in #orbit7 years ago



1 Introduction
2 Objective
3 Launch of Mangalyaan
4 Technical factor
5 Political factor
6 Problem faced
7 Solutions
8 Comparison with Maven
9 Result
10 Conclusion and scope in future
11 Bibliography
Established in 1969, ISRO superseded the erstwhile Indian National
Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR). Headquartered in
Bangalore, ISRO is under the administrative control of the
Department of Space, Government of India. Since its establishment, ISRO
has achieved numerous milestones. It built India's first satellite,
Aryabhatta, which was launched by the Soviet Union on 19 April in

  1. In 1980, Rohini became the first satellite to be placed in orbit
    by an Indian-made launch vehicle, SLV-3. ISRO subsequently
    developed two other rockets: the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)
    for launching satellites into polar orbits and the Geosynchronous Satellite
    Launch Vehicle (GSLV) for placing satellites into geostationary orbits.
    Throughout the years, ISRO has upheld its mission of bringing space
    to the service of the common man, to the service of the Nation. In
    the process, it has become one of the six largest space agencies in
    the world. ISRO maintains one of the largest fleet of communication
    satellites (INSAT) and remote sensing (IRS) satellites, that cater to
    the ever growing demand for fast and reliable communication and
    earth observation respectively. ISRO develops and delivers
    application specific satellite products and tools to the Nation:
    broadcasts, communications, weather forecasts, disaster
    management tools, Geographic Information Systems, cartography,
    navigation, telemedicine, dedicated distance education satellites
    being some of them.
    Apart from technological capability, ISRO has also contributed to
    science and science education in the country. Various dedicated
    research centers’ and autonomous institutions for remote sensing,
    astronomy and astrophysics, atmospheric sciences and space sciences in general
    function under the aegis of Department of Space. ISRO's own Lunar
    and interplanetary missions along with other scientific projects
    encourage and promote science education, apart from providing
    valuable data to the scientific community which in turn enriches
    Mars Orbiter Mission is India's first interplanetary mission to planet
    Mars with an orbiter craft designed to orbit Mars in an elliptical
    orbit. The Mission is primarily technological mission considering the
    critical mission operations and stringent requirements on propulsion
    and other bus systems of spacecraft. The Mars Orbiter Mission probe
    lifted-off from the First Launch Pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR,
    Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, using a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
    (PSLV) rocket C25 at 09:08 UTC (2:38 PM IST) on 5 November
  2. The launch window was approximately 20 days long and
    started on 28 October 2013.
    The MOM mission concept began with a feasibility study in 2010, after
    the launch of lunar satellite Chandrayaan-1 in 2008. The government of India
    approved the project on 3 August 2012, after the Indian Space Research
    organisation completed .1.25 billion (US $21 million) of required
    studies for the orbiter. The total project cost may be up to .4.54
    billion (US $77 million). The satellite costs .1.53 billion (US$26
    million) and the rest of the budget has been attributed to ground
    stations and relay upgrades that will be used for other ISRO projects.
    The space agency had initially planned the launch on 28 October
    2013 but was postponed to 5 November 2013 following the inability
    of ISRO's spacecraft tracking ships to take up pre-determined
    positions due to poor weather in the Pacific Ocean. OBJECTIVES :
    The primary objective of the Mars Orbiter Mission is to showcase India's
    rocket launch systems, spacecraft building and operations
    capabilities. Specifically, the primary objective is to develop the technologies
    required for designing, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary
    mission. The secondary objective is to explore Mars' surface features,
    morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere using indigenous
    scientific instruments comprising the following tasks-
    -Orbit maneuvers to transfer the spacecraft from Earth-centered orbit
    to heliocentric trajectory and finally, capture into Martian orbit
    -Development of force models and algorithms for orbit and attitude
    computations and analysis
    -Navigation in all phases
    -Maintain the spacecraft in all phases of the mission
    -Meeting power, communications, thermal and payload operation
    -Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations

-Exploration of Mars surface features by studying the morphology,
topography and mineralogy
-Study the constituents of Martian atmosphere including methane
and CO2 using remote sensing techniques
-Study the dynamics of the upper atmosphere of Mars, effects of
solar wind and radiation and the escape of volatiles to outer space
-The mission would also provide multiple opportunities to observe
the Martian moon Phobos and also offer an opportunity to identify
and re-estimate the orbits of asteroids seen during the Martian
Transfer Trajectory.
Technological Objectives:
. Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to
survive and perform Earth bound maneuvers, cruise phase of
300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase
around Mars.
. Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and
. Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency

India's mission to the Red Planet started on 23rd of November 2008, when ISRO
chairman G. Madhavan Nair announced the unmanned mission.
With a vision of putting India on the map of elite countries that have
been able to reach a planet other than earth, the mission took shape
and a feasibility study was started in 2010 by ISRO. The Mars
Orbiter Mission (MOM) probe was launched from Sriharikota, India
on 5th November 2013 using Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)
and The MOM probe spent about a month in Earth's Orbit before
trans Mars Injection on 30 November 2013. After a 298-day transit to
Mars, it was successfully inserted into Mars orbit on 24th September 2014.
Such a huge mission, a project of self-esteem, a project that would
do India proud if it succeeded. The political pressure must be huge
under such circumstances. ISRO faced criticism from it's own
chairman G. Madhavan Nair who said that the project had several
technical issues such as the highly elliptical orbit planned for Mars
Orbiter Mission or informally Mangalyaan that would take it far
from the planet most of the time and a very small 25 kg payload that
would contribute very little to the understanding of Mars.
The secretary of Delhi Science Forum, in an interview to the magazine
Science Insider said that the project had several limitations which
narrow its scope. He argued that ISRO should have waited for
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) instead of using
the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). ISRO however defended its
decision saying that the GSLV had failed twice in 2010 and it to wait for an improved version of GSLV that would delay t hwea spnr'otj eacdtv ibsya balne estimated time of 3 years.
The Times of India in it's editorial said that when the economy is in
doldrums, the Indian Space program would do well to grow at its
own pace rather than proceed with the expensive and imitative
projects out of a false sense of national pride.
China making its status clear on the subject had said before the
launch that a country with so much poverty has no business spending
on a Mars mission.

Last year's budget was some Rs 6000crore. They demanded back Rs.
2000crore to show less fiscal deficit. Payments were stopped. No
new indent or funding was to be raised. Even running projects were
to progress slow. Almost everything took downward shock. Again
the next year they announced some budget. But they never declared
to public that the government took back Rs. 2000crore. And this is
not the first time this has happened.
Such statements and acts from inside and outside the country go on
to show that the pressure on ISRO was huge as such and it did itself,
the country and millions of countrymen proud by succeeding in its
maiden mission to the Red Planet that has been the dream of so
many other countries to reach.
The Mars Orbiter was supposed to circle the earth for the next 20 to
25 days once launched and will then try to leave the earth’s orbit and
enter the Mars orbit. This second phase, post launch, is the biggest
stumbling block most satellites sent to Mars have faced. In fact,
ISRO chairman K Radhakrishnan had told the media that this is the
phase where 30 Mars Missions of the 51 launched till date, have
The bus needs to cope with a wide range of thermal environment,
from Near Earth conditions with Sun and Earth contributions (hot
case) to Mars conditions where eventually eclipses and reduced solar
flux give rise to cold case issues.
The main frame bus elements and payloads are basically designed
for interplanetary missions capable of operating in Earth Burn
Maneuvers (EBM), Mars Transfer Trajectory (MTT) and Martian
Orbit (MO) environments. The bus unit components are selected
with respect to a cumulated dose of 6 krads below 22 AWG
aluminium shielding. Parts have been considered as directly suitable,
if they have been evaluated successfully up to 12 krads (margin
factor of 2).
The communication systems for the Mars mission are responsible for
the challenging task of communication management up to a distance
of 400 million km. It consists of Telemetry, Tracking and Commanding
(TTC) systems and Data transmission systems in S-band and a Delta
Differential One-way Ranging Transmitter for ranging.
The TTC system comprises of coherent TTC Transponders, TWTA s
(Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers), a near omni coverage antenna
system, a High Gain Antenna system, Medium Gain Antenna and
corresponding feed networks.
-The High Gain Antenna system is based on a single 2.2 meter
reflector illuminated by a feed at S-band.

One of the major challenges in the design of power system is due to the larger
distance of the satellite from the Sun. The power generation in Mars orbit
is reduced to nearly 50% to 35% compared to Earth’s orbit.
The power bus configuration comprises of a single wing of solar
array with 7.56 (meter)2 area generating about 840 W during sunlit
and normal incidence in Martian orbit, and a 36 Ampere-Hour
Lithium-Ion battery supports the power load during launch phase,
initial attitude acquisition, eclipse, Earth burns, MOI, safe mode and
data transmission phases.
Propulsion System consists of one 440N Liquid Engine and 8 numbers of 22N
thrusters. The propellant tanks have combined storage capacity up to
852 kg propellant. The 22N thrusters are used for attitude control
during the various activities of the mission like, orbit raising using
liquid engine, attitude maintenance, Martian orbit maintenance (if
any) and momentum dumping.
As the critical operation of techniques Martian Orbit Insertion with
Liquid Engine burn occurs after 10 months of launch, suitable
isolation are adopted to prevent fuel/ oxidizer migration issues.
Mangalyaan consists of a 440 N Liquid Engine and 8 numbers of 22 N
thrusters and the tanks have a combined storage capacity kg of propellant. 22 N thrusters were used for atti toufd eu p ctoon tr8o5l2 dusuiringn g litqhuei dv aernigoiunse , aactttiivtiutdiee sm aoifn tetnhaen cmei,s sMiaornt ialni koer,b iotr bmiati nrtaeinasnicneg Iannds ermtoimoenn twuimt hd uLmipqiunigd. EnAgsi nteh eb urcnr itoicccaulr s oapfetreart io1n0 moofn tMhasr toifa nl auOnrbciht, msiugirtaabtileo n iissosluaetsi.o n techniques are adopted to prevent fuel/oxidizer
Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM) would measure methane in the
atmosphere of Mars and map its sources. MSM is designed measure
methane in the Martian atmosphere with parts per billion (ppb)
accuracy. Data would be measured over illuminate areas only as the
sensor measures reflected solar radiation.
aMbaunngdaalynacae no fa ldseou itnerciluumde da nLdy mhaydnr-Aolgpehna frPohmot oLmymetaenr -Athlpaht am eemasisusrieosn sr eilna ttihvee
upper atmosphere. Measuring the Deuterium-Hydrogen ratio would
allow an estimation of water loss to upper space. The LAP would
operate for just 60 minutes per orbit between the ranges of 3000 km
before and after Mars periapsis.

Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyzer (MENCA) is a
quadruple mass analyzer that is capable of analyzing the neutral
composition of particles in the range of 1-300 a.m.u. with unit mass
resolution. The heritage of MENCA is from Chandra's Altitudinal
Composition Explorer (CHANCE) payload aboard the Moon Impact Probe
(MIP) in Chandrayaan-I mission. MENCA would perform 5
observations per orbit with one hour per observation.
Another instrument aboard the MOM was Thermal Infrared Imaging
Spectrometer (TIS). TIS would measure the thermal emissions and
could be used during both day and night so as to map the surface
composition and mineralogy of Mars and also monitor atmospheric
CO2 and turbidity (required for the correction of MSM data).
Temperature and emissivity are the two basic physical parameters
estimated from thermal emission measurement. Many minerals and
soil types have characteristic spectra in TIR region. TIS can map
surface composition and mineralogy of Mars.
Mars Color Camera (MCC) – This tri-color camera gives images and
information about the surface features and composition of Martian
surface. It is useful to monitor the dynamic events and weather of
Mars like dust storms/atmospheric turbidity. MCC will also be used
for probing the two satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. MCC
would provide context information for other science payloads. MCC
images are to be acquired whenever MSM and TIS data is acquired.
MAVEN vs. MOM NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution is a space probe
designed to study the Martian atmosphere while orbiting Mars.
India's MOM is a space probe designed to explore features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian at Mmaorssp’ hseurrefa ucsei ng indigenous scientific instruments while orbiting Mars. The two projects are being conducted for very different reasons
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) MAVEN is the first spacecraft that will focus primarily on the state
of the upper atmosphere, the processes that control it, and the overall
atmospheric loss that is currently occurring. Specifically, MAVEN will
explore the processes through which the top of the Martian
atmosphere can be lost to space. Scientists think that this loss could
be important in explaining the changes in the climate of Mars that
have occurred over the last four billion years.

-MAVEN is larger than MOM.
MAVEN’s body has a cubical shape of about 2.3 m x 2.3 m x 2 m
high, spans a total of 11.4 m with its solar panels deployed and has a
lift-off mass of 2,454 kg (including fuel) and has a dry payload of
903 kg.
Mangalyaan’s body is a cuboid measuring about 1.5 m per side, a
span of 4.2 m with solar panels deployed and an initial mass of 1337
kg of which 852 kg is fuel. MAVEN at its aphelion will pull in 1215 W
of solar power. MOM pulls in 840 W.
-MAVEN at its aphelion will pull in 1215 W of solar power. MOM pulls
in 840 W.
-The Atlas 5 rocket to be used to launch MAVEN has the capability to
lift about 7,000 kg directly into a Geostationary transfer orbit
(GTO). This allows MAVEN (2500 kg) to be injected directly into a
Trans-Mars trajectory from launch.

-The PSLV to be used for MOM can lift about 1300 kg into a GTO.
With the MOM having a mass of 1337 kg, it becomes necessary for
a launch first into earth orbit and then a multi-step transition through
ever increasing earth orbits and finally into a Trans-Mars trajectory.
-The two vehicles have very different payloads packages, as
befitting their separate objectives. MOM’s instruments are
mainstream, broad spectrum, and intended to give ISRO experience
at measuring different types of planetary data ranging from
atmospheric to surface morphology. MAVEN’s instruments are all
focused on upper atmosphere and are cutting edge, measuring to
greater limits, sensitivity, and accuracy than previous missions.
Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) (AKA Mangalyaan)
. Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP)
. Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS)
. Mars Color Camera (MCC)
. Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM)
. Martian Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyzer (MENCA)
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN)
. Solar Wind Electron Analyzer(SWEA)
. Solar Wind Ion Analyzer(SWIA)
. Supra Thermal and Thermal Ion Composition(STATIC)
. Langmuir Probe and Winds Antennae(LPW)
. Magnetometer(MAG)
. Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph(IUVS)
. Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer(NGIMS)
. Solar Energetic Particles
MAVEN is targeting a science orbit of 150 by 6,200 Kilometers at an
inclination of 75 degrees. It will perform measurements from a
highly elliptical orbit around Mars over a period of one Earth year,
with five “deep dips” at 150km minimum altitude to sample the upper

Mangalyaan will be much further out and targets an operational orbit
of 365 by 80,000 Kilometers with an inclination of 150 degrees and
a duration of 76.72 hours from where it will perform its science
mission. The MOM mission in Mars orbit is open-ended and is
expected to last about 160 days. MOM’s closest approach is 377 km
MAVEN’s data is far more specialized and of interest to smaller
groups of researchers, but the project fits under one of NASA’s “Big
Questions” – specifically understanding how life developed on Earth.
Studying the atmosphere of Mars should provide insights to
researchers interested in the evolution of Earth’s atmosphere.
MAVEN’s science phase features regular communication sessions. The
spacecraft points its High Gain Antenna at Earth for high data rate
communications twice per week with the exact timing depending on
Deep Space Network visibility. Those common sessions take place
on Tuesday and Friday and have a duration of eight hours during
which at least five hours of Earth pointing are required to down link
all science data and housekeeping telemetry.

Mangalyaan is equipped with a 2.2-meter diameter High Gain
Antenna which is a parabolic X-Band reflector antenna that is used
for data down link and command up link. Science data and
spacecraft telemetry is stored in two 16Gb Solid State Recorders
aboard the vehicle for down link during regular communications
sessions. Low and Medium Gain Antennas are used for lowbandwidth
communications such as command up link and systems .
Both vehicles arrive at Mars the same week (22 Sept 2014 for MAVEN
and 24 Sept 2014 for MOM). MOM is taking longer to get there
because of the multiple Earthbound maneuvers in its trajectory.
Those maneuvers are part of the mission test objectives.
The total cost of the mission was approximately Rs. 450crore
(US$73 million), making it the least-expensive Mars mission to date.
The low cost of the mission was ascribed by K. Radhakrishnan, the
chairman of ISRO, to various factors, including a "modular
approach", few ground tests and long (18-20 hour) working days for
scientists. BBC's Jonathan Amos mentioned lower worker costs,
home-grown technologies, simpler design, and significantly less
complicated payload than NASA's MAVEN. MAVEN is expected to
have a budget of about $672 million.

Mangalyaan had entered the Martian orbit on September 24, 2014
after NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution)
orbiter that began encircling Mars on September 5, 2014. MAVEN
has completed over 1000 orbits of Mars in about 200 days. Both
ISRO’s and NASA’s mission are aimed at studying the Martian

Marking India's first venture into the interplanetary space, MOM
will explore and observe Mars surface features, morphology,
mineralogy and the Martian atmosphere. Further, a specific search
for methane in the Martian atmosphere will provide information
about the possibility or the past existence of life on the planet.
The major achievement of ISRO at first sight is the successful development of
indigenous cryogenic engine . Chandrayaan & Mangalyaan is a
significant landmark in the history of the organization in the field of
interplanetary mission.
The immediate aim is to develop the indigenous cryogenic engine so
that ISRO can be fully self-reliant on launching any class of
satellites. Having said this, the same poses greater challenges as
cryogenic engine (CE-20) should be verified just like its smaller
brother which was verified successfully in GSLV-D5.
Also, the development of Reusable launch vehicle (RLV) and
Chandrayaan-2 is on the anvil already.

A Hollywood movie costs more," said a delighted Prime Minister
Narendra Modi today, not for the first time. He was at the Indian
Space Research Organization (ISRO) in Bangalore to watch history
being made as India put its Mars Orbiter Mission, Mangalyaan into
the red planet's orbit.
Not only is India the first country to succeed in its maiden attempt,
but many across the world have also been wonder-struck at the low
cost of the mission. (PM Modi Hails Historic Achievement)
This golden satellite, approximately the size of a Nano car, and the
entire Mars Orbiter Mission have been made ready at a record cost
of Rs. 450crore or nearly $67 million.
Put together by ISRO in a record time of 15 months, it has been on a
300-day marathon, covering some 670 million kilometers to reach its
destination, Mars.

Mangalyaan is the cheapest inter-planetary mission ever to be
undertaken anywhere in the world. At Rs. 450 crore, it costs just
about Rs. 4 per person in India.
The success of Mangalyaan showed world nations Indian and ISRO
superiority in the space technology
References for the case study:

  • Mars Orbiter Mission – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Mars Orbiter Mission: Major Challenges. ISRO Archived from the
    original on 13 November 2013.
  • ISRO successfully performs TCM on Mars Orbiter. Zee News. Press
    Trust of India 11 December 2013.
  • 2015 Space Pioneer Award was presented to ISRO for Mars Orbiter
    Mission. ISRO. 20 May 2015 Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  • Mars Orbiter Mission website-http://www.isro.gov.in/pslv-c25-marsorbiter-
  • Mass Orbiter mission Brochure.

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