- A market full of inconveniences for its users. -

Certainly the multimedia web communication market has grown immensely in recent times, and this is due to the great interaction that users perform along different platforms such as YouTube, spaces where people around the world can opt for a monetization in consequence of a fedback between entrepreneurs and consumers of illustrative or educational material of any kind. However, these platforms bring certain problems for the user in terms of the mechanics of monetization by processes, such as;
Parameters and policies by geographic region according to content.
Monetization through annoying advertising campaigns associated with google adsense.
Deductions by commission according to the platform occupied.
Payment system based on the number of visualizations or traffics, as opposed to the quality of the uploaded material.
Certainly disruptive technology at the hands of decentralized systems such as BlockChain seem to provide a solution to a large number of elements harmful to the free exercise of different content developers. In fact, if we take a look at Steem's BlockChain, which has its own decentralized multimedia content Manager, however, belonging to this information system, it can only be used among users of that service..

-A look towards the future! -
Being a growing market, this space of proliferation deserves a suitable stay for the promoters of content and the consumers of didactic or educational material, who have to bet on a format of remote education extremely comfortable, innovative and friendly with the users from everywhere of the world. Here's where On.Live comes in!
This decentralized platform based on a P2P interaction between users, guarantees a highly beneficial consumer practice for both parties, providing the developer with facilities for their growth and proliferation within the distance learning market among users around the world..

- Key factor for free exercise within a platform!. -
On.Live is not a utopian dream, it is a reality. Through decentralized mechanics based on the BlockChain system, diverse people around the world will be able to contribute to the expansion of this multimedia content system. It should be noted that these new mechanics of use and innovation provide all users with equal opportunities, since as entrepreneurs or promoters of a service, we will have the same tools and facilities as large companies in terms of viability and traffic respectively to the interaction within said platform.

If you want to know more about the approach and use of this platform, you can see the following explanatory video!