump is a great president...
That's what I thought. I wasn't sure. I quit keeping up with him when he started contradicting himself and wouldn't even acknowledge anyone who bothered pointing it out to him.
Maybe he's having some sort of mid life crisis. Idk.
Perhaps he just found a president whom he can relate to. Birds of a feather and all that, you know.
Ha! Yea... Could be.