Steemit Open Mic Week

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

first i would like to say thank for you for @luzcypher and @pfunk .....

The song is sung by the legendary Indonesian band named "peterpan and now the band is changing the name with the most popular now in Indonesia ie NOAH", this song is very popular in its time. formanis musicians indonesia famous to foreign countries.

(original singer: Ariel NOAH / PETERPAN
title: The perfect dream


Mungkinkah bila ku bertanya pada bintang-bintang
Dan bila ku mulai merasa bahasa kesunyian
Sadarkan aku yang berjalan dalam kehampaan
Terdiam, terpana, terbata semua dalam keraguan.

Could it be if I asked the stars
And when I start to feel the language of silence
Let me walk in the void
Silent, stunned, all stirred in doubt.

Aku dan semua yang terluka karena kita.
Aku kan menghilang dalam pekat malam
Lepas ku melayang biarlah ku bertanya
pada bintang-bintang tentang arti kita
Dalam mimpi yang sempurna.

Me and all the injured because of us
I'm disappearing in the night
Let me float let me ask
on the stars about our meaning
In a perfect dream.


This is not a karaoke contest.

Open Mic is a community of musicians and for this reason entries without some musical instrument being performed will not be considered a valid entry. NO KARAOKE

Open Mic is a musician contest. If you want to sing find a musician to play with you.

These contests will work for acapella performances.

There is a Karaoke contest on Steemit too. Karaoke Contest Week 29 Contestants --- by @killerwhale