White Skin Dream. (Original Story).

in #original6 years ago (edited)



I was face down in a bed that wasn't mine, in a house that wasn't mine, i beginning to open my eyes when I confused a feeling of emptiness with appetite, the first thing that dazzles my eyes are the white curtains being waved by a gentle breeze that rose my cheek right, apparently it is daylight because everything looks very bright, turn my head to the front of the bed, there is a fairly large TV. I get up, I notice that the floor is black polished marble with frost, simulating a starry night, I've always wanted that floor. I leave the room, turn into a hallway where another door is located, I assumed it would be the bathroom, and a staircase through which I could notice that I was on a second floor, I approach the edge of it and look down, a low room with the same marble floor tht i always wanted, a glass table with a vase and a rose on top in the center with black leather furniture surrounding it and there you are sitting, with a beautiful white dress in compas with your beautiful white skin like snow and in contrast to your dark brown hair, it's a work of art, you're on your back but I know it's you, I know, I know because when I saw you the emptiness went away and I understood that it wasn't appetite, it was your lack.

Quickly, i run on the stairs and my steps sound the wood of the steps, despite the thunderous noise you do not turn, I get to you, I stop for a moment with accelerated breathing, I touch your shoulder, it's you, I know, it's your skin, I remember that feeling in my hand, you start to turn your head and I just think that it is you and how beautiful your profile has always been, the arrhythmia of my heart is even stronger and at that moment everything fades away.

This feeling is familiar to me, it is the bed that wasn't mine in the house that wasn't mine, I open my eyes, again the billowing curtains and the warm breeze on my right cheek, this time I stay there for a while, without moving a muscle, absorbed in the Dancing from the curtains, I noticed that they had embroidered flowers, I sigh and I feel the touch of a pair of hands passing by my sides, they were your hands, I know, and I know because the skin on my ribs remembers the sensation of passing of your hands to embrace me, I can see them, those delicate and long hands, those that are possessing the softest buds that I have ever felt, I can feel your hug on my back, it is your hug, it is you.

— ¡It’s you! Let me see you — I said while i was trying to turn.

But you just hugged me harder while i felt on my back as with the head you said no, I recognize that feeling, you've done it before.

— Please, let me see you, you don’t know how i miss you — I tried to turn again but you did not leave me.

After a minute like that, I feel you loosen your hug, I try to turn a bit and this time you leave me, so I turn more to see you and again, everything vanishes.

I have the feeling of being in the same bed that wasn't mine in the house that wasn't mine but this time, i don't open my eyes, I keep my eyes closed, I understand that everything had been a dream, suddenly, I feel like a person falls over me.

— ¡WHAT THE F…!— I screamed as I turned, it was you.

My words were silent, at last I could see you, I see you, you are here, your face, your naughty smile, is not the first time you wake me up that way, I know, I remember it well, I just look at you, I hug you and I put you on top of me, I feel your weight on my whole body, I missed this feeling.

— ¿What did you do? — I asked and you just smiled more, not a word — tell me something, I missed listening to your voice — you just smiled, again, there was no answer — Noona — I said and you raised your index finger indicating "only one", I assumed it was just a question — ¿How are you? — I asked and with the head you denied again — ok, then ¿what have you done? — You denied again — ¿do you miss me as I do?

— Not anymore — You said and I could only see you without surprise, I just looked at you without expression — let then go — you finished.

I watched you, I blinked, and in that moment before opening them again, I felt your lips against mine, I tried to open my eyes as fast as I could but when I did you weren't, at that moment I had really awakened in a bed that was mine in a house that was mine.




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