Open Source Humanity in a Free World

In recent years, humanity has used open source ideas and technology to change or entirely replace, old, unsustainable business models. This process is working its way through our culture and gaining ground every day. The ideas I've been working on for the last few years are intended to “free up” the remaining corporate controlled needs, products, and services, thus making it possible for anyone to live healthy and productive lives without having to be forced into participating in systems they don't agree with. By physically proving invention concepts and DIY, open source, green construction/manufacturing techniques that meet basic needs sustainably, and touring, teaching the concepts of permaculture, open source collaboration, and the advantages of non aggression, hopefully, I'll be able to help speed up the adaptation of sustainable practices and positive lifestyles.

The internet has freed up information, music(napster/bit-torrent), video(youtube), artists(free tools and self publishing), writers(free e-books), 3d rendering/design(due to free software like blender), and it's working on currency, (bitcoin, steem, and other alt coins). The open source DIY meshnet that 's slowly being developed by forward thinkers around the world will eventually make an alternative, free, open source internet, which will quickly replace the corporate internet model. Only businesses and those wanting huge bandwidth will want to pay for internet. For instance, why rent or buy a movie when you can watch it for free on youtube?

Once the petrochemical and tyranny fed population boom levels back out to sustainable levels, permaculture, when practiced on a large scale in the same way the Amazon rainforest was formed, will largely eliminate the need for companies that produce food

DIY, open source, swarm developed and built green tech will allow people to make their own technology and power locally, in more sustainable ways, eliminating the need for tons of businesses.

Natural, “green” building techniques can spread and eliminate the need for lumber companies, expensive general contractors, and all kinds of stuff we take for granted as being a necessity.. Contractors can transition to building green and being contributionists, or they can find different work.

The reason that there's a welfare state is because the system most are contributing to forces that welfare state through its actions.

In the past, in tribal cultures, welfare was a savings account that you contributed to for your whole life. But that account didn't hold money. Every time you did something nice for a fellow community member, you built that account up with a little bit of love. Later on in life, if something went wrong, because your community loved you, they'd help you. It would work today, and sometimes does, but as long as people are completely programmed to revert to greed by living in a corrupt, unsustainable, unbalanced system, it will be a rare thing and short lived. An example of this today would be how communities come together when a tornado hits a church. They get together, sing songs, and build a new, fancy church…but once the church is back up, it's right back to the “Us or them, I'm getting mine” mentality. I think every day should be tornado hits church day…both figuratively …and literally (lol…couldn't help that one)…

The current fascist control structure needs suffering and welfare class as a motivator. “Don't want to live like that guy? Better get a job and buy lots of stuff because there are only three ways to freedom, death, debt slavery, or welfare! Choose one now!” When a controlling class wants to control large amounts of people, they must divide those people. They pump up racial tensions, break money, funnel all profits straight to the top, and basically create a situation where the family, tribe, and collaborative community models are broken. This puts people against each other with no savings account of love. You can't replace a savings account filled with love with a 401k that's based on predatory mortgages and only payable in blood backed fiat currencies.

So as open source software and hardware is overtaking the world, open source humanity is also overtaking the corrupt unsustainable system. I'm just hoping that the rate of change/growth accelerates exponentially because a viral growth will be unstoppable.


Very good post...I am glad you realise that we seem to be living in a corporate fascist world. The importance given to economic growth (unadjusted for environmental damage) with finite resources is destined to end in failure, we need to push open-source projects as far as they can to solve this problem. Also, check out how cryptocurrency is changing media and may make YouTube fall behind such as LBRY.

Thanks! When it comes down to it, I really don't have much hope that the concept of currency will ever lead to peace, for lots of reasons, but I definitely see crypto's and DAC's as great transitional and community building alternatives to the current established systems and the less we reply upon them, the less tryranny we'll struggle with.

I was looking into mediagoblin in the past but didn't have a good computer at the time.

I think also it is a step in the right direction... once we take back control of the money we can empower ourselves then we can find out what kind of system we want to live in. Ah mediagoblin? Will have to look that up, cheers!

Very nice post thank you for share it, i am totally agree with your words, in fact i think now the election humanity have to do is between or self destruction way or open source plus environmental care

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