
in #owenbenjamin4 years ago

Owen Benjamin. On CNN, that white guy, Cooper, said people can be arrested for having sex with people if they have HIV (AIDS) and therefore Trump should be arrested for having sex or for being too close to people as he has not HIV but Covid. But people with HIV should not be arrested. Government should mind their own business.

Burn People Up

Doomsday Camps is the new term for FEMA camps or the camps they shipped the Jews to be killed during WWII. When government officials try to stop some of the migrant boats, ships, the Islamic invasion of Europe, then Soros lawyers come in to throw them in jail for alleged crimes against humanity. Rush Limbaugh is great but Trump should also return to the Infowars Alex Jones Show as well.

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2020-10-09 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-09 - Friday
Published in October of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-10-09 19:52:07.png
Check out Owen Benjamin

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Banned News

Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Dear Xanga,

Can you help me get into my old accounts on Xanga?

Xanga.com says these following accounts are invalid. I'm guessing I've not logged in since something like 2009 or so.

One was xanga.com/oatmealjoey
The other was xanga.com/joeyarnold
And another one was xanga.com/romans10nine
And there may have been others.

The one account I was still able to log into was Xanga.com/l4oj

Yours truly,

A big fan of Xanga since 2004.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Are you being pessimistic towards iPhones?

11:09 AM - Facebook - I responded on Wolbi memes for student schemes to Jonathan Poole | Link

Jonathan Poole wrote:

Joey Arnold I’m sure this response had to be typed out on something that was created by man’s reason. Idk this quote just seems like an unnecessarily negative view of humanity, given that humans were created by God, and human reason is a part of that creation. I’m sure it was well meaning in its context, but it’s completely pessimistic by itself.

My response

Jonathan Poole, I seek after what is best which includes Ubuntu, decentralization, free market innovation, Hive Blog, Gab, Minds, Bit Torrent, in the name of competition, in the name of elevating freewill which is an aspect to the meaning of life, a critical part to life as we know God didn't make us robots. To be optimistic is to have an open mind regarding the creativity of mankind which can be especially personified within technologies and I write a lot of articles regarding them. You wouldn't believe it.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

I love Kanye West. Vote for no lockdown for President of the United States in 2020.

1938 - Albert Einstein, Levi leather jacket
1944-06-05 - Eisenhower to a soldier number 23, not Michael Jordan, a day before D-Day

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

How does a mermaid wash herself?

With tide, ocean tide which really sucks.


Are people stupid because of a lack of information?

01:27 AM - Hive

Yes and no because too many people lack enough information even with the Internet, long story short, of course it depends, many factors, very complex and I know what you said is partly a joke and partly true. Yes, even with information, people can still make bad choices. But at the same time, there has been echo chambers online where people only look at what they already know. In other words, too many people have been like mice on wheels on the world wide web in that they stay in a loop of whatever. They don't get off their wheel to explore the Internet cage or prison planet. Of course, on the other hand, you're right that you can't always fix stupid. Like, for some people, you can try to educate them, tell them the truth, and they can reject it. So, we can see trolls, etc, run into evidence and yet they can dismiss it. And patriots sometimes have to observe that and move on.

What did you think about the vice-presidential debate?

01:34 AM - Hive

I agree with you in how bad Harris was and Pence killed it and I actually wanted him to fight harder. But Pence said some good things. In other news, the UN is talking about having OVERSIGHT over the 2020 election in order to determine who they want to win, and the UN wants Biden to win meaning they will do whatever they can, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, to say Biden won and to then remove Trump. Police admit they take orders from the United Nations.


General Shepherd

12:57 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Thursday - 10/8/20

On CNN, that white guy, Cooper, said people can be arrested for having sex with people if they have HIV (AIDS) and therefore Trump should be arrested for having sex or for being too close to people as he has not HIV but Covid. But people with HIV should not be arrested. Government should mind their own business.

The 100

2020-10-09 - Friday - 01:50 AM - 02:41 AM - The 100 702

Swimming in a green place. Having a baby. The baby grows up in the place, 20 years.

Biometric signature is a brain code, each human has one.

They send prisoners to this place and time is different here like Narnia was.

Sky Ring Planet

Time goes faster as it must be closer to a black hole.

Beckah in the black box of a mind drive aof a memory of the dead skeleton near chess.

2020-10-09 - Friday - 02:42 AM - 03:25 AM - The 100 703

A guy and girl go intoa radioactive place and melt. That woman with Clark reminds me of Tyra Banks, what a diva. People aregue over an execution but you should not argue over killing somebody who must be killed. But they make these arguments that are false.

Night blood metabolizes radiation.

Madison Not Mao

10:43 AM - The Alex Jones Show | Fri Oct 9th 2020 {1st Hour}

Microsoft employees to work at home like prisoners. This is to phase people out to say make people feel worthless.

Doomsday Camps is the new term for FEMA camps or the camps they shipped the Jews to be killed during WWII.

When government officials try to stop some of the migrant boats, ships, the Islamic invasion of Europe, then Soros lawyers come in to throw them in jail for alleged crimes against humanity.

Michigan vs Supreme Court

Rush Podcast

11:24 AM - Rush Limbaugh Show Friday - 10/9/20 ll President Trump Live with Rush Limbaugh October 9, 2020

I disagree with Trump when he talks about how it can be good when a building is not approved for environmental reasons because that violates private property rights.

Rush Limbaugh is great but Trump should also return to the Infowars Alex Jones Show as well.


04:14 PM - Hollywood UNHINGED | Star Trek DECEPTION | Cavill Not the Lead in Witcher 2 - Friday Night Tights

Fat Guy Mel Gibson Santa Clause movie coming, I will see it.

Star Wars Prequels could have been better if it was a ten seasons live-action series in order to flesh out all of the characters George Lucas was focusing on.

I would reboot all of the Star Wars movies and turn them into an ongoing series with as many seasons as possible to slowly tell the story of the Skywalker, but slowly, gradually.

What happened to Chris Rock?

Chris Rock played a president in a movie.

You will take off your clothes if I vote?

Will you show me a sneak preview if I vote?

Hookers for Biden

Make Prostitution Great Again

Madonna once promised free blow jobs.

Free Willy For BLM

Get naked, save the country from freedom

Naked People For Lockdown

Forest Fires for Blue Cities

Dave Rubin confirms with a stop watch, Harris had more speaking time than Pence

Biden says if you vote Republican, you aint black

"Come on man."

"How dare you."

Porn Stars For Biden

The 2020 US Election is between up and down and not right and left.

I would prefer a debate between right and left but we aint got that.

Make Private Chat Public Again

Disney is bought and paid for

If Walmart no lockdown, then why Disneyland?

Are Disney parks in other countries open?

Cities will be on fire regardless of who wins.

Lockstep 2010 plan

We go from naked celebrities to avatars fucking animals.

rake and sweep and comb the forest

In Thumb Wars or Spaceballs, they were combing the desert when looking for R2D2

Bit Torrent

That Nobody Guy, do you worship Seinfeld or something?

All Asians lol

vote for sex

If you vote, I will show you my free willy

If you vote, I will show you my Avatar

let's vote for defunding police

vote for biden to make sanctuary cities great again

@Mi Ke BLM gone wild

Vote Biden for Free Everything

@DS9 was almost Babylon 5

orange guy should decriminalize drugs

She Raw Lesbian Status

who is red letter media says william shatner

i never do podcasting on youtube says william shatner

you said my mommy's name, lets be friends

Take down statue = violate private property

Make Homeless Fun Time Great Again

Make Topless Statues Great Again

@Heart Sweet, i would call it a virus scam

the virus is not fake but the lockdown is a scam

Trump, "Maybe I'm immune, I don't know."

I would not ban accounts on Twitter

We find masks to be offensive.

Millions of people find masks to be offensive.

A platform shouldn't ban but a publisher could.

Trump did take dangerous drugs for Covid.

@Blue Planet or hand in the mail-in ballot in person

@Problembeing, Red Letter Media made a funny video about William Shatner.

Government should be a donut, have them guard the borders and let the citizens live in the wild west free market in the hole in the middle of the donut.

Government should stick to international affairs and stay out of local affairs.

@Sander Hamerslag, but to be clear, they should focus on the source of child pornography which roots in trafficking. The bigger crime should probably be the actual kidnapping of kids, etc.

Trump ruined my 2 scoops of ice-cream.

Trump ruined my rocket man.

You Killed Black Kenni

Can SJWs hug if they have to social distance?

Make your other channels separately with separate email addresses, etc, for YouTube, to keep one YouTube account from affecting other accounts.

Several of my YouTube channels were terminated, some even without receiving any strikes.

Star Wars is like the NBA, I don't care.

If Star Wars Land had a Splash Mountain, that would be cool.

@John Maxwell, thank God Lebron is losing.

@Bob Morton, I fell asleep watching Avatar, I've never seen all of it.

@Bob Morton, compared to Wall-E, yes

Tandoori & Flan


Utopia show

Debates are pretty fake like wrestling

Mountain Bears cartoons

You can live like a king without debt

Christine Blasey Ford, was she played by the justice, Brett Kavanaugh, or not? Is she a real person?

At the base of the building in 9/11 was an inflated plane wheel.

Was the Mona Lisa actually a self protrait of himself dressed up in drags?

Is Owen Benjamin right?

Owen Benjamin talks about how if you ask, then you shall receive. It is true we should ask God to open up our eyes to see things and I've said that for years. It is true that we can't really wake people up. When people reject truth, they remain blind. Could it be God keeps them blind, as it is written God kept the heart of the Pharoah hardened, right?

Overlord DVD

10:05 PM - Friday Night Frolics | Harvey's Joke Book | Trivia Quiz | New Song!

The Evil of Cable

Star Girl is interesting

Oh wait, how can Hank and Bobby Hill talk at the same time?

Have you ever seen Hank and Bobby in the same place at the same time?

Radio Show

Nuts for the brain

Wendy's cuz who doesn't trust a little girl?

Don't subscribe to all the streaming services, instead, try Bit Torrent instead.

I will watch that new Santa Clause Mel Gibson movie.

Brought to you by viewers like you

Breaker Breaker

Sausage Party

Sausage & Oatmeal Party

@Overlord DVD, ahahahahha

Bring back the 80's

Feeling the love

@Raquel Briggs, impressive

@Overlord DVD, is Doom Cock a helmet, and if so, is Doomcock an alien, and if so, what kind of alien?

Does Doomcock have an origin story?

Harvey loves the Latins.



10:40 AM - Orange. Coffee. Larry was frying fries, I mean flies, before breakfast, said mom, with the bug zapping tennis racket machine tool thing in a bobber. Dishes around 1 PM. Redirecting the backyard forest. Mom was scared of the witch in the Wizard of Oz. She was afraid of men. It can be hard. You don't delete thoughts. You manage them. Weeds in the garden are like thoughts in the brain.


05:30 PM - Was looking for my Iomega floppy computer drive today on and off and a bit yesterday too. It might be over there and on the throne. Interesting conversations today. Was chasing a chicken in the front garden a few minutes ago, like around 5 PM. Kind of funny and mom saw it. I sat there still as the chicken was under the bush by the rocks by the house. Then mom came out the front door and the chicken ran off. Demons can be perhaps not in other universes but in other dimensions. So, going out there can be dangerous. Eating soup for lunch and dinner off and on.

Ralph Nutter, 2007, that weird guy in the pictures as mom went to see Rick Arnold marry Maria in Oklahoma, 2007-07-14 or around that time, Ralph was like a con man who she gut suckered into or something.

Good dinner I think twice, soup, meat stuff. Wrote several articles today. Listened to Geeks & Gamers and Doom Cock live. Was blown by a Owen Benjamin video. Good conversations. Funny chicken. Scanned photos and uploaded them to Hive.

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