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RE: (Repost) Organ Harvesting in Haiti: A Webb Companion and Alternate Theory

I would like to add a piece, that most don't know, but can very much help in timing of coincidences.

The organ donor card.
Most people think that its nice, that when they die, their organs can be used to help someone go on living.

And that's a nice thought, but... it ignores reality.
When you die, your organs immediately deteriorate. Even five minutes to the hospital is too long. The organs are completely useless.

Organ donation can only happen with a living donor.
What american medical system hopes for is a mostly brain dead person with a donor card. Then they deprive you of oxygen to see if will survive and wake up immediately. (yes, they try to kill you to confirm if you are still alive.)

And then, the perform surgery, and remove all useful organs, usually without anaesthesia. They call in fast helicopters and usually have the organs sold before they even confirm the patient is dead.

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