- Project our work properly.-
It has always intrigued me as the different presentation formats provide a boost to our work, since being an additional that provides great attractiveness to our work, this can enhance the traffic or visibility of it, on the other hand I have contemplated how great jobs are undervalued as a result of not having a colorful presentation or stylized for your sample to the public in general.
Attending various art galleries especially young artists and entrepreneurs gave me to understand that art in all its splendor is communicative and directed not to specific audiences but to everyone who wants to contemplate and consume it, that is why we must endow our work in a colorful and pleasing to the eye format. Some time ago I came across this artist who made beautiful paintings and models with
"plasticine" , being an example of how a good work is presented within a minimalist format which perfectly highlights the details and enhances the tenderness of the modeled image.

- Take this notion to your field of action -
After carefully analyzing the work of emerging and independent musicians such as
"Plini" , which was dedicated to produce record and work their musical ideas from home as many of us, this was given the task of styling their modest homepage created in Wordpress, and nourish the cover of their albums with conceptual art. Striking elements that are certainly a trend today in the graphic arts environment.
With this I do not want to feed the erratic idea that the image is everything or that guarantees success, simply my quotation is regarding the use of the various presentation formats as an additional element to our work to suddenly give a more professional air.

- Performance -
Within the musical sphere, transmitting the energy of the moment can enhance your presentation by making it a little more entertaining and dynamic. Of course, our main objective is musicality since we must try to send a clear and concise message to the listeners.
The power to express the sensation of pleasure and frenzy to the viewer produced by your music, will be rewarded with a more dynamic and interactive audience, this will turn your presentation / touch / recital into an experience that goes beyond a monotonous activity, becoming a real sight in sight.
Some of these pictures were taken by my old reliable ( Nokia lumia 521)