The world is eerie and quiet now
Days turn into nights. Working from home. Eating at home, cooking at home, exercising at home. It's odd.
My girlfriend can't work so she is a bit more needy than usual. It's strange though, she has 2 partime jobs, both businesses are closed for now but she dislikes the restaurant she works at but probably would prefer to be there than stuck here all day every day.
I exercise by doing yoga at home and running if it's dry outside. Surprisingly miss regular human interaction even though I don't like people that much at all, exceptions for family and limited friends I have.
I hope the rate of change in infections for CoVid-19 slows soon. Then it will improve and a new version of normality will appear and anxiety will fade away for most of us left alive.
Here's an apple pie crumble I made with the gf
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