Scenes 66, 67 - Official Première Script Release of "Better Left Unsaid" - A Feature Film to be Produced on Steemit!

in #original-script7 years ago

100% of Steem Dollars Received Will Be Used in the Making of the Film

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"Better Left Unsaid"
Story and Screenplay by @brian-rhodes
Original Music by @dan-atstarlite
Working Title by @jrcornel
Scenes 66, 67

(The following script is formatted for desktop viewing only)


      Charlie sitting in the chair, head resting, eyes closed.
      Light knock on lower door, a moment later.

                          HARRIET (O.S.)

      Charlie doesn't wake. Footsteps on stairs. Harriet enters to
      the mess.

                          HARRIET (CONT'D)

      He awakens, stands.

                You made it. Thank God!

      They embrace.

                What the hell happened?

                Boston found out I'm gay, somehow.
                And he freaked out!

      Looking over the broken furniture.

                Did he do this?

                No. I did. He ran out. He's a mess.
                I lost it.

      They sit. Charlie's getting worked up.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                Look, he got this idea, I don't know
                where, that I'm grooming him for sex,
                all because I didn't come out to him.

      Harriet listening closely, no response.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                     It's crazy!

      Charlie looks for approval.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                Now I've thought about it and what we
                need to do is find him and you can
                convince him I wasn't. He's got it
                all wrong.

                Did you tell him you're his Dad?

      Charlie rages.

                Hell no! He hates me now because I'm
                gay! no telling what he'd do if he
                finds out I'm his dead-beat Dad?! No
                way! He doesn't need to know.
                We were getting along great until
                this. Just fix this and we'll be

      Harriet tries to restrain herself.

                Charlie, you've betrayed Boston
                twice!  And now you want me to help
                you do it again?! And for what? To
                benefit you at his expense?!

      Charlie is speechless. Her anger boils over.

                          HARRIET (CONT'D)
                Christ Charlie!  You are one selfish

      Charlie's shocked.

                          HARRIET (CONT'D)
                Do you ever listen to yourself? You
                want me to make things better just
                enough so you can play Dad with your
                son without him knowing you are!

      Harriet ramps up sarcasm.

                          HARRIET (CONT'D)
                I take it back! You're not just a
                selfish cunt. You're a selfish
                cowardly cunt!

      Charlie jumps up.

                I don't need this.

      Harriet stands, face to face.

                Shut the fuck up, sit your ass down
                and listen!

      Charlie sits.

                That kid, your son, needs you. So,
                for once in his life, start thinking
                about him first and stop trying to
                save yourself!

      Charlie collects himself.

                But I'm not!
                I'm scared shitless, all right! Not
                to mention ashamed. Ashamed of not
                only what I did...  but the damage
                caused by what I didn't do!  I've
                seen the effect on him. It's painful
                to watch!
                So, don't you see?  If I tell him
                now, he'll shut me out forever and
                I'll never get a chance to repair the
                damage I've done.
                Please Harriet.  Help me help my son?
                I've lost any chance of forgiveness
                for myself.

                Oh Charlie, you still don't get it,
                do you?!
                That's Boston's decision to make! Not

      Suddenly, it hits home. Harriet has Charlie's attention.

                          HARRIET (CONT'D)
                So, get off your fucking ass, go find
                him and give him the chance to be the
                son he wants to be.

      Charlie's at a loss for words.


      Curtis sleeping on sofa, a knock at the door.

                Just a sec!

      Stumbles to door half asleep, looks through peephole, shows
      concern, opens it slowly.

                Hi Charlie.

      Charlie looking past him.

                Hi Curtis. Is Boston here?

      Shakes head no, showing anxiety.

                Anything wrong?

      Charlie's concerned.

                Not sure.

      Curtis' concern rises, searches for words,

                What time is it?

                Just after 4:00.
                Have you seen him tonight?

      Curtis' evasive, awkward.

                I don't think he's come home yet
                     (Waking up)
                Ah, sorry. Come in?

      Charlie enters.

                          CURTIS (CONT'D)
                Can I get you a coffee?

      Charlie shakes his head.

                He dropped in on me earlier. Tore a
                strip off me about me being gay, then
                stormed out.
                He was very messed up. I'm worried.

      Curtis's anxiety piques. Charlie's fearful, keeping it under

                I have to find him.

      Afraid to say it.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                He wouldn't hurt himself, would he?

      Curtis sits, becomes emotional, tries to own up.

                It's my fault. I'm so sorry Charlie.
                I told Boston about us.

      Charlie sits on arm of sofa, calm. Curtis anxious,
      frightened, tries to explain.

                I... thought I was doing the right
                I was afraid he might find out from
                someone else and...

      Curtis stops, sobbing.

                No. That's a lie.
                I told him because... I was
                jealous... jealous of the time you
                two spend together.

      Charlie quietly listens.

                The two of you getting along so good.
                The two people I care about most,
                doing all the things that I wanted to
                do with him.
                But I hardly saw him or you after you
                came along.
                So...  I let him think your interest
                in his music was a lie. Told him you
                were using him.
                I thought I had to.

      Curtis looks up at Charlie sobbing.

                You're such a nice guy!
                How could I compete with you?

      Curtis looks down again.

                And now look what I've done?

      Charlie places his hand on Curtis' shoulder.

                Hey. Nothing that anyone but the two
                of us ever needs to know about

      Charlie stands.

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                Can you think of any place he might
                go at this time of night?

                Maybe... check out Beach Park.  He
                goes down there, sometimes when he
                wants to be alone.

                OK. I'll try there first.

      Curtis stands.

                Wait a sec. Let me get dressed and
                I'll go with you.

                No. Let me do this alone.
                Besides, you need to stay here in
                case he comes back. OK?

      Curtis agrees. They embrace.

                I'm so sorry Charlie!

                          CHARLIE (CONT'D)
                I know.
                If you hear anything, call me.

      Curtis nods yes, Charlie exits, Curtis shuts the door.

Follow @steemfilm to find out what happens next!


Thank you for sharing this, I think it is useful for my friends @steemfilm

Hi @steemfilm I've just upvoted and followed you. I think it is really cool you guys are trying to use Steemit this way to make a Feature. It's a great way to protect the copyright of the script and to establish the film as a living entity. ( @brian-rhodes , @dan-atstarlite, @jrcornel )

I'm trying to put together an open source proposal to turn the current film finance system around so that Film-Makers like yourselves could use an adaptation of Steemit to fund their films with much better tools for that purpose than are currently available in the interface.

Major Hollywood Distributors completely control current Film funding through the Distribution is Finance model; so the model I'm proposing instead is Production is Distribution (and therefore finance) which is the opposite and would be built on blockchain/open ledger technology (hopefully a future adaptation of Steemit). It's kind of an extension of what you are already doing here. Just with a dedicated interface.

If this system, or something similar existed today you could use it to fund your film at every stage without ever having to leave your Social Media platform.

If this is of interest to you could you take a look at the model I'm proposing. I'd really like some feedback from other film-makers, writers etc. on where the model falls apart and what changes could be made, or feel free to come up with your own variations of this idea!

I don't care about ownership of it. I just really would like to see a working model exist for my own reasons as a film-maker and before I go and find a coder and developer to help build it I'd love it if as many film-makers as possible could rip it apart to help identify the parts of the model that don't work or suggest alternatives.

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