Nova Scotia - The Storm & The Story! #OpHumanAngels

in #ophumanangels7 years ago

The Storm and the Story

Nova Scotia was in for a huge storm and we had no choice but to help. I mentioned in a recent post that we were going to get this storm and that @lyndsaybowes and I were heading out into the storm to help those that need.

I went and purchased a bunch of potatoes, soup and coffee and some other items like plastic spoons, forks and knives.

Kiedis really wanted to be in the picture :)

Now I a little bit disappointed since I really wanted to bake all these potatoes, cook all the soup, brew all the coffee and drive around through downtown during the storm in my work van directly feeding people. After some thought and a reality check @lyndsaybowes and I decided it wouldn't be the best plan. We live 45 mins from downtown so keeping the baked potatoes hot probably wouldn't have been to difficult but the soup might be a problem. We also don't have a commercial coffee craft or whatever they're called and definitely don't own enough thermoses. We also had the realization that if we can't find very many people to feed all this food goes to waste.

We had to make a new plan. @lyndsaybowes told me about Souls Harbour RESCUE mission! and we decided it would be best to make the trek through the first stages of the storm to donate the food there and give some free HUGS

@amymya offered to babysit the boys so @lyndsaybowes and I could head downtown and drop off the food.

@amymya is the best!!! :)

We always give people eggy's :) These are for @amymya's family for watching the boys

@lyndsaybowes and I loaded the food into the van and headed downtown Halifax. The weather was starting to get extremely bad and not many cars were on the highway. The wind was able to move the van almost entirely into the other lane or the shoulder at will. We were going quite slow not wanting to risk any type of accident. I had @lyndsaybowes capture a few photos of the weather well driving for you guys but they don't seem to have the same effect as real life did.




We finally arrived at the **Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission in Halifax. We walked into the mission and a very nice and helpful lady says to me "You're just getting here now?" she wasn't being rude however they serve a meal at a certain time of day and we were late for it. She was willing to still provide us with something to eat regardless of us being late. The look of me in my work clothes can sometimes throw people off :). We explained to her that we actually had food and other items to donate to the mission because the storm is coming and they probably could use it. They were so happy and grateful to accept the items.

A photo from Google of "Souls Harbour Rescue Mission"

After we brought all the items inside the mission and loaded them into the pantry and fridge @lyndsaybowes went around to some "Opportunity-Less" people (our new word for homeless or house-less) and starting offering them FREE HUGS She's so amazing :).

Well @lyndsaybowes was busy giving hugs to people I had a very nice talk with an old gentleman. He explained how he had smoked for 60 years and quite 4 years ago. We talked about the "Mooseheads" which is our CHL hockey team and life in general. It was nice and always reminds me that all these people are the same as us just with less opportunities.

I didn't feel it would be right to take any photos of the inside of the mission or of the people considering this is a blockchain and I don't think they deserve permanent documentation of them being at the mission. I feel like although this wasn't the exact way I had planned for the "Op" it was still a success.

Love you all


I feel like this photo really captured the rain anyways, kinda shows how scary it was out on the roads <3 <3 <3

I was so glad to see that everyone was staying in, and there weren't any people out on the streets. NS does take care of everyone. I'm glad you got us out of the house to do this and I look forward to getting out again really soon!

Great photo! No walking until that improves or you will need an anchor attached!😂

lol seriously though!

this is what the TransCanada Highway looked like on the way home...

Yes it totally helped that there wasn't tons of traffic to deal with as well.

Kudos to you for your kindness to even strangers! This world is a better place to live because people like you. Please stay safe during the storm.

Thank you so much! I hope we don't get to much damage this time :(

Good work guys! It was a total success! Just picturing @lyndsaybowes giving out hugs. Bless you both and your warmth and generosity.
Upvoted 💛💛💛

Thank you Sally! @lyndsaybowes was amazing as always!!!!

You are BOTH equally amazing angels ☺️

Thanks :)

Great mission you two! Truly the most generous and thoughtful people I know. Thank you for doing this, I'm glad you didn't blow over on the road. And the boys can hang here any time :) much love to you guys

Thanks Amy! We couldn't have done it with out you! :) The boys love it there as well

I'm very glad. Anytime :)

Couldn't have done it without you, thanks again <3 <3 <3 Hopefully soon we have a vehicle with more than 2 seats and we can need babysitters less hahahaha!!

No seriously I don't mind at all <3 <3 your kids are gems!

What are we all doing up so late though? These storm winds are filling the air with energy or something. At least the baby is sleeping, haha

I haven't been able to sleep either, charged up sounds legit!

Last night was the same Amy lol. The kids were sleeping no problem I couldn't sleep until like 2am hahhah and it's 1:30am again tonight so I dunno what's going on.

Yup, same. I wish I could sleep in a little longer... 7:30 isn't too bad in general but not good when staying up til 2, haha

A role model indeed!

When difficult times arrive the best thing is to help each other overcome that situation.

Good job pal.

Thank you! I agree it's the best way to get through the tough times.

Good job @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes. Rain in Canada in January? I guess we are enjoying your normal arctic air here in Pennsylvania. Damn it's cold.

I like the story about your work clothes. I'm sure most people think the same about me when they see me in my regular everyday clothes.

hahaha clothes is over rated anyway. Sorry that you're freezing man

Very cool. Glad you were able to do some good. Just shows how amazing people are. Keep up the amazing selflessness.

Thank you buddy! Just doing what feels natural. @lyndsaybowes and I do this because we have to.

good job for being so kind to the others sir @hendrix22. more powers to you and to the whole family

Thank you so much!

Move to Calgary its plus 5 today man lol

I'll move there today sure but I'm leaving tomorrow. The temperature in Calgary goes up and down like whores drawers.

Good on you guys for doing that! You guys are some good people and you drive a Chevrolet so thats a bonus in my book! Glad to see yall got everything back up and going.

Thanks dude! We just live life and in our life things like this happen. We aren't special in any way. Thanks for the support :)

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