- The videogame industry. -

There is no doubt that the video game industry is a very lucrative and fruitful sector, with great advances and increases in recent years, being easily comparable with other sectors such as music, film, alcohol or even pornography. Finding ourselves with a whole culture of consumption and a market only aimed at meeting the most demanding needs of modern gamers, in fact within this area converge large activities such as E3 being the equivalent of NAMM in the musical stratum for titles that are will develop that year.
That is why the industry has decided to go into avant-garde systems such as BlockChain, and is that certain proposals in the market as TRX are designed to address this sector, but Chimaera has to be expressed as a much more specialized idea for games in BlockChain, respectively to its construction, development and enjoyment for the users and consumers around the world, with quite interesting and interesting mechanics which have to promote a growth of the system in a very innovative way.

- What is the mechanics of Chimaera based on? -

Chimaera is a development ecosystem for videogames that includes its conception and enjoyment within the BlockChain, which has to offer certain benefits for the user and consumer, regarding the costs of servers and storage of information within a secure system, which is designed to feed on the activity between players and creators.
Chimaera implements a human mining mechanic, which is based on the exercise of mining through the players, who have to contribute their computing power while enjoying the games inside the BlockChain and finally they are rewarded for their achievements within the games through CHI tokens to buy other titles or change by FIAT.
This practice will encourage developers to innovate and stylize the mechanics of their games to attract more players, so that this adds computing power and therefore this strengthens the ecosystem, working within a cycle of concatenated processes where everyone benefits.
How many of us have not been absorbed by the incredible characteristics of video games? particularly I devote a lot of time to be able to complete certain titles like the GTA V but nevertheless perceive a lucrative profit as a result of the enjoyment and achievement of the game exercise I find a very unique and innovative mechanics to acquire some DLC or some new game.

- Optimized workspaces. -

Many movies and science fiction stories, even animes have made mention of virtual reality, but nowadays, beyond being a simple speculative dream, it is a reality in which a lot of developers are immersed within specific spaces. they are immersed in doubts regarding graphic engines and supports regarding consumption by players in their homes through consoles and computer equipment, so the interconnection between users and graphic quality are characteristics of great relevance.
That is why developers have to prefer work stays without regulations and specific parameters that limit their creative abilities, so that addressing the BlockChain allows to conceive high-level games without skimping on costs since the engine that will govern the progress The same will be the interaction between users and consumers of content around the world, providing computing power. Approaching a little more to a reality very similar to the anime sword art online in terms of aesthetics and mechanics refers.

Im not much of a gamer but this project is definetly bringing my attention.
Good and informative post. very easy to read. Keep up with great content :)
I kind of run out of voting power so i cannot upvote this time around. Sorry.
But I will definetly follow you very closely
Upvoted anyway :)
At present I do not have my time to play either, but the proposal C = is certainly quite striking. Thank you for reading
Guess you're busy with life and not much time to play?
Take care mate, Piotr