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in #ormus6 years ago (edited)

Why would I try a product after someone resorted to bullshit in order to lure weak minds into making a purchase? Did you even see the original article that was here before it was deleted? If someone came up to you on the streets with a smile and some white powder, claimed it would make you feel good, and said his buddy combines it with the bible to get closer to God; would you take his word for it and buy it, take it home, snort it up, and look for God?

What makes you think I'm taking it to heart?

...about people expressing their passions, no matter what they may be.

So what's the problem? Can't a toddler quarrel over air?


All I'm saying is it's a futile task. Sure, my toddlers can quarrel over air, but it doesn't fix anything, it doesn't do anyone any good, same as bashing someone who has a product they like, and have a passion for. 🤷‍♀️and the reason I mentioned you taking it to heart is because of how defensively you reacted, resorting to name calling and such. I'm just a concerned third party trying to keep people level headed and respectful. Disagreement is no reason to mistreat someone. And to be honest, with all the health problems I have, I would probably try a product that could help. I'd be smart and ask all the right questions first, of course, but I teach my kids to give things a try before they say they don't like it, so, therefore, I'm never gonna discredit a product that I (or someone very close to me) haven't personally tried. I know that's just me and not everyone thinks the same way as I do, but that's my p.o.v.

Posted using Partiko Android

You missed the point. I flagged this post, made one joke, and asked one question. The post was later edited. Converted into the guilt trip we can all see now. I will not stand for someone attempting to make me look like a villain. I didn't mistreat anyone, I stood up for myself. I don't give a shit if look like an asshole for standing up for myself. Treat me like a villain, I'll show you a villain. In the end though, I honestly don't give a shit.

Go tell your kids to smoke crack first to see if they like it or not. I'll teach my kids to tell the crack dealer to fuck off.

And another thing: I'm not a religious man but I know marketing when I see it. The original post here was NOT an article, it was an ADVERTISEMENT disguised as an article and the REASON why people are shouting him down and calling him a snake oil salesman is because he included lines like this in the original post:

"Some have reported taking a 50mg dosage, 20 - 30 minutes before reading the bible, and it produced a profound spiritual experience."

If you can't see what's wrong with that line. If you don't know why the word SOME comes first and have no idea how much calculation is behind the word BIBLE, you got duped, and that was the intention.

Have a nice day.

Seeing the post as it now stands, no one would know what part you played, except that he tagged you. You gave yourself the villainous vibe when you backlashed (which may or may not of been justly dealt). I'm not judging you, and I'm not judging him. I'm just trying to help make the community a place where people can speak freely without being attacked. It kills everyone's mood when there's a full-on word fight, and there's better ways to solve your differences. That's all I'm saying. I hope you have a better day and don't let the actions of others influence your mood. C: I actually have a post about handling anger. You're more than welcome to check it out, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

Posted using Partiko Android

What makes you think I'm angry? And if I was angry, what is wrong with that? Should I mince my words and be dishonest with this man just so I don't hurt your sensitive feelings or make myself look bad in front of others who wish to judge me? Dude, I don't care. Plain English. I don't give a shit. Though it may appear as if I give a shit, I truly don't. Does that register? If people want to see me in a negative light for telling the truth and standing up for myself: that is their flaw, not mine.

Go ahead and read everything I just said again. This time remove the tone you created within your mind. That figment of your imagination and belief system. Read it with a happy voice inside your head. Then you'll notice how everything you think of me had more to do with you than me.

Seeing the post as it now stands, no one would know what part you played...

How much more truth do I need to offer? If people would sooner buy bullshit, so be it. I don't care.

I know I look crazy in front of these people who will do everything they can to make themselves appear to be perfect. I can admit I look like a nutcase! Who cares! I don't have to save face. I don't have potential sales on the line here. People already think I'm an asshole anyway. LOL. Who cares.

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