Open Mic Week 73 - Meno - Top 5 Picks and Honorable Mentions

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Another Week my friends, another collection of amazing entries and yet another long day for me. I could be completely wrong, but it seems to me the game was upped for lack of a better way to express myself this week. A full day of listening and I came down to 38 entries and here I'am ready to do my best to be fair to everyone. In other words, mission impossible, yet again.


First Place

@danieldyemusic Original song Jailbird

This song to me is special in ways that I may not be able to convey properly. I'm a firm believer that the most powerful thing we have to give, the most precious gift is simply love. We think sometimes that loving is a luxury, as if it's something we can do without, but the truth is very different.

Someone who has nothing, had something to give, had love to give and the inspiration of this song reminded me of such a fact. Yes the song is catchy, yes the guitar riff is cool, but the story, the message... this is what music means to me, when words by themselves fall short.

Second Place

@nathankayeOriginal song Wings

Aside from the fact that @nathankaye is a musical force to be reckoned with, I specially find his performance magical because of its intensity. Leave nothing for later, leave it all on stage. I think he knows exactly what I'm talking about, I would be extremely surprised if Nathan would finish one of his shows and then go ride a bike or something, the intensity with which he performs is that of a man determined to leave his musical footprint behind.

It's not hard for me to relate to this song. Like many of us who are here today are looking for our truth, constantly swimming against the current of the norm. Extracting from mundane life bits and pieces of inspiration, things that gives us wings as he calls them.

Third Place

@vera.carla Original song La Torcaza

Another beautiful entry from @vera.carla , am I surprised? not really, she is one talented musician with an angel's voice. I can't help but to imagine this song as part of a soundtrack, the musical exploration is just out of the norm enough to evoke different emotions in me that I was not expecting. The elements of melancholy are there, but do not overwhelm the message of hope.

After the first two listens, I dug deep into the message, into the lyrics. In one word... brilliant, the emotional exploration through clever metaphors is just beautiful. The idea of the extension of one self, the belonging to the whole. I have no clue if anyone reading my words would even make sense of what I'm feeling, when I'm trying to describe when I read/listen to this song, but then again, they are just words and without the music, without the context, the magic is not complete. You simply have to listen to it.

Fourth Place

@emilykeener - Original song I don't know anything

So this happened, a brand new face shows up in my feed and blows me away. What a beautiful song @emilykeener submitted gosh, I'm still trying to get the hairs from the back of my neck to settle down. The lyrics are so powerful It's impossible to read and not get emotional about them. Aside from great vocal control, the dynamic play of the guitar that toys with my emotions just enough... this song touches on an abstract exploration of the self with an artistic proficiency that is hard to describe for this mere mortal.

I'm looking forward to more of her entries, what a treat, what a treat...

Fifth Place

@senzenfrenz - Original Composition Spring's Melody

Man... this is one special composition, I'm sitting here listening for the fifth time this morning. Why does it make me want to cry? I can't freaking explain it, I have no idea if I may be a little too sensitive today, but this composition is way too special, and I think listening to it, is a must. It's not the first time I've enjoyed one of @senzenfrenz compositions, but it is the first time he has made me get emotional about one.

Where did this come from? What a musical gem... what a gem....

Honorable Mentions

- In no particular order

@melavie - Original Song Wastelands Curse


This closes another amazing week, are we ready for week 74? I sure am... But before you leave my post my musical brother, my musical sister, please know that despite the fact that we call this a competition, even though my post says first, second, third place, that is not what matters about the open mic. In the end of the day the judges are just as human, as flawed and beautiful as everyone else on this planet. The ethos of this contest, of this community, is simply for us to have special place to share our passion for music, for us to laugh together, to cry together and explore emotions that everyday life seems to neglect in one way or another.

Every single one of you is valuable to me, so thank you for being part of my musical family...

Much love

meno logo.png


Thanks for having me on your list and telling such kind words! Means alot to me!

Gracias @Meno! te abrazo, hermanito!

otro para ti y la familia Wilins!

Esto me alegra muchísimo apá ... xD

Thank you so much @meno! I'm thrilled that you like the song. The bird the prisoner saved from the prison yard in turn gave him hope and something to live for as well, and a clear purpose while he was stuck in that cell for all those hours/weeks/months. And although he had thought that he trained her to survive on her own and had someone sneak her out and set her free, she returned, so he had someone else sneak her out again to his mother, where he planned to meet Harriet again after he got out of prison.

its a beautiful story man.... i might sound like a mad man for saying this, but its so beautiful it makes me angry...

loved every second of it bro... can't wait to hear more entries from you.

Not at all; I completely understand. This guy was pretty nonchalant about the whole situation, but it was like something out of a movie. The bird would hide in his front shirt pocket while he was walking past the guards.

its a powerful story man.... we need to schedule a day you can come to the Radio show and tell me more stories brother...

Muchas felicitaciones hermano! Tienes mucho talento, un abrazo!

@danieldyemusic I loved your song! In fact, your songwriting in general is just stellar! Thanks for sharing your talents withus, mate!

Thank you @nathankaye! I love what you're doing as well. I just wish we lived a little closer to each other! ;)

Hey @meno Thanks for the love man!
I really appreciate the support!
Have a great week.

keep those originals coming man... that's where the true gold is to be found!!

I will do!
I've just uploaded my track for this weeks #openmic with a little bonus - The studio version from my EP.
I hope you get to hear it man!
Much love.

i love it thanks a lot

Thank you for picking another amazing playlist! All of these songs are a beautiful inspiration! It's t good to have a reference where to look for my favorites.

You know what should happen in 2018 melavie.... you should have @pechichemena produce one of your songs. This should be something that happens in 2018... I'll promote the crap out of it... I'm serious too...

@mrbloom - Loves this idea!!

How could I disagree with you meno? I would love to! Let's do it. If he's in I'm in!

Oh bro! I made it to 2nd place in your esteemed list!
That's epic!
Thanks so much, broski!😄
And such kind words you gifted me with. 🙏🏽
I'm truly honoured and massively inspired to share more music here now!
I don't know how you get through all of those entries! It's such a feat! Huge gratitude vibes!

It was an epic performance brother... you are a true showman!

Cheers bro! I forgot to mention what an awesome list of talented musicians you've made here! I inferred it by saying 'esteemed list', but everyone here deserves the honour that you bestowed upon them.
Bless you and all involved in Open mic!

Carla Vera!

Isn't she something special? ;)

All these songs are very enjoyable and creative, my favorite has to be the runner up for first place though, some mad skills doing multiple instruments like that. And I have a weak spot for the Didgeridoo.

Yeah, nathan is out of this world... i agree he is not normal and I say that with love and admiration

Gracias @meno! Es un placer estar entre tus elegidos!

Y gracias también por todo el apoyo que nos brindas!

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