Oracle-D Discuss About Blockchain Technology With Minister of Communication and Information Technology Republic of Indonesia and Chairman of Indonesia IT Companies and Consultant Associates (ASPEKTI)

in #oracle-d6 years ago

When I received a message from Secretary of Vice President of Indonesia Republic, Mr. Jusuf Kalla, that said he adviced us to meet Mr. Rudiantara, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology to discuss about blockchain technology education in Indonesia, I felt so happy. Especially after the Secretary of Minister contacted me again a few days later, to discuss about the exact time and place since he is very busy. He invited us to have breakfast with him in Jakarta, but unfortunately we had Seminar in Padang, so we need to re-arrange the meeting. We supposed to meet him at Minangkabau Airport the day after the seminar because he had to go to Padang as well, but then, finally he invited us to meet him at his office in Jakarta.


This picture belongs to @anarcotech

We all are very excited to meet him, Minister of Communication and Information Technology is the key to have access to introduce blockchain technology throughout the region. That is why this meeting was so important for all of us, not only for @oracle-d but also for all who have interest to study and to use blockchain technology in Indonesia. Some people might not aware how important it is to follow the protocols and regulations in Indonesia, for me it is very important. I am very confident that my government will be very open to this blockchain technology, because it can be very useful for Indonesian citizen, government, and even to the world. That is why, for me, it is much better to talk to the key person about it first which allow us to have more confidence to provide education and information about blockchain technology throughout the region properly. Blockchain technology is not only about trading and cryptocurrency, but also about how to have a new system that could help to develop transparency and economics.

We are glad to find out that Mr. Rudiantara have learned about blockchain technology since two years ago. He found that this technology is very useful and he even initiate the government to use this technology to increase tax income. He explained that with the usage of technology, the tax payments are much more efficient compare to the traditional system. Since it is that efficient, it also help the government to have faster administrations that allows the government to increase the tax income. This is something that actually I did not know, I heard about it but I did not really understand, but after the meeting, I feel glad to find out that my government already use and implement this technology in such creative and brilliant way.

We are also happy to know that Mr. Rudiantara encourage students in Indonesia to understand about blockchain technology. He told us that the government already has programs with quiet significant budget to help students in Indonesia to learn and study more about the latest technology. He wants the next generation of Indonesia to get a better education to be highly competitive in the future by having useful knowledge about advance technology. He mentioned as well about education programs in big data and Artifical Intelligence which are already start a year ago. It will be great if we can add blockchain technology to the programs as well, I am sure it will create open a great opportunity for students in Indonesia to become the leaders in the future.


After this amazing meeting, then we had dinner meeting with the leaders of Indonesia IT Companies and Consultant Associates (ASPEKTI), Prof. Laode M. Kamaluddin, Mr. Nasfi Burhan, and Concelor of West Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Anton C. Lasut. We are discussing about our event on November 1st, 2018. This event is very important to encourage Indonesian to understand more about blockchain technology. We need this technology to develop our education quality as well as to develop economics and sustainability in the future. The keynote speaker for this event will be the Mr. Muhammad Nasir, Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Prof. Laode M. Kamaluddin will become the moderator, and the Panellist will be Mr. Rosan Roeslani, Chairman of Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (KADIN), and Mr. Bahlil Lahadalia, Chairmain of Indonesia Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI). Matt Starkey as the CEO of @oracle-d and Dylan Leighton as the CTO of @oracle-d will present the importance of blockchain technology to develop economics which has to be start by provide education about this technology to campuses and society in Indonesia, since this technology has been used by other countries all over the world to develop as well as to solve economic problems. I, as the head of international relations and telematics of Aspekti, will host this event personally.

For all of you who want to join this event, you may contact @alaikaabdullah, @senja.jingga, @ekonugraha, and Dilla. They are helping us to organize this event and they always do their best.


This meetings and event are just the beginning, I do believe that in upcoming future, there will be a lot of work to do. We have to always stay together, hand in hand, to make sure that this blockchain technology could be implemented in this world. We all deserve to have a better world and future. As Dylan (@anarcotech) said, “Thirty years ago, we do not understand about internet, and there are a lot of arguments about internet. A lot of people even afraid to use internet, but today who doesn’t use internet? It is the same as bockchain technology, today we might have a lot of arguments and we all still have to learn about this technology, but let’s see in the future. Blockchain technology will be very important for the citizen of this world”.

Bandung, October 29th 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


Insya allah sy jg mo hadir ke jkt.

Momentum yang sangat membahagiakan, saya juga ingin
berkumpul bersama dengan orang-orang hebat, seperti pada foto diatas.

Salam mbak @mariska.lubis

Proud of you Kak @mariska.lubis, who keep introduced Blockchain to our country. I believed in the next future Indonesia people understand how is import and blockchain Regarding to @oracle-d team, hopefully one day both of you come to Taiwan, so that I can meet all

Menyimak 😊

@oracle-d telah memberikan pemahaman yang luar biasa tentang Blockchain buat kita semua.
Sukses di semua tempat, saya yakin pemerintah akan cepat tanggap untuk menjalankan ini.
Terimakasih kakakku
Salam hangat dan sehat selalu.....amin

sangat keren, semoga acara ini akan di adakan di bireuen, seperti kemaren yang di adakan di lhokseumawe. salam sukses mbak @mariska.lubis

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

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