Weekly Discussion Thread

in #opgaming6 years ago

Hey there, it's @ddrfr33k. One of the awesome things we had going with our prior group were the weekly discussion threads. They were an opportunity to chat with your fellow group members, talk about yourself, and learn a little bit more about the group in the process. Well, we're going to resurrect that thread series again. And we're doing it in style! But what are you waiting for? Me to stop talking? Well, we got a little surprise for you.

This week's theme is:


That's a classic rivalry right there...

Tell us about a rivalry you had with someone. Not only that, but tell us more about it. How did it start? Did it ever end? How?

Now wait a sec. What's this? More to this post? YES! We're doing something new here at OP Gaming. With each discussion post, a moderator or admin will be sounding off in here. Ever wondered what goes on in our brains? This is the chance! Our first responder is @Volderhein!

Ahh... Rivalries. Where to start?

Oh I know... Let me tell you guys the story of how I developed several rivalries in Super Smash Brothers Melee.

I started frequenting a these weekly sort of "parties" a group of friends organized. I refer to them as parties because we played as much as we drank. But anyways, I started going to these parties and started meeting new people. We played games and hung out while eating pizza and drinking cola. That's when Super Smash Brothers came and sucked us whole into a vortex of competitive spirit, salt, and training... But most importantly, well developed rivalries.


This began when I first brought my Wii U with Super Smash Brothers for Wii U or most commonly called Smash 4. I supposed that because I owned the game and had the most experience with it, I would absolutely rekt everybody in that house during that night... I couldn't have been more wrong in my life.

From there on we moved out from Smash 4 to a Brawl mod called Project M and we spent some years there. This phase of our smash addiction was when things finally got serious. We stopped being casuals. The rivalries which had been created on Smash 4 translated almost equally to Project M, BUT something had changed. Each of us started developing their skills more and more and quickly. Suddenly, we started getting better, our matches were closer, and tighter than they had ever been before. We were finally taking a good hold of the game in our grasp and it really was noticeable which one of us really wanted to invest time in the game and who didn't.


By the time we switched over to Melee, Rivalries were set in place. I had developed these with two of my friends, specifically. This guy who played Captain Falcon. His extremely fast inputs are in your face 24/7 if you don't do something about it. And the other one was with this guy who wasn't that fast nor the best at applying techniques but can read you like a book. But why do I see them as Rivals? Because at some point we had an equal amount of skills and mindgames. We sort of grew together while training with each other and developed our own way of playing characters and the game itself.


At the end of the day, our rivalries still last to this day and age but it's hard to keep consistent. Our group sort of disintegrated since not everyone likes playing the game at that level of competitiveness. We do still play once in a while and heck we even play some other games too like Skullgirls and Tekken! So i'd say we are still rivals but overall we're still friends.

I'll leave some images and stuff we've done over the years!

And here's a video compiling the best kills and plays we made during that night! Wow... A lot of time has passed...

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wow! amazing post it great to know that the community is trying to creat new places for people to be accomodate and mix for everyone's benefit.

You should join in on the discussion, you know. That's why we make them. Tell us about your gaming rivalry!

Love how this post turned out! <3 Loved writing for the group and being an admin of the group.

We really are OP!


My all time rivalry was against my dad and brother's when we all competed at Kirby's Avalanche on the SNES, we played that a lot and it was tough competition for us all as we all got good.

Speaking of Smash Bros. Long, long ago my old friend would always come over to my house after school in junior high. We would constantly play Melee together. She was always Sheik and I would be Kirby and she would ALWAYS kick my ass! Goes to show how much of a loser I am.:P
Though, It prolly didn't help that she was a top teir character and I was literally bottom of the barrel trash teir!lmao sigh why did Sakurai make Kirby so trash in Melee?:'(

Who do you main in Smash @ddrfr33k ? I usually gravitate towards Kirby and King Dedede, and as of Sm4sh I've found a new found love for Charizard.

I ended up using Fox and Marth on Melee since those are the characters I like the most but on Smash 4 I developed love, care and respect for my boy Ike <3

I played more Smash 64, rather than melee. Back then, it was 4 player free for all with friends in high school, and I ran Samus as a brawler. Those were the days...

I'm a bit late to the game (and apparently, I'm not allowed to upvote in the closing hours of a post... huh, you learn something new every day...).

A rivalry that still haunts me all the way to the present day. Mario Kart on the SNES, we all had that friend who would just rub it deep into your face when the were on fire and just kicking your arse. Well, I had one of those, and just recently we both got hold of a Switch, and I can feel the pressure to get back to the new and updated Mario Karting no-holds barred rivalry again....

Gaming rivalry...I have no rivals in my game so far. Maybe I'm just too good. :P

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