Predicting outcomes are so easy these days

in #opinion6 years ago (edited)

People who engage in political discourse these days are sadly becoming very predictable. I say its sad because it used to be that you would ask a person what their political affiliations were. People used to take the time to get to know someone and from there you would work out what a persons values and ideals were.

This is no longer the case. Now you are labeled, you are categorized and you are assigned your political affiliations and your values. This of course is all done by a person or persons that don't actually know the individual in question.

The way it goes on social media is quite simple and annoyingly predictable.

If someone is self declared on the left, and they 'get into it' with someone who has declared themselves right of center and beyond they are either labeled, categorized or assigned as either a bigot/racist/misogynist/Nazi/fascist or alt-right

If someone is self declared on the right, and they 'get into it' with someone who has declared themselves left of center and beyond they are either labeled, categorized or assigned as either an SJW/Commie/socialist/antifa/Nazi/fascist or alt left.

Its very predictable and very frustrating, but what's worse and considerably more frustrating than what the self declared left and right say about each other are all the poor buggers in the center.

The millions of people who don't see themselves as either left or right that get called all the negative things above simply for disagreeing with either people on the left or people on the right!

It doesn't matter what they disagree on either or how reasonable or legitimate the disagreement is. you disagree with the left or right on the same issue and the insults are predictable. So predictable that people in the center don't bother engaging in discussions, which is why you only ever see the left and the right going at it on social media!

Go have a look at any thread on twitter and look for a centrist in the comments because I doubt you'll find one. They are now an endangered species!

The moderate middle have been unfairly insulted and harassed out of the debate by ideological zealots from the left and the right. Its not reasonable and it makes all discussions predictably dull and boring.

I miss the days when I could be critical of an ideological position without some asshole trying to shut me down with insults. Everything about those types of people is just wrong! I wish they could just be critical back! They don't even bother asking you how you came to your conclusion! they just start right off with how wrong you are and that you're a bad person. It's probably the reason i don't do it anymore.

If being a project manager taught me anything it was 'diplomacy is the best policy' its just a lot harder to have an engaging discussion when you're always trying to be diplomatic.


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

they just start right off with how wrong you are and that your a bad person.
It should be you're a instead of your a.

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