Learn everything about WITCHES (from a WITCH) - Q&A

in #pagan6 years ago (edited)
Do Witches still exist? Yes they do, and I should know, I am one. I thought about this post long and hard and contemplated about different ways in which I could write about this topic. Since one of the superpowers, that all witches have, is humour, I decided that I will make a list of all the questions that people have been asking me throughout the years and answer them in my own fun way. Yes, there will be answers and some serious information but keep in mind that this little Witch is an extremely happy one so don't mind my humour that will pop up here and there.

Questions and Answers

You know how gay people "come out of the closet"? Witches "come out of the broom closet". Yes, that is a thing. I came out of my broom closet 10 years ago and have since then been opened about my spirituality with my friends and family. I never hide who I am and what I do and am blessed that I live in the 21st century in a civilised country with great people who love and support me. Here are some questions that I have collected over the years. Hope you have fun reading them just like I did answering them.

1. Do you worship Satan?

Sure, he is a jolly bearded guy who brings you presents... Oh, Satan you say. No, not him. Witches can not worship something that does not exist. The devil is a part of a different religion, you are thinking about Christianity or Islam. Asking a Witch if she worships Satan is like asking an atheist if he worships God.

2. You are doing this because of the movies, right? It is some sort of a new popular thing.

I have been practising Witchcraft for 14 years. Two of my late grandmothers were Witches. There was no tv in their time.

3. Do you eat little children?

You do know that is illegal, right? No, I do not eat children and Witches never did.

4. Do you fly? Hahaha, you must have a broom.

And you don't? They can be very practical, but for the flying part no, this is actually a common misconception. A long long time ago, pagans had rituals after planting their seeds. They would bring their tools to the field, put them between their legs and dance while jumping up and down. This was an agricultural custom to show the crops how high they should grow. One day, some new people (from a different religion) came and saw that. They laughed. Time passed and a joke about people flying on brooms got transferred into books and tv shows. There is also a great book about gravity I think you should read.

5. You are not ugly at all.

Excuse me? Oh... You are referring to old women with big noses and warts? Yeah... Sorry to disappoint you. Witches were and still are the most beautiful creatures in the world. We were the first ones to make beauty products out of plants and herbs, and we take care of our bodies. This misconception also started from the same religious group that came and started bullying people around. Witches have always been free-spirited. This means that men could not tell us what to do or control our sexuality. A long long time ago some bad people came and started degrading women and controlling them. Since Witches resisted, they started telling people all sorts of lies about us including the ones regarding our looks. It stuck. Centuries later we are still battling the crazy talk how if you are beautiful you must turn into an ugly person later on.

6. Do you have a magic wand?

Yes I do but since you're still here I guess it's broken.

7. Can you see into the future?

Wich one? There are thousunds and thousands of possibilities that may happen and no one except you can determine how your life is gonna be. You make decisiouns every day, each of them shapes your future. We do not believe that anyone has all the answers and knows everything. You are thinking about Christians, not us.

8. Is Haloween your sacred holiday or something?

No. Witches across the globe resent the connection between Haloween and our sacred sabbath Samhain. We can have fun for Haloween (if we wish) like any other person but we celebrate Samhain. They are usually on the same date or fairly close and Haloween did evolve from Samhain (not because of us, because of you), but they are two very different things.

9. Do you always wear black?

Green is actually my favourite colour. Some of my friends wear black and some wear white. We do not have a dress code.

10. Aren't you afraid of hell?

Didn't we go over this already with the Devil? This is part of Christianity, not Witchcraft. We can not be afraid of something we do not believe exists. We do not believe in heaven and hell, those are your stuff, not ours. We believe in reincarnation. And let me stop you right there, NO! We are not Hindu. Our thoughts about reincarnation and theirs have some huge differences.

(me in my natural habitat, still scared?)


I stopped at 10 questions but there are so much more. Maybe I will give you some more of them in one of my next posts. I will write about what we are and what we do, what are our holidays and what was our history like. Consider this a little introduction just to get your intention. There is still so much more to come and I am going to enjoy writing about all of it. I hope you will enjoy reading about it. My usual topics that include meditation, psychological and physical health, my original stories and the Philosophy of happiness series will still be here. I am expanding my topics list with this one. Feel free to leave your lovely words in comments, and if you have any questions on this subject, now is the time to ask them. I won't be mean when answering them, I promise. I pinky promise ;)

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You know what I mean.


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My wife claims she can see dead people, complete with vintage costume etc.., she tells me she can see my late father sometimes in the original family home. What I am saying is no joke, and I do believe her.

With vintage costumes? That sounds interesting. As long as she is happy and fine with it that could be fun 💚

She considers it a 'curse' actually. She doesn't want to see them. It only happens sometimes too. There seems to be some internal switch she has no control of. It can be off or on.

i do not want to blow up zen's post, but i will only say that i admit to seeing "dead people" too and that is not necessarily a witchy thing to do. my aunt claims to be a witch but of a different order than one described above, one from the latin culture. i am not a witch.

Can you see them all the time or just some of the time? I know it gives her the creeps. The images are transparent and the faces have little expression, but can change emotionally to what is said in the real world (this is in the case of my father).

i can see them when i want to see them. usually i feel them and smell them. i also try to keep them away from me. some people prefer to allow them in their life 24/7, i could not live like that.
can you see them? for some reason i thought you said your wife saw them?
i can see expression and hear words telepathically usually. when the veil was thin during the blue red moon one popped right into my living room. also when i do blessings it happens quite a bit with fellow spirits that assist in the work, i see them and others have seen my helpers too.
the realm i deal with is more in the positive bright light, i try my best to keep whom i call the "unfriendlies" out of my space.

Yes its my wife who can see them, though at the moment she cant. She tells me that spooky times of year like Halloween always turns the 'switch' on. She has never mentioned odour, but has told me she picks up on things even in the family home. I, not having this ability am always a little skeptical.

weird i just heard the same thing about a man telling me his wife sees more strongly around halloween. hmm i dont get that one since i see all the time if i want and so do many members of my fam.
i keep the home clean so i dont allow that to happen. yes i have other gifts other than seeing, thus the smell part. not many people have that either.

In our culture (Slovenia) we have a saying if you wake up and your PJ is on you wrong way. It says the witches carried you around while you were sleeping.

If am to somehow magically unclothe someone and then carriy him/her around I am definitely not gonna dress him/her afterwards. Seems like too much work :D

Better for me to upvote this post and don't have any troubles in the future I guess...hahah Glad to know all of these info.Also,I would like to let you know that I referred you in the last challenge I took part in.I hope you join it to us I would really like to know the story .

Better for me to upvote this post and don't have any troubles in the future

You are a smart one, arent you? :D

Thanks for the challenge, I saw it and will definitely take part in it tomorrow. This evening is reserved for my 100th post celebration so stay tuned 💚

Ohhh that's great.I wouldn't like to miss that!

Wow. this is very interesting. I have always been open minded about spirituality, even though I grew up in a typical Christian family, Thanks for sharing a part of your life with us :-)

I am glad that you are open minded. I love open minded Christians 💚

Interesting post. I have an aunt who claimed to be a witch for a little while, but I'm not sure what she is now. Also attended church with some people once who said they were white witches. Is that a thing? Thanks for putting this together. I am sure that you get a ton of questions. Ha!

I am an aunt and my nieces sometimes do not know what I am :D
Your question about the white witches will be answered in the following post on this subject so stay tuned. 💚

Awesome write up, my Daughter in Law would love this post I must share it with her :)

Give a BIG hug to your daughter in law from me 💚

I will do when I see her next month

I should have kept schtum about going to write that post you have beaten me to it but very good, this post tells me this witch knows which path she is taking.

The more the merrier :) I think not only you, but a lot of other people should write about this. I am looking forward to reading all about your experience and thoughts 💚

Thank you for writing this!! this was very informative!!! I love your humor too!!

It's nice to read something informative that has humor in it...best way I learn new things.

I also love how open you are while talking or writing!!

Thank you for writing this!

I am glad to hear I made you laugh, thank you honey 💚

Terrific post @zen-art! I really don't like when people associate Wicca with Satan. I guess they get that from the television though. Green is my favorite color also because it is a healing color to me. xoxo

Another green person? Nice to meet you sweety. Yeah, green has a lovely vibration. Thanks for the lovely comment 💚

i did not see that zen stated she was Wiccan? @zen-art are you Wiccan? :)

i have not seen that wiccan was associated with satan (but that is just my experience.) :)

I wasn't, actually, implying that she was. It was a statement from my personal experience of some people around me. Green is still my favorite color! ;)

yes that is what your comment looked like, i had wanted to confirm and from my experience people who say wiccan and satanism are linked usually do not knnow wiccan. i am neither wiccan or a worshiper of satan, but some of my friends are. so many labels and categories can confuse people. i did feel you were throwing an observation out there. green is good! how about green skin? :)

I don't claim any affiliation to anything although I was raised catholic, I just try to treat people how I would want to be treated. Lol..since I believe in alien life, I think I would be okay with green skin or any color. They may be better than most humans are. I had Wiccan and Pagan friends but as in any group of people there are good and bad. I studied it for a bit along with others but decided against calling myself this or that except maybe Spiritual. Nice to meet you @eaglespirit!!

i was raised catholic too and totally agree with the Golden Rule! :)
i figured you might love green skin, don't ask me why i asked maybe an intuitive thing ahahaahah
i totally agree with those words too there are good and bad in any group. 100.
i say the same about myself, spiritual but not religious. no doctrine forming beliefs.
nice to meet you too!! :)

I am not Wiccan :) Yes, sometimes people who know about Wicca think that I am and I did read almost every book about Wicca there is. It does not bother me. I can be Wiccan if you wish :) Wicca is very similar to my life and is very very dear to me.

thank you for clarifying! :)
yes wicca is nice and similar to native american teachings, it being nature based. two of my dearest friends are wiccan. you are too funny, “i can be wiccan if you wish”. lol
you being you is just fine! :)

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