Queen Persephone
Queen of the darkness
Of the realms below
Where light is rare
And the dead roam
Longing for a life now gone
Queen of the echoes
Of the shades of life
Where substance is weak
And even emotion decays
Awaiting a new form above
Queen of diamonds
Of the riches of the Earth
Where nature forms metal and gems
And even the forge of magma does your will
Forging gold and silver
Queen of death
Of the heart of Hades
Where once slept cold
And now stirs love and passion
Bringing hope to the hopeless
Queen of destruction
Of the dissolution of order
Where chaos reigns in quiet splendor
And slowly does life come forth
Bringing forth the shoots of Spring
Queen Persephone
Of the flowering times
Who with grace gives back what she has taken
And comes forth again in her time
Bringing light and shadow in divine balance
Art: The Fate of Persephone by Walter Crane
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