Steemit Open Mic Week 69 – 'Kaleidoscope Grey' (Original Song)

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)


• Letting Myself Be Heard •

Sharing this feels incredibly vulnerable. Not only because it's been ages since I've shared my music publicly, but also because of the subject matter.

Due to reasons I won't get into here, I had major back surgery 23 years ago – leaving me with 13 fused vertebrae, 2 eighteen inch rods and ten 'hooks' attached to my spine. The human body isn't built to be so limited in its mobility. As such, 2+ decades of zero movement in some places and way too much movement in others has led to extensive degeneration of the subsequent, unfused levels – both in my lumbar and cervical spine.

I now live with increasingly debilitating chronic pain. About a year ago, I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia – not instead of, but in addition to my well-known back troubles. It makes sense – my nervous system has been so bombarded by pain signals for so long that, eventually, it began reading everything as pain.

Alongside that – for the past decade and then some, I've struggled with crippling depression. The two are absolutely connected, though I didn't understand that until a couple years ago. At this point, it's impossible to distinguish one from the other – the chronic pain magnifies the depression, the depression makes it all that much harder to endure the pain.

And, yet....I persist. For the most part, I keep quiet about it. Last week, however – as I picked up my long neglected guitar and began to play – this song spilled forth. It's an intimate snapshot of an all too common scenario in my life – an honest confession about how difficult it sometimes is just to get out of bed.

Some part of me questions the wisdom in posting this as my first ever entry in the Steemit #openmic challenge, yet I feel strangely compelled to risk it.

Perhaps it'll speak to someone who needs to hear itI know I'm not the only one who faces such difficulties.

From my heart to yours,
xo • Zippy

‘Kaleidoscope Grey’

I’m layin’ in bed, starin’ out the window, watchin’ the birch tree sway
All is quiet, 'cept the muffled sound of a distant, passing train
My eyelids are heavy, my body sore — I’ve got nowhere to be so I might as well stay

I’m fallin’ on my knees — please...have mercy on me

The mood outside matches mine, with overcast tones and soft rain
The drops bleed together against the glass, so all I see is kaleidoscope grey
It’s the same on the inside — my vision skewed, by the shifting patterns of my pain

I’m fallin’ on my knees — please...have mercy on me

It’s so damn familiar, this dreariness — the shadows, they know me by name
Though I’ve been here before and I know it’ll fade — I just can’t shake the darkness today
So I’ll keep breathing through it, rest a while, and wait for the weather to change

I’m fallin’ on my knees — please, please....have mercy on me
Oh I’m fallin’ on my knees — please...have mercy on me
Please....have mercy on me

All original content, including the intro illustration, sketched by yours truly.

Deep bows of gratitude for my incredibly supportive partner @taddeus, who not only endured days of endless repetition and refinement, but also manned the camera and mixed down the audio for me. He makes it all less difficult to carry.

As I explained in my recent intro post – Steemit has stirred my too long silent creativity in ways I could never have imagined it might. Huge thanks to each and every one of you, as well as @luzcypher, @pfunk and @meno for creating the #openmic challenge.

As well — cheers to @cabelindsay and @edenmichelle for alerting me to this challenge and encouraging me to participate. My heart had need of this...


I was first struck by the illustrated thumbnail image of your video turning into "you." As soon I hit play I thought, wow - now that was cool! I then began listening to your most awesome composition and performance and was equally impressed.

As if all that weren't enough, I then opened another window and began to read your post as your performance was more than half-way through, and BAM, the combination released the rest of my emotional floodgates, and they really began to flow quite freely.

The most poignant moment for me was right as I finished reading, I went back to your video, which was still playing in another open window - to witness your closing chords and to see you looking up toward the sky as the raindrops danced on the skylight above.

So moving for me... I really loved it a lot. :-)

Wow – @passion-ground – it is the possibility of responses such as this that makes the risk of sharing so completely worth it. To know that a complete stranger actually took the time to watch, listen, look deeper is truly nourishing. The fact that you also noticed all those extra details that were so important to me is like the perfect cherry on top. The opening sketch...the raindrops on the window – important elements of the overall story.

The illustration – I had the idea, and knew it was different, yet it felt wise to do something to make my entry stand out. That's part of what's been most awesome about this platform – besides the creativity it has re-awoken in me – this new experience of absolute follow-through. Meaning – I've had random inspirations my whole life. I generally imagine a thing, then promptly move on, without making the effort.

Here, I've been acting on nearly every creative impulse, seeing immediate returns every time. Having become so accustomed to being drowned out by billions of other voices, this has done wonders for my sense of purpose – as though all these creative gems I've been quietly hoarding finally have a place to flourish. Somehow...I feel lighter for it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for lending me your kind ear. :)

Great entry, really moved me and reminded me of a friend who has the same condition. I was also moved by Steemits power to reignite that creative spark! I loved your guitar riff throughout too. Beautiful song by a beautiful soul!

Thank you @thesimpson! I suspect there are so many like me, who generally suffer in silence. It's tricky enough to navigate the personal reality, harder still to battle the social stigmas that only make us feel worse. I suppose this is my graceful way of combating that. • I hope your friend finds relief...

Oh my. I see you, Sisterlove, being the brilliant and beautiful light that the stars aligned you to be. This is one #openmic performance I will remember always. Perfect way to #introduceyourself to your new Family.

In fact, this is an all-time highlight of my Steemit experience so far. I resonate with you, you know, from the surface qualities I find in your pristine audio recording and in the artful composition in your video frame... to the child inside who speaks and sings with such grace and magic. Hmmmmmmm, there's a resonance that is only you, and we are so lucky to witness you and get to know you in this intimate way - in just the right way the Steemit Open Mic shows a soul.

I want to know more about the chronic pain and depression. My ears are open, in case you'd like to share. I honor the timing and flow, so please share as it feels natural, trusting there is infinite time and space available. I am with you, Sisterlove. I can relate, having managed chronic migraines for four years... I wonder if there may be a possibility to release the heaviness of these conditions, so one day you rise up like a lily blooming from the mud. This is my vision for you.

Infinite gratitude for your role in bringing me to this place. I suppose I was ripe for it. I could so easily have kept this part of me safely tucked away. Yet I dared to show up – was finally willing to follow the invitation, rather than continue hiding.

It's hard to convey in words, the shadowy stuff, though I do try. I suspect I'll be posting more of those reflections here in future. For the most part, I said the important stuff through this song – the daily reality isn't something I imagine many people can comprehend unless they themselves share the same struggles. Or live with someone who does and bear witness to the truth of it.

I wanted to convey something of the monotony of it – the here-I-am-againness – the of it. I feel I did a decent job at creating a snapshot in that way.

I work every day on 'releasing the heaviness'. My morning meditation and yoga/stretching practice is crucial to my overall well-being. Perhaps someday I'll feel bold enough to share about that. For now – it's too tender and personal to broadcast. Just know morning at a time, I'm watering that lily – thanking the muck for the grit its built into me – teaching myself how to loosen its grip on my newly-forming, delicate roots of self-love and inner-strength. Little by little...I'm gettin' there.

wow fantastic to meet you and hear you here on openmic. wow fantastic song I am in love with it. great lyrics , one of the best for me tonight

Wow! Thank you so much @soundlegion – I am sincerely humbled by how warm this community has been already. I'll definitely be participating again. Also followed your musicoin account a couple days ago. You're a wonderful inspiration. <3

Well, you are a hidden gem! And I say it not only because of the talents you showcase but also the other side of you! You share a lot of personal stuff here! You are very brave! I am glad I met you even if it is in a web environment! 🌼

I hope you win!

Thank you, sweet @rimicane. :) It feels scary but also incredibly empowering to be so transparent and honest. In some ways, I've been waiting for a platform like this my whole life. So – really – regardless of contest outcomes...I truly have already won. <3

Yo Zipporah, this was very, very well done. I try to listen to as many entries as I can but I miss a lot of them (do not know how the judges do it) I am glad yours was one of those that I managed to catch this week, great work and thank you so much for sharing.

I'm also glad you happened upon it! I know there are so many entries – I have no idea how @luzcypher does it! Can you imagine how much work this creates for him?? Makes my gratitude that much deeper. • Thanks so much for listening!

excellent, very moving.... have mercy indeed

Thank you @markaustin! Nice to share your company at the top of the #openmic trending feed. ;)

wow, I'll have to go see for myself. Thank you Zippy. My pleasure. Hey good for you. #1 You go. That's great. Congratulations to us both but especially you :-)

This is absolutely gorgeous. I have experienced chronic illness in the past, and I know how it feels to be helplessly surrendering to rest.
Your song is totally amazing and your voice is incredible. Thank you for blowing us all away.
And also yes how creatively-unblocking is steemit?! Hooray for our creative community connecting us all and supporting our expression! Much love xo

Thank you so much @sazzler! I've been so totally blown away by the warmth of this Steemit community's response. It is affirming in ways I could not have predicted. I'll definitely be participating in future. Grateful for your appreciative ear. ;)

What a great little song, looking forward to more of your work!

Thanks so much @gyro! You've definitely not heard the last of me. ;)

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