AFK strength guide at blast furnace with out hitpoints experience Old School Runescape OSRS and mobile (with 0 hitpoints) [New and improved! 2020]

in #osrs4 years ago

AFK strength guide at blast furnace with out hitpoints experience Old School Runescape OSRS and mobile (with 0 hitpoints) [New and improved! 2020]

hello and welcome to my new AFK strength guide at blast furnace with 0 hitpoints for Old School Runescape and mobile. Enjoy the 1200+hours grind!!
blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
This i my maxed 10 hp pure.
firstly you will need to get 30 str to start at the blast furnace this can be done in many different ways
cleaning finds
exp lamps
fishing from 15 str
pest control from 25 str
once you have 30 str i would also highly reccomend using wiki to train 30 agil crafting and fire making.
tele to camelot run into dungeon start quest and wait for cut sene.
run over to blast furnace you have now unlocked the mini game free 20min tele.
you can also use the mining cart to and from ge.
hop to world w320 and start pumping
you can pay people to coke for you but it is a con really as they will crash your worlds so they can make money from coking on other worlds it can get really toxic and childish that is why i reccomended hosting the world yourself if you can not find a good world or w320 has been crashed other good worlds to check is the pvp and bh worlds because of the requirments to get in them. there is a cc pump palace and a few other ccs but you have to know people or wait for free world hop. pvp worlds or bh worlds are always fun as you can kill crashers and bh worlds have a few more reqs to get into. a lot of ccs are locked because of the competetion for worlds. so for a long time i really ddint understand why people would crash and rthoguht they were trolls. however now with a bit more expereince i think the main reasons for crashing is clans fighting for clients mainly in world 320 so you will get sick of the crashers and move to there world and tip there clans coker so players can afk. this leads to lots of clans paying other low level accounts or ultimate iornmen to crash rival clans worlds so they can get tipped more money. some cokers even act a lot like bots possibly simliar to the w330 host bots that have been found out recently but I haveno concrete evidence as yet to support that.
I have my old guide but a few people struggle getting into the blast furnace to begin there 10hp account

blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp

blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
music used
summer smile - silent partner
spring in my step - silent partner
happy life - freji
up my jam (all of a sudden) - kubbi
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Hello, welcome to my new account, got a blast furnace with zero hit points for old school runescape mobile.

Hello, welcome to my new account, got a blast furnace with zero hit points for old school runescape mobile.

This is my last 10 HP .

Do you want to use the blast furnace, the strength experience, but not gain any hit points and afk on mobile? Let me know in the comments if that's what you want to do and what kind of accounts and others that you are building a lot of .

Firstly, you will need to get the strength level to do the blast furnace. This can be done in many different ways.

One way is to clean finds in the museum.

First of all, you'll need to complete the dig site quest requirements here. If you go into the wiki page, this will help you with the dig site quest.

Once you've completed that quest, you can find finds in the museum cleaning these finds.

You can get, as it says here, three to five antique lumps.

Each slab is 500 K XP, one is five hundred XP each.

This is a very slow method, but it will not take any hit points experience. Another option is to complete quests that give strength experience. But just be careful and check the wiki. Sometimes these quests can give more than just strength, experience and experience in other areas. So always check your quest guides and their rewards in the wiki page. There are also quests that will give you experience slots and you can use these on any skill such as strength.

So these might also be helpful as well.

So also you have your random events that give you a lot. So make sure you use that strength so you have the luck for the genie. You can also use beer to boost your strength level too. Once you have slowly got up to 15 strength

And 15 agility, you could then start barbarian fishing for a decent AFK method to get help to either 25 or 30 strength by speaking to NPC in the shack, you will learn the skill and under the bed there will be the rod that you can use.

If you get bored of that afk barbarian fishing and that is it for you, you can always come to pest control once you have twenty five strength and 45 combat. The method here is to make sure that all your options off. Never mind about pest control and that's going to be too difficult to do. So once you've done your fishing to 30 strength, you can then then by Kamelot teleport top and come here You can then run up to start the quest to get into the blast furnace. Or unless you want to use any of the teleports that you know of all that you can find a wiki. OK, so grab some energy potions as well and we'll go for a little run.

OK, so once you're out of the dungeon door. You want to run straight into the tunnel? Straight through the next tunnel down here to the door. If you look at Wikipedia or YouTube guide, you can do the rest of the quest if you want to, but you only have to stop the quest to actually have to complete the quest to get to the blast furnace.

This quest that I am talking about is the giant dwarf , but like you say, you don't actually have to complete this quest. So once you start to calculate that you could run over here to the blast furnace. Once you. Go down the stairs here for the first time, you can then use these minigame teleports here, as you can see and then you just off screen the screen, you can click on and tellport directly here every single time.

This is one of the best, quickest telephones to get here. However, it does have like a 20 minute cooldown. So make sure you wait here for over 20 minutes or one of the. OK, so once you're in here, this is a blasts world w320, so obviously they're doing all the work for you. Also, think about considering what he has to help out you and your team. Is to potentially get to crafting these bits here with this pipe here, the pipe here can break.

So if you have a hammer inventory, then click fix these. The backstory to this is potentially all the way down the line, you will also find that people crash your world and they use this. They do that by fixing the gears, But here they will hide over here. It seems like there's a few different reasons for. One reason is that some people will fix the drive belt, so therefore it breaks, so therefore, when you're pumping, therefore breaks the pipes and they can use that hammer on these.

So it's mine. But I think it's like 50 experience every time they fix this. So this could be a really easy life, quite a bit of crafting experience.

So sometimes that might happen, but I can go into a little bit more detail later on.

So this is the Coke here. So this will be done manually. This won't be done by a dwarf.

So you will need thirty fire making.

I highly recommend doing that because without the Coke you will not get any experience from pumping.

So I highly recommend that maybe you bring a couple of spades so I can see just click and collect the coke with the spade and then into the refill here. So once this is sort of a gray color, that's great to hear that that will be the it needs Coke and you will not be getting any experience if you've realized that.

OK, so you want this color and that will be back and probably get to the point where you can't buy any more coke. there is obviously also opportunity to pay off the Cokers if that is something that you want to do, sort of deliberation you if you want to do that, a lot of other people to sort of like sponge off other the people coke. So. That is one option.

AFK strength guide at blast furnace with out hitpoints experience Old School Runescape OSRS and mobile (with 0 hitpoints) [New and improved! 2020]

hello and welcome to my new AFK strength guide at blast furnace with 0 hitpoints for Old School Runescape and mobile. Enjoy the 1200+hours grind!!
blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
This i my maxed 10 hp pure.
firstly you will need to get 30 str to start at the blast furnace this can be done in many different ways
cleaning finds
exp lamps
fishing from 15 str
pest control from 25 str
once you have 30 str i would also highly reccomend using wiki to train 30 agil crafting and fire making.
tele to camelot run into dungeon start quest and wait for cut sene.
run over to blast furnace you have now unlocked the mini game free 20min tele.
you can also use the mining cart to and from ge.
hop to world w320 and start pumping
you can pay people to coke for you but it is a con really as they will crash your worlds so they can make money from coking on other worlds it can get really toxic and childish that is why i reccomended hosting the world yourself if you can not find a good world or w320 has been crashed other good worlds to check is the pvp and bh worlds because of the requirments to get in them. there is a cc pump palace and a few other ccs but you have to know people or wait for free world hop. pvp worlds or bh worlds are always fun as you can kill crashers and bh worlds have a few more reqs to get into. a lot of ccs are locked because of the competetion for worlds. so for a long time i really ddint understand why people would crash and rthoguht they were trolls. however now with a bit more expereince i think the main reasons for crashing is clans fighting for clients mainly in world 320 so you will get sick of the crashers and move to there world and tip there clans coker so players can afk. this leads to lots of clans paying other low level accounts or ultimate iornmen to crash rival clans worlds so they can get tipped more money. some cokers even act a lot like bots possibly simliar to the w330 host bots that have been found out recently but I haveno concrete evidence as yet to support that.
I have my old guide but a few people struggle getting into the blast furnace to begin there 10hp account

blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp

blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
blast furnace strength training
osrs blast furnace strength training
afk strength training osrs
blast furnace osrs
osrs blast furnace guide
osrs pumping str xp
music used
summer smile - silent partner
spring in my step - silent partner
happy life - freji
up my jam (all of a sudden) - kubbi

Hola, bienvenido a mi nueva cuenta, obtuve un alto horno con cero puntos de vida para runescape mobile de la vieja escuela.

Estos son mis últimos 10 HP.

¿Quieres usar el alto horno, la experiencia de fuerza, pero no ganar puntos de golpe y afk en el móvil? Déjame saber en los comentarios si eso es lo que quieres hacer y qué tipo de cuentas y otras estás construyendo mucho.

En primer lugar, necesitará obtener el nivel de resistencia para hacer el alto horno. Esto se puede hacer de muchas formas diferentes.

Una forma es limpiar los hallazgos en el museo.

En primer lugar, deberá completar los requisitos de búsqueda del sitio de excavación aquí. Si ingresa a la página wiki, esto lo ayudará con la búsqueda del sitio de excavación.

Una vez que hayas completado esa misión, puedes encontrar hallazgos en el museo limpiando estos hallazgos.

Puede obtener, como dice aquí, de tres a cinco bultos antiguos.

Cada losa tiene 500 K XP, una es quinientos XP cada una.

Este es un método muy lento, pero no requerirá experiencia en puntos de golpe. Otra opción es completar misiones que den fuerza a la experiencia. Pero ten cuidado y consulta la wiki. A veces, estas misiones pueden dar algo más que fuerza, experiencia y experiencia en otras áreas. Así que siempre revisa tus guías de misiones y sus recompensas en la página wiki. También hay misiones que te darán espacios de experiencia y puedes usarlos en cualquier habilidad, como la fuerza.

Así que estos también podrían ser útiles.

Entonces también tienes tus eventos aleatorios que te dan mucho. Así que asegúrate de usar esa fuerza para tener la suerte del genio. También puedes usar cerveza para aumentar tu nivel de fuerza. Una vez que hayas ganado lentamente hasta 15 de fuerza

Y con 15 de agilidad, puedes comenzar a pescar bárbaros en busca de un método AFK decente para obtener ayuda a 25 o 30 de fuerza hablando con un NPC en la cabaña, aprenderás la habilidad y debajo de la cama habrá la caña que puedes usar. .

Si te aburres de esa maldita pesca bárbara y eso es todo para ti, siempre puedes llegar al control de plagas una vez que tengas veinticinco de fuerza y ​​45 de combate. El método aquí es asegurarse de que todas sus opciones estén apagadas. No se preocupe por el control de plagas y eso será demasiado difícil de hacer. Entonces, una vez que hayas pescado a 30 de fuerza, puedes luego teletransportarte por Kamelot a la parte superior y venir aquí. Luego puedes correr para comenzar la búsqueda para ingresar al alto horno. O a menos que quieras usar alguno de los teletransportes que conoces, puedes encontrar una wiki. De acuerdo, toma también algunas pociones de energía e iremos a correr un poco.

Bien, una vez que salgas de la puerta de la mazmorra. ¿Quieres correr directamente al túnel? Directamente a través del siguiente túnel hasta la puerta. Si miras la guía de Wikipedia o YouTube, puedes hacer el resto de la búsqueda si lo deseas, pero solo tienes que detener la búsqueda para tener que completar la búsqueda para llegar al alto horno.

Esta búsqueda de la que estoy hablando es el enano gigante, pero como dices, en realidad no tienes que completar esta búsqueda. Entonces, una vez que empiece a calcular, podría correr hasta aquí al alto horno. Una vez tú. Baja las escaleras aquí por primera vez, luego puedes usar estos teletransportes de minijuegos aquí, como puedes ver y luego saldrás de la pantalla, puedes hacer clic en y tellport directamente aquí cada vez.

Este es uno de los mejores y más rápidos teléfonos para llegar aquí. Sin embargo, tiene un tiempo de reutilización de 20 minutos. Así que asegúrese de esperar aquí más de 20 minutos o uno de los. Bien, una vez que estés aquí, este es un mundo explosivo w320, así que obviamente ellos están haciendo todo el trabajo por ti. Además, piense en considerar lo que tiene para ayudarlo a usted y a su equipo. Es potencialmente llegar a crear estos bits aquí con esta tubería aquí, la tubería aquí puede romperse.

Entonces, si tiene un inventario de martillos, haga clic en arreglar estos. La historia de fondo de esto es potencialmente hasta el final de la línea, también encontrará que las personas colapsan su mundo y usan esto. Lo hacen arreglando los engranajes, pero aquí se esconderán por aquí. Parece que hay algunas razones diferentes para ello. Una razón es que algunas personas arreglan la correa de transmisión, por lo que se rompe, por lo tanto, cuando se está bombeando, se rompen las tuberías y pueden usar ese martillo en ellas.

Entonces es mio. Pero creo que es como una experiencia de 50 cada vez que arreglan esto. Así que esta podría ser una vida realmente fácil, bastante experiencia de creación.

Así que a veces eso puede suceder, pero puedo entrar en un poco más de detalle más adelante.

Así que esta es la Coca-Cola de aquí. Entonces esto se hará manualmente. Esto no lo hará un enano.

Entonces necesitarás treinta fuego para hacer fuego.

Recomiendo encarecidamente hacerlo porque sin la Coca-Cola no obtendrás ninguna experiencia con el bombeo.

Así que recomiendo encarecidamente que tal vez traiga un par de espadas para que pueda ver solo hacer clic y recoger la coca con la pala y luego en la recarga aquí. Entonces, una vez que esto es una especie de color gris, es bueno escuchar que esa será la Coca Cola que necesita y no obtendrás ninguna experiencia si te has dado cuenta de eso.

OK, entonces quieres este color

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