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RE: Witness Voting, OpenSeed and OpenLink

in #openseed5 years ago

"It doesn't make these folks bad people for wanting the best for their platform"

No it doesn't! But it does make these folks bad people when they use their SP and reputations to down-vote so many other members in order to destroy their reputations and thus receive nothing for their curator efforts, while at the same time, filling their own greedy pocked with tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. People like @themarkymark are nothing but barrel scum.


Be that as it may, why would you stay around and put yourself through all this? When I saw all of the corruption after spending six months here I knew it wasn't the place for me. Unless you are getting something out of it, why stick around? Maybe you like the drama? I know that a lot of people do, I'm just not one of them.

"Be that as it may, why would you stay around and put yourself through all this?"

I'm only passing the time here while I'm waiting for my 13 week (ridiculous I might add) power down to be completed (just 3 weeks left).

"When I saw all of the corruption after spending six months here I knew it wasn't the place for me. "

I beat you there! :) It took me less than 1 month to realize what was going on.

I do indeed like drama and arguments, but only when they occur on a level playing field. When however the odds are stacked against you, as is the case with Steemit with its "protected" Witnesses entering the game, down-voting everyone they do not like in order to line their own pockets, only a fool would stay on Steemit longer than they need to in order to get their money back. Sure, I never had much invested in the first place, but I see it more a matter of principle than anything else.

I guess I'd like to see one of 2 things happen...either for Tron to get rid of all existing Steemit witnesses, or else to shut down Steemit completely. At this point, either option would be fine with me, but one thing is for certain. Continue the way it is, and Steemit will not survive much longer. Only those who have a vested interest would argue otherwise. Perhaps in the past, those like the @themarkymark actually added something positive to the Steemit platform, but not any more. On the contrary, they have now turned Steemit into a cesspool while filling their own pocked with blood money stolen from those whose reputations they destroyed. It's now time for those corrupted witnesses to be removed, or else for Steemit to shut down for good.

Right on, well I wish you luck. I will just keep hanging with my whaleshares friends and watch all this shit from the sidelines. I do hope that real people don't lose out in this big dick contest.

Thank you!

"I do hope that real people don't lose out in this big dick contest."

So do I, but I think in reality they have already lost.

Have you ever taken a close look at the profiles of some of these Witnesses and high-reputation members such as @themarkymark and @buildawhale? The last time I looked, @themarkymark had approximately $135,000.00 US in his account, and was taking in $1000s. How much do you think the average Steemit member has in their account? My best is less than $50, if that. Unfortunately, while the initial concept may have been good, albeit a non-sustainable business model, Steemit is now nothing more than a bad joke! I only wish that there was some way to take the Steem away from those like @themarkymark and return it to its rightful owners. Hopefully Justin Sun (Tron) can fix this mess, otherwise Steemit's remaining time is no doubt quickly coming to an end.

Thanks again for the great dialog. Perhaps we can meet again on Whaleshares. :)

Good luck to you also!

That would be cool. If you need an account I can make you one instantly. Chris Bird- profanereviews#2542 is my discord

Thanks! Actually I just signed up! Same ID as here. It says that I have to wait upto 24 hrs to be setup. Oh well. :)

Sweet. I approved it and it just needs one more witness approval so should be good. There is a Whaleshares community that was just started here as well. Before you get started there you might want to have a look through here because it can be pretty confusing when you come from Steemit. I will keep an eye out for you and shoot you a bit of stake so you will have enough daba to do a decent intro post if you want. I just bought a bunch more WLS to power up pods and shit. so I don't mind helping new people out if they're keen to interact with the platform.

Well, I've had a chance to delve into the workings of Whaleshares, and to say the least, I am very disappointed. In many ways, I can't say that it is any better than Steemit, and in someways, it's a lot worse. Whaleshares has the same old witness structure as Steemit, and the same ridiculous 13-week power down requirement. On top of that, posts are only rewarded by those who choose to spend their own money to tip their authors. Why anyone would ever want to do that is totally beyond me.

But regardless of its structure, Whaleshares has virtually no members to speak of, and over half its witnesses have already left the platform. Thanks, but no thanks! There are much better and more enjoyable ways to waste one's time and money.

Three more weeks for my Steemit power-down to be completed, and I'm totally done with blockchain forums. They are not for me!

Thanks again for all your help, and good luck to you.

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