OpHumanAngels 2 - Looking for Donation to Help The Poor

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians...
In this time, We will continue the project sponsored by #teamaceh and @lyndsaybowes in #ophumanangels project to help the poor people. Thank you for all donators for support our first project. Because of you all, this project become succesfully. In the second project, we try to help a poor family from North Aceh, Indonesia.

This is a poor family from North Aceh, Indonesia. This family life in a small and dirty wooden house in Baroh Kuta Bate Village, Aceh. This family consists of six member. A deaf father, a mother and four sons.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan melanjutkan sebuah proyek yang di sponsori oleh #teamaceh dan @lyndsaybowes dengan proyek #ophumanangels dalam membantu masyarakat miskin. Saya ucapkan terima kasih untuk para donatur yang sudah membantu proyek ini. Berkat donasi anda semua, proyek pertama kami berjalan lancar. Pada proyek kedua kali ini, kami mencoba membantu sebuah keluarga miskin di Aceh, Indonesia.

Ini adalah keluarga miskin dari Aceh Utara, Indonesia. Keluarga ini tinggal di sebuah rumah kayu kecil dan kotor di Desa Baroh Kuta Bate, Aceh. Keluarga ini terdiri dari enam anggota keluarga. Seorang ayah yg cacat (tuli dan bisu), seorang ibu dan empat anak laki-laki.

Image; Condition of Abdul Gani’s home

Abdul Gani, a deaf father, he is 53 years old. A father who hasn’t the ability for hearing like him, you can imagine how can he get a job? Almost impossible. His daily activities consists of staying at home and take care of the housework. The only one people who can work is his wife, Suryawati. When we visited their home yesterday, Abdul Gani and his oldest son is not at home.

His wife is 47 years old . She is the backbone of this family. To support her family, she is working for a local resident’s farm. She get paid about Rp 50.000, - or about US $4 per day. With that amount, she is supposed to have enough for daily expences like food, as well as clothes and money for her sons schooling.

Abdul Gani, seorang ayah yang cacat berusia 53 tahun. Seorang ayah yang memiliki keterbatasan fisik seperti dia, bisa dibayangkan bagaimana dia bisa mendapat pekerjaan? Hampir tidak mungkin. Kegiatan kesehariannya hanya tinggal di rumah dan mengurus pekerjaan rumah tangga. Satu-satunya orang yang bisa bekerja adalah istrinya, Suryawati. Saat kami mengunjungi rumah mereka kemarin, Abdul Gani dan putra tertuanya sedang tidak di rumah.

Istrinya berusia 47 tahun. Dia adalah tulang punggung keluarga. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya, dia bekerja untuk pertanian penduduk setempat. Dia dibayar sekitar Rp 50.000, atau sekitar US $4 per hari. Dengan jumlah itu, dia harus mencukupi keperluan sehari-hari seperti makanan, pakaian dan uang untuk sekolah anak-anaknya.

Image; Kitchen 1

Image; Kitchen 2

Image; Family room

Image; Weathered roof

Working as a farmer is not her regular job. This is a seasonal job which only exists during the growing season and the harvest season. When we visited their house, Suryawati told us that right now they are very difficult to earn money for their daily needs and their children's school fees because the harvest season in that village has just finished 1 month ago.

Bekerja sebagai petani bukanlah pekerjaan rutinnya. Ini adalah pekerjaan musiman yang hanya ada selama musim tanam dan musim panen padi. Ketika kami mengunjungi rumah mereka, Suryawati mengatakan kepada kami bahwa saat ini mereka sangat sulit mendapatkan uang untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dan uang sekolah anak-anak mereka karena musim panen di desa tersebut baru selesai 1 bulan yang lalu.

Let’s Help Them!

For all steemians around the world, it’s time to help them. For you who want to help them, you can donating your sbd to @rejacole and @lyndsaybowes with memo; ophumanangels. Your donating is mean a lot to them. we held fundraising for five days since the posting was published.

For steemians who still in doubt for this project, you can check our first project here; https://steemit.com/ophumanangels/@rejacole/donating-some-sbd-for-the-poor-people. It’s not a scam. It’s real, from us to the poor people. Thank you!

Untuk semua steemians di seluruh dunia, saatnya untuk membantu mereka. Bagi Anda yang ingin membantu mereka, Anda bisa menyumbangkan sbd Anda ke @rejacole dan @lyndsaybowes dengan memo; ophumanangels. Sumbangan Anda sangat berarti bagi mereka. Kami mengadakan penggalangan dana selama lima hari sejak posting dipublikasikan.

Bagi steemians yang masih ragu dengan proyek ini, Anda bisa memeriksa proyek pertama kami di sini; https://steemit.com/ophumanangels/@rejacole/donating-some-sbd-for-the-poor-people. Ini bukan scam. Ini nyata, dari kita untuk orang miskin. Terima kasih!

Special thank to @lyndsaybowes, @sogata, @lidiasteem, @sulaidasilva, @novale, @lapulga, @aemkar, @zulfikarkamui, @rizkiani, @sbdhunter and many more.

Follow me @rejacole


Hopefully this project will continue for long time...

Thanks for your support @rizkiani!

You are good man @rejacole. We need more people like you in this platform.

You can be a part of this goodness @elghazi

I hope you get a lot of support for these beautiful people. Thank you for taking the initiative here @rejacole.

Thanks for your support @lyndsaybowes!

a very touching post @rejacole,
I hope this activity continues and we can help others.

We hope so buddy!

Saya juga sangat prihatin atas hal ini, kemana tatanan pemerintahan yang baik untuk rakyat?

Instrumen hukum yang baik kemana? Konstitusi di Indonesia telah menjamin semuanya, baik mengenai Hak Konstitusional maupun jaminan kehidupan yang layak. Kemana mereka? Kemana para janji? Kemana para arif?

I am also very concerned about this, where the good governance order for the people?

Good legal instrument where to go? The Constitution in Indonesia has guaranteed everything, both on Constitutional Rights and the guarantee of a decent life. Where are they? Where are the promises? Where are the wise?

Sepertinya kita harus bergerak dan mengambil inisiatif sendiri @salda

I salute with your work, semonga only god bless you, I feel sad at the time I read it, semonga with the existing hands of the noble hands, the family can smile back, and to the person who helped his reward from god swt if I have sbd I sent, unable to see me, so thank you.

Thanks for visit my post @syukurmj!

this is a very noble deed

Thanks @rusli

indeed we should help them, because our help is very valuable to them

That is why this project was born

This is awesome project. Nice work @rejacole!

Thanks bro!

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