STEEMIT OPEN MIC Week 77 - original - Raw Deal
Steemit Open Mic week 78. Harry, Scotty and me with another Harry song. I forgot to put some vocals on it! I was supposed to join Harry in the blaming of you - I like listening to Scotty play guitar, and at times it makes me forget what I'm supposed to be doing.
I'm picking favorites:
(not specific to this week, but to #openmic)
@lecumberre, @wethepatsies, @bennettitalia, @thealarmed, @vera.carla, @revdocwelch, @honeymoon-1611, @badcamper, @camusic, @fnux, @chaifm
Not a fair representation of the list I would make had I the time to view every entry, but the above mentioned bring the goods every time!
Nice one! You guys deliver every time. Love the lyrics, and killer vocals :D
Been AWOL quite a bit recently, just doing a little catching up. It's an honor to be listed among your faves Hoser!
So get back in it!
:D working on it
Nice job, Floyd 😉.
When do we get to hear from you?
it's ok everyone blames me at one time or the other, I blame you guys for throwing down that awesome jam. ;9)
I would blame Harry, but it is mostly my fault. The posting of it, anyhow.
scotty hypnotizes with the guitar.
Consistently. I should remember to get out of the way so people can see his hands.
Yes, rocking guys.
¡Holy shit! ¡This is the edge of rock and roll! Thanks for that atmosphere. Genius.
Who was supposed to tell me I had the wrong week in the title? Now I am forever a fool :(