OpenMoney ICO
When it comes to starting a successful business like OPEN Money, three basic questions need to be addressed:
What is the problem?
Is there a better solution?
Am I the best solution to this problem?
Presentation of open money
Experienced founders and Open Money developers have encountered a problem; companies targeting blocking technologies and crime, while software application developers are stuck in an anachronistic and fiat-based world.
The solution is to accelerate ecosystem adoption, allowing leading software developers to create and distribute their applications in this new technology without wasting vital resources to restore their work.
This is where OPEN Money comes in. They know that all developers need a way to monetize, distribute and promote their B2B products, between businesses and consumers. Unfortunately, the existing elements have stagnant effects in fundraising for research and development, as well as the mitigation of earnings potential thanks to significant contracts with parent companies that siphon up to 30% of all purchases in applications.
But what choice has an application developer?
Unfortunately, this is particularly limited to the integration of the mass market. This is where Open Money seeks to pave the way for the world of cryptography, where there is about $ 100 billion in liquid currency. This opens the door for potential customers who prefer to pay with the exchange rate, while developers can earn more revenue for their products.
"We strongly believe that the OPEN platform will be the first global infrastructure solution for software developers who want to integrate block technologies."
Get to know the OPEN Money Team
It's a fusion of talents and successes. 50 million and more downloaded mainstream apps that work with major automotive brands and sports that appear on the best information channels, plus a decade of combined experience with successful application development. These are just some of the highlights of what they did.
Fiz Kassam - Chief Executive Officer
First developer for Stick RPG
40 million downloads +
They lead major digital media projects for Adidas, Toyota, Kelloggs
14 years in application development
CTO of a developer of casino applications and real money gaming operations
Guest speakers from various institutions and universities on the theme of game development
Andrew Leung - CTO
He installed the Asia-Pacific Headquarters and led a new team of Billion Dollar Software from Pivotal Labs
Chef architect and crusher application 50 million + downloads
Manage the development of the Viacom videoconferencing system
Facebook's leading engineering team for Blackberry 10 OS and scalable for more than 1 million daily assets
Open Token merupakan bagian dari OPEN MONEY Platform OPEN, yang bertindak sebagai pengembang token yang terintegrasi dan konsumen bisa belanja di aplikasi yang sudah terintegrasi didalam platform OPEN. Open Token adalah token yang dapat di tukar dengan ERC-20. Total pasokan dipatok pada 360 juta Open Token dan tidak akan meningkat melebihi pasokan tetap ini.
Ken Sangha - COO
Scaled casino developer with an 8-digit real money casino and hit # 1 in iTunes UK
Average spend for the app has gone from $ 300 to $ 3,000 US per user
A guest speaker from Yahoo Inc and Flurry
Professional advisor, advisor and operational advisor for several start-ups and accelerators
Roger Jin - Director of Strategy
It introduces the launch of millions of dollars in consumer technology
He appeared in the New York Times, CNBC, Business Insider
Find partnerships and distribution agreements with Amazon and Walmart
Alvin Lau - Senior Advisor
11 years of technical experience with project management
The project has led to projects worth more than $ 200 million
Expertise in cost management, resources, plans
What does this mean for consumers?
If developers have doubled their percentage of money because they can develop and distribute applications on the OPEN Money platform, it can be assumed that there are potential savings for consumers. At least, as cryptocurrency becomes popular, application architects will find a bunch of enthusiastic charmers looking for the best thing to do.
Details of OPEN Money ICO
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