
It does wake one up and remind us that we are alive. :) I’d argue with you that it’s always physical diet. Often shitty diets are exacerbating inflammation causing pain, yes. but I have friends who have the world’s most physically pristine diet, and yet are in a great deal of physical and emotional pain based on their mental stories that are stuck in. Sometimes I suppose it’s our mental diet causing the pain

Yes, mental and emotional play their roles as well. The next time these thoughts or emotions come into play "release" them as they aren't serving in a good way. Forgiveness is not about the other person it's about one's self. Were all here to learn, experience and move on. Dwelling on the past or future messes up our short films we are here to create in the "now." For me though diet is huge within this realm. Do your friends eat any meats? Very acidic to the body. We also have to be careful of anything we "use" such as skin care products, toothpaste, etc as it too enters the body. Navigating these things is a pain in the ass as our society and keepers either don't get it with the products they offer or get it very well and it's all here by design? Either way easier said than done right? A constant battle for me as well but I'm in a good state these days...........

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