Goat painted in oil

in #painting6 years ago

Cabra pintada en oleo

oil on panel 20x25 cm - 8x10 inches

This is a very old animal species. The mountain goat has been a species that has been hunted since the dawn of primitive times, as attested by the numerous goat hunting scenes that represent cave paintings. The habits of the species are mainly diurnal and crepuscular. In summer, it spends the central hours of the day resting and taking shelter from the sun. He has a very developed sense of smell, sight and hearing. Although it is an animal usually very suspicious of man, in areas such as Gredos or Sierra Nevada, have become accustomed to human presence and easily approach hikers. It moves easily through the rocky walls of incredible verticality, thanks to the peculiarity of its hooves, whose internal surface is non-slip, which prevents slips, while the tips of the hooves, which also lack interdigital fold, are very hard and sharp, so they can hold on to the rocks. The mountain goat is essentially phytophagous, eats all kinds of plant foods, and in winter and times of scarcity, even bark and branches. Shows great appetite for salt. Normally they do not have any need to drink water, being enough with the one of the plants and the dew, even though it has been verified that after great efforts like escapes, they approach the water to water.

  • Esta es una especie animal muy antigua. La cabra montés ha sido una especie que se ha cazado desde los albores de los tiempos primitivos, como lo atestiguan las numerosas escenas de caza de cabras que representan pinturas rupestres.Los hábitos de la especie son fundamentalmente diurnos y crepusculares. En verano pasa las horas centrales del día descansando y refugiándose del sol. Tiene el olfato, vista y oído muy desarrollado. Aunque se trata de un animal por lo general muy desconfiado del hombre, en zonas como Gredos o Sierra Nevada, se han habituado a la presencia humana y se aproximan con facilidad a los excursionistas. Se mueve con facilidad por las paredes rocosas de increíble verticalidad, gracias a la peculiaridad de sus pezuñas, cuya superficie interna es antideslizante, lo que le evita los resbalones, mientras que las puntas de las pezuñas, que además carecen de pliegue interdigital, son muy duras y agudas, por lo que pueden agarrarse a las rocas. La cabra montés es esencialmente fitófaga, come todo tipo de alimentos vegetales, y en invierno y época de escasez, incluso cortezas y ramas. Muestra gran apetencia por la sal. Normalmente no tienen necesidades de beber agua, bastándole con la de las plantas y el rocío, aun cuando se ha comprobado que tras grandes esfuerzos como huidas, se acercan al agua a abrevar.

Thank you very much for watching my artwoks !!!!

Mi website: http://normazaro.com/


He looks like a friendly goat hahaha :D Wonderful colours, @normazaro! Seems like he is caught in that beautiful dramatic lighting of a dark golden afternoon :) Gorgeous~

This post has received a 7.19 % upvote from @boomerang.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

I can imagine it jumping from one rock to another in the Swiss Alps. It is a lovely painting. The colors make its fur looking real. And it feels like it was looking at me :) Lovely painting.

Thank you for sharing!

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