The Paganism Elevator Speech
credit: Calvin and Hobbes
So for several years now I've had what I call "the Paganism elevator speech." This stemmed from finding it difficult to summarize my beliefs to people who are so wholly unfamiliar with anything outside The Monotheist Three and maybe Buddhism, because it was trying to condense years of study into a simple explanation to someone who was either starting from scratch or had wild misunderstandings about it. I've been asked if I worshiped Satan (no, you don't worship a being you don't believe exists - do you worship the Easter bunny?), and if I sacrifice people (no - do you, even though Yhwh tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son Issac and Abraham was going to do it until Yhwh stopped him?), and if I sacrifice animals (no, do you because animal sacrifice is all over the old testament?). When I've answered that I was a Druid, I've been told, "Yeah, and I'm a Klingon! Ach mach blaccch!!" ...and it took twenty minutes of me saying "no, really" before they realized they were being a giant asshole and I wasn't kidding.
So you can see why either I spent an hour giving strangers Paganism 101 or I threw up my hands and said, "I think nature is sacred" (which is true, but an oversimplification). I needed a better explanation of polytheism, for one. Tell people you believe in Gods and Faeries and they imagine you worshiping Tinkerbell, because that's what people think of as fairies (note the different spelling).
Not Tinkerbell.
image from Pinterest, I really wish I knew who the artist is. This is The Morrigan, the Goddess of War - a faerie
So, after reading a good chunk of the book Quantum Physics, Near Death Experiences, Eternal Consciousness, Religion, and the Human Soul (link to Goodreads), I finally figured out how to summarize how I feel about polytheism in a nutshell (and not nearly as long as Stephen Hawking's Nutshell). The Pagan Elevator Speech was born.
Disclaimer: I do not speak for all Pagans, or all Druids. Ask twenty Pagans what they believe and you'll likely get twenty answers. We don't do dogma. This is my, Phoenix's, summary. Another Pagan might tell you they're not polytheist at all (some aren't).
The Pagan Elevator Speech:
Quantum physics teaches us that there exist an infinite number of potential realities, and one of these realities falls into place in the presence of a conscious observer. this is called Wave Function Collapse.
We're all conscious observers, which means we literally observe our reality into being.
That's pretty much what a creator God does, right? And there are lots of us, so: polytheism! We're the Gods.
That's it, that's my speech.
I would maybe add the caveat, "but some of us don't realize we ourselves are Gods," and that it's rather a Pagan's job to take their power back. But that's kinda what I started a whole book about, soooooo ...maybe I'll publish that soon. That book will probably get a bunch of people's knickers in a twist, because I do not tone it down, even a little. The title of it right now is, "Stop Desecrating the Divine: a modern Pagan's thoughts on ritual, religion, society, and things that piss off the Morrigan," soooooooooooooo:
Not super concerned about their feefees.
(also from Pinterest, another one that I do not know the artist of; I originally encountered both of these on FB)
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I was brought up as, and consider myself to be, a metaphysical Christian. So Jesus is my main Guy, but I incorporate a variety of practices in my spiritual observance. I've been in many Wiccan circles, medicine wheels, I know Altar Magick, I'm a big fan of the Goddess in Her many aspect, so I'd say I'm more on the eclectic side. Which pretty much sends me right to hell for many "religious" people.
I published a little book with some spiritual essays. I gave one to a girl who worked for me. The opening of one essay was "There are many paths up the mountain and there are many paths to God." Her husband took the book and burned it in their fireplace!
So I've become cautious overall, but brava to you for taking it head-on! Mostly what I tell people if they ask is the metaphysical Christian part and somehow that doesn't invite many follow-up questions!
hehehehe I know what you mean, I think we do need to speak about these things, and should tend towards universalists as much as possible.
I think this 'book bur ing' stems from a misinterpretation of Jesus' quote, 'No one comes to the father except through me. If Jesus Christ is both Jesus and Christ, I don't think he was talking about the Human Jesus part when he said that.
I'm glad you are doing that. And openly.
When I was a girl we had a woman minister who read Tarot cards and my mother and her mother were totally into the weird stuff so that all is normal to me. I was encouraged to visit different churches and learn about different beliefs. I ended up knowing more about the Bible than many folks who want to quote it to me!
As for the burning, I don't know his beliefs, never met him to speak to and never got an answer to why it offended him so. Could be as you say. My take was he was a controlling jerk. Someone who would burn a book, for any reason, isn't someone I think I could have a rational discussion with.
I know some metaphysical Christians, and some who think the Christian God is a She. I think spirituality is such a personal thing, and those who are threatened by others' ideas are really just insecure in their own burning hubby was afraid that if his beliefs were challenged, he wouldn't be able to defend them. He didn't actually have "faith," he had a house of cards, and that's sad.
I was raised Catholic, almost became a religious, and studied theology at a Jesuit university. Hoooo baby does it piss off those types of Christians when the Pagan has studied their book better than they have. I've had more than one get all haughty, "Well how do you know, you're not Christian, you don't know what it says," and then I drop that bombshell, and SUDDENLY, they have nothing to say. It's like they can't imagine someone could be told "the greatest story" and not think It's The Best Thing Ever. It's the same arrogance that goes along with evangelism and missionary work, thinking once people hear their version (important caveat, because usually evangelizing types are of the "only my interpretation is the right one" bent), OF COURSE they'll convert, the fact that everyone isn't the same as you MUST only be because they haven't heard your message.
Just ...sigh. It's so disrespectful.
In my church it was always "Father-Mother God" but I do tend more to the feminine now. Totally agree that one's spirituality is personal, how someone relates to the Deity (their Deity) is so intimate and shouldn't be judged by anyone else.
My main issue with the Catholic approach is the belief that priests are the conduit to God. Yes, you can pray to God and the saints but only priests can absolve you of sin, and I'm not comfortable using a middleman! My main issue with the Protestants, and most other faiths, is their approach that their way is the only right way and to allow only a narrow set of beliefs. And if you don't check all the boxes you're out!
I should add that I love attending Mass, the closest thing to a Pagan ceremony you can get within an organized religion!
Deep respect for the people who choose the religious life.
I don't know your views about past lives but I'm pretty convinced I've had one or more where I was a monk or a nun. When I visit old Catholic churches I feel so at home and sometimes out of the corner of my eye I 'see' women in old-styled habits.
I have a theory about 'spiritual one-upsmanship', how people use their religion to make them better than other people. Just like driving a better car or having a better house, liking better music or movies, having better political opinions - all so annoying!
Oh, totally. There's that verse in Matthew about doing your praying alone behind closed doors and not out on the street for everyone to see, because that admiration of people thinking you're so pious is alllll the reward you're going to get out of that, but if it's just between you and Yhwh, that's what counts. I see all the showy-offy more-Christian-than-thou people and I just want to make that verse a neon sign and stick it in their front yard. LOL
There is a book by LLoyd C. Douglas, Magnificent Obsession (1929) that is based on that exact Bible quote! (Don't bother with the movie version.) It demonstrates the concept in action. He also wrote a prequel, Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (1939) along similar lines. Douglas' books had a big influence on me, and that particular one especially so.
You steem so good!
Oh! The Spiritual journey. Good for you for embracing it and finding your groove Phoenix ❤ I just learned that you officially entered 'minnowhood' Awesome!!! Congratulations very cool accomplishment 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈
Thanks very much, Jill! ^_^