Bad Beat Candidate #1: “Just Beat It, Hoodish” BBOTW #5 (7/1 – 7/7)
Bad Beat of The Week Candidate #1 (7/1 – 7/7): Is This Worth the 2 SBD Weekly Prize?

The Hand
Submitter: @michaelluchies (Hoodish
Loser(s): @michaelluchies (Hoodish)
Hand Breakdown: Late in the @ro-witness freeroll, Hoodish pushes all-in in the small blind with A9. @coinbelly considers his options as the short stack and then calls with the worst hand in all of poker – 27. After the flop comes 86A, Hoodish is a 94.55% favorite. Even after a 7 falls on the turn, Hoodish remains a 89% favorite. That changes as a second 7 hits on the river, giving @coinbelly trips and the unlikely win.
Voting Begins Sunday
Is this the Bad Beat of The Week? If you think so, vote on Sunday for “Candidate #1.”
Bad Beat of The Week
The Bad Beat of The Week awards a 2 SBD prize for the loser of the hand AND 1 SBD for the person who first submits the winning screenshot and information about the hand (simply how it played out) to @Michaelluchies on Discord. If multiple people lost in the bad beat hand, the winner of the prize will be the player who started with the best hand pre-flop.
BBOTW candidates will be published during the week. The winner will be determined by a final vote (votes * payout) each Sunday.
How Can I Win?
Just play and be on the lookout for bad beats. The BBOTW can happen in cash games (ring games) or in tournaments. The higher the stakes, the more consideration a beat will get.
Other Rules
Maximum payout to one player for a BBOTD is 2 SBD, meaning you cannot win for both submitting and being the recipient of the BBOTD. You can submit the bad beat, you would just win for being the loser of the hand.
Each “week” will run from Sunday 5 PM Central to Sunday 5 PM Central, and the winner will be announced that night. Be on the lookout for these posts each week and the final vote posts on Sunday mornings.
I am here to comment. I need your approval to play poker. I would glad if you approved me.
This is a pretty good one. Especially after the A hit the board and he needed runner runner to win.
#teamiblamebeth @coinbelly