Steemit Open Mic Week 106 Winners - See Who Won Open Mic And Join Us This Week

in #openmic6 years ago

Thanks to everyone who entered and supported Open Mic Week 106. Community support for Open Mic has been tremendous and is one of many projects bringing the music community together on Steemit.

A Special Tributary Open-Mic Entry from the Creative Music Community --- bu @passion-ground

Support Musicians On Steemit

I LOVE OPEN MIC // Discover How It Works, Get Involved, Take ADVANTAGE! --- by @siomarasalmeron

How To Support Musicians On Steemit And Earn Curation Rewards By Following The Open Mic Trail --- by @luzcypher

Operation We Are The Open Mic --- by @meno

Let's Keep @pfunk In The Top 20 Witnesses By Voting For Him As A Steemit Witness

@pfunk has been sponsoring Steemit Open Mic since I first started it and I want to give a big thank you to him and all the people who support and take part in Steemit Open Mic.

@pfunk is a Steemit witness and helps keep the platform working and you can vote for him here Please go vote for him right now. This post will show you how.

Vote For Pfunk For Witness And Keep Steemit Open Mic Growing Strong We Need Your Help Now

More Open Mic Sponsors

Over the last week Open Mic was contacted and offered some more sponsorship from:

@ausbitbank is a top 20 witness on Steemit involved in more supporting projects on the Steem blockchain than I can list. He is a big part of the, the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty network on Discord, and delegates to many good causes on Steemit. You can vote for him as a wtness here. He just reached out and donated 100 Steem per week to help Open Mic

@Curie helps curate new people who contribute good content and has been supporting Open Mic musicians behind the scenes since Open Mic started. They helped me and countless others get our posts seen when we first started on the platform. Many Open Mic musicians have been featured on their weekly Author's Showcase posts. They are a top 20 witness and have contributed 25 Steem per week for the next two months to help Open Mic. You can vote for them as witness here

MSP-Waves Radio in association with the Minnow Support Project and the Peace, Abundance, Liberty Network is a weekly radio program hosted by @Krystle, @swelker101, and @isaria that features the weekly Top 5 judges picks from Steemit Open Mic. Not only do they give weekly prizes to audience picked performers from the contest, but they have also started sponsoring Open Mic with a 25 Steem weekly donation! How cool is that? Thank you for helping support musicians on the Steemit platform.

And thanks to @meno's initiative the community has come together to support Open Mic. Many of you have created posts in support of the Open Mic community and have donated a portion of the rewards from those posts to @openmic so we can keep doing what we do, build a great community of musicians on Steemit. You guys are the best and we feel appreciative and inspired!

Operation We Are The Open Mic --- by @meno

Steemit Open Mic Rules

  • The cutoff date for entries was Friday the 12th of October, 2018 at 12 UTC TIME Find your UTC time here.
  • Only 1 entry per person per week
  • "Steemit Open Mic Week 106" must the beginning of the post title.
  • "Steemit Open Mic Week 106" must be said at the beginning of your video and your username.
  • Live performances only specifically made for this contest.
  • openmic must be the first tag
  • Add a link to your post in the comments of the contest post.
  • You must upvote this post.
  • If your song is an original song then add the word "Original" somewhere in your title
  • You can use DTube but include an embedded YouTube or Vimeo video too.

Steemit Open Mic Loves Dtube So Why Do I Have To Add A Youtube Video To My Open Mic Entry --- by @luzcypher

Entries must follow these rules to earn prizes.

Big shout out to @lukestokes who delegated 5,000 SP to the @openmic account! Thanks for your support.

I just want to remind everyone that votes are only part of the selection process. Entertainment value and performance is factored in too.

To learn more about the rules to entering the contest please read What Are The Rules To Enter Steemit Open Mic And Why Do We Have Rules Anyways

Common Questions When Entering Steemit Open Mic --- by @luzcypher

The coolest thing about Open Mic is it brings the Steemit community together and that is the whole point of this project.

Meet up with the Open Mic community at Open Mic on Discord and chat with all of the people who enter Open Mic there. It's a great way to interact with the Open Mic community. Your links to your entry is automatically added to the Discord channel, so please don't add links, just come to chat with the community.

Join the Facebook page for Steemit Musicians you can read about here or go straight to the page here. A lot of players from Steemit Open Mic are there.

Steemit Open Mic Judges

@soundlegion, @krystle, @verbal-d, @passion-ground, and @meno

Music Creators Guide To Copyrights, Royalties, And Recording Contracts

Common Questions When Entering Steemit Open Mic --- by @luzcypher

How To Support Musicians On Steemit And Earn Curation Rewards By Following The Open Mic Trail --- by @luzcypher

Steemit Open Mic Is About Building A Community Of Musicians On Steemit Not About Winning --- by @luzcypher

Official Open Mic Or Passion Ground S Top 5 Entries For Week 106 --- by @passion-ground

Openmic Week 106 Top 5 And Honorable Mentions --- by @meno

Openmic Week 106 Soundlegion Top 5 Judges Picks Honorable Mentions Top Picks List --- by @soundlegion

Steemit S Official Open Mic Judge Verbal D S Top 5 Entries For Week 106 Original Blog --- by @verbal-d

Open Mic Week 106 My Top 5 Judges Selection --- by @krystle

Sdppd Steemit Musicians With Krystle Shane And Isaria Msp Waves Radio 30 Steem Prize 25 Steem Weekly Donation To Open Mic --- by @isaria

Steemit Open Mic Loves Dtube So Why Do I Have To Add A Youtube Video To My Open Mic Entry --- by @luzcypher

Special thanks to @meno for help judging the contest this week. Great job.

Steemit Open Mic is not about winning or losing, it's about building a connections on Steemit through music. Watching the collaborations happen online between musicians who played and met on Steemit Open Mic is very rewarding and many of the people who play and post earn some nice rewards for playing a song.

For many, it's easier to get some Steem in your tip jar by playing for Steemit Open Mic than it is to play music on the street.

Steemit Open Mic Trending Posts

Click here to see the current trending posts on Steemit Open Mic

Top 20 Trending Open Mic Posts

The openmic tag has earned a total of: 243,760.205 SBD worth $246,197.81 USD At Today's Prices of $1.01 SBD (Average of $2,322.62 per week in 106 weeks +plus has paid out over 29,900 Steem in prizes!

NOTE: Having a trending post is not how judges pick entries for their Top 5 weekly picks. Sometimes you will trend because of a variety of reasons. Congratulations! You don't need to win Open Mic to earn rewards and build your audience. As you can see, sometimes trending posts earn more than the contest rewards! You could trend by getting curated by other curation groups like @curie for example. The judges look for entertainment value which, of course, is very subjective and varies over time. Just keep playing and engaging with the community which is the whole point of Open Mic. If you love music, we love you.

The most recent top earning posts were:

This chart is provided by @carlgnash.


Steemit Open Mic Week #106 | Cabide - TRILÚMIA (Martnália)
$ 41.8750


Steemit Open Mic Week 106: "Fever Dream" (Iron and Wine Cover) by @k0wsk1
$ 33.8090


Steemit Openmic Week #106 | Bach Partita in A minor. IV Movement. Bourré Anglaise
$ 32.3850


STEEMIT Openmic Week 106 - Gente (ORIGINAL) - Benjamín Mora
$ 30.8500


Steemit Openmic week #106 - No preguntes por mí // Do not ask for me (Original song by @Wilins Méndez).
$ 30.1370


Steemit open mic week 106 - Jared Khamanah - Vivo en un barrio | Original Song (Hiphop-reggaestyle) (electric guitar solo)
$ 28.8240


Steemit Open mic week 106 / HURT (cover Christina Aguilera) by @dianakyv
$ 28.5160


Steemit OpenMic week 106 "It's Only Rock and Roll (But I Like It)" Rolling Stones cover by @gibber
$ 27.9030


Steemit Open Mic Semana 106 Aunque las cosas salgan mal (Original Music)
$ 27.8330


Steemit Open Mic Week 106 - Seis por derecho
$ 27.7740


Steemit open mic week 106- Cristianos/ CHRISTIANS(cover-MARCOS VIDAL) @graceleon
$ 20.5340


Steemit Openmic Week 106 cover "Te Boté" Ritmo Bolero - @davidcentenor.
$ 20.4930


$ 20.4380


Steemit Openmic Week 106 cover "Quedate" interpreta @mariajruizb
$ 19.1820


Steemit Open Mic Week 106 – Ansiedad– @Donlucho
$ 17.2340


Open Mic 106, parody song
$ 15.2250


Steemit OPENMic semana 106 - El sonido del silencio ... ( Coversong ) by @gaborockstar
$ 13.2170


Gracias, @openmic-comunidad // Thanks, @openmic-community.
$ 10.1380


Steemit Open Mic Week 106 - MTZ - Culpables (cover) by @manuelmusic
$ 10.0570


Openmic week 106 original song He Puts A Smile On My Face
$ 9.8980

Congratulations to all of you who trended this week on Open Mic!

Winners from Steemit Open Mic Week 106

It is not getting any easier to pick with all this talent and it is so hard picking winners every week even with 5 judges.

Honorable mentions this week in no particular order are: @moccamonica, @esthersanchez, @lostgalaxy, @abelfernandez, @trilumia,@juliolunar, @davidcentenor, @mayneth, @jaredkhamanah, @wilins, @funkmedia, @drewley, @donlucho, @leomolina, @manuelmusic, @kkarenmp, @leomolina, @lk666, @tfeldman, @klynic, @dreamrafa, @orlandogonzalez. @siomarasalmeron, @alejandra23, @katrina-ariel, @enriquesalgadoc, @marianvitz, and many more on our radar. We Love You All!

and the winners are...

1st Place

You won 80 Steem

Steemit Open Mic Week 106 For A While Now Original Song --- by @ingridkorneelia

Not the first time I've found myself loving @ingridkornelia's vocal talents. This time however, she showed up with a beautiful original tune, full of emotion and delivered brilliantly. This is the kind of songwriting that makes me love our community. - @meno

"oh my just love your voice @ingridkorneelia so sweet just a soothing piece of heaven, great song as well just wowed. love it! I can see your "wild heart and sensitive soul" making US feel" - @soundlegion

Easily your most captivating, pleasure-lingering and melodically soothing original heartfelt song that you have shared with us today. Your vocals are luring us in and you deliver such a swaying and flowing sweetness. Truly a gift and musical moment to appreciate. - @verbal-d

holy hell those vocals, what are you doing there? It's like your hitting harmonic notes, it's truly breathtaking and I am just a little stunned by the beauty - well, please share more that was just divine! - @krystle

2nd Place

You won 40 Steem

Steemit Open Mic Week 106 Original Skylit Eyes --- by @addiesworld

" I am so glad to see and hear you again this week @addiesworld i love your voice every single time and your songwriting is fantastic, I am a huge fan - NO Doubt" - @soundlegion

I got floored, that's the best way to describe it. When the notes go high, and the stab at the hurt is blunt, I got floored. I absolutely adored this entry from @addiesworld, an original that deserves all the praise. - @meno

This was a moving and emotionally charged original hit song from you. You sang with such beautifully momentous passion, sweet moving lyrics, and that piano composition fit your vocals perfectly. You are levels beyond a one hit wonder and you continue to show and prove your undeniable skills and inspiring talent with ease. What a great impactful gift to bless your boyfriend with. Thanks for sharing this tenderly intimate and sentimentally personal song with us. - @verbal-d

You have soulful depth in you lower range, but man when you belt it out the emotion is raw and just sucks me in completely - I love that your originals really show off the extent of your vocal range and control, it can be hard to get the balance right. - @krystle

3rd Place

You won 26 Steem

Steemit Open mic week 106 / HURT (cover Christina Aguilera) by @dianakyv --- by @dianakyv

In my top five for a second consecutive week, Diana crushed it again with this awesome vocal cover of “Hurt.” - @passion-ground

This was not an easy song to cover, not at all, and Diana did fantastic. I clicked on this asking myself, is this the song I think it is? Not only did she pull it off, she showed up!! Absolutely brilliant, some of the best vocal performances I've witnesses since I started judging this contest. - @meno

You chose a very difficult song to sing and performed it very well. You poured your all into this one and it showed and provides inspiration. It takes passion and intensity to bring a song of this caliber to life and it was a joy listening to your soul lament with these beautifully sad lyrics and melancholic melodies. Keep displaying your impressive vocals, you are challenging yourself more and more and growing better as a musician because of it. Thanks again for sharing this, great choice of song. - @verbal-d

Well I have wanted to perform this song for as long as I can remember, but hearing you sing it in just such a stunning way blew me away - you really have a truly phenomenal voice. Your accompaniment as always was just perfection, I love hearing a brilliant guitarist nail a piece of music as delicate as that one - he made the emotion and tension work amazingly. You have an incredible vocal range and this song really displays it wonderfully, not to mention the power you hold at the top of your range - its really beautiful to hear and take in. - @krystle

4th Place

You won 26 Steem

Steemit Open Mic Week 106: "Fever Dream" (Iron and Wine Cover) by @k0wsk1 --- by @k0wsk1

"The guitar melody on this was just stunning I was taken in right away and I love your voice on this track so beautiful you delivered a special piece here for us my friend I was very much into it a couple of times I love the vocal effect, works so nicely with this tune and your voice" - @soundlegion

5th Place

You won 26 Steem

Steemit Openmic Week 106 cover "Quedate" plays @mariajruizb --- by @mariajruizb

*Maria is on fire! * - @passion-ground

This was a very splendid interpretation of Quédate, your chemistry with @danieldedosd2 is clear and smoothly obvious. You both create such wonderful music together and your harmonies were on point as they were charming. You delivered this cover with life and fullness of honeyed sound and showed your musicality and experience once again. Thank you for another great entry. - @verbal-d

Here's a screenshot of the prizes transferred to the winners this week.

Congratulation Everyone And Thanks For Playing Steemit Open Mic.

Steemit Open Mic Is About Building A Community Of Musicians On Steemit, Not About Winning --- by @luzcypher

Congratulations guys! Thanks again to everyone that entered. Thanks to our sponsors @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @curie, @isaria, and for sponsoring Open Mic!

Vote And Enter Open Mic Week 107 by Following This Link


Steemit Open Mic Week 106 Record Your Performance And Win Steem Sponsored By Pfunk And Luzcypher --- by @luzcypher

Connect With The Music Community On Steemit

@steemcreative is a witness run by @swelker101 and @isaria and they host a weekly program with @krystle at MSP-Waves radio that features the weekly Top 5 judges picks from Steemit Open Mic. Not only do they give weekly prizes to audience picked performers from the contest, but they have also started sponsoring Open Mic with a 25 Steem weekly donation! How cool is that? Thank you for helping support musicians on the Steemit platform.

Each Wednesday night 10-pm Eastern Time you can tune into and hear interviews, recordings, and live performances from Steemian songwriters Drill down into the craft of songwriting and connect with the artists behind the music Get into MSP/PALNET and become part of our amazing powerful community.

Every Friday connect with musical artists on the Steem blockchain with super host @d-vine, Get into MSP/PALNET and become part of our amazing powerful community. CEST 08:00 pm - 10:00 pm UTC 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm EDT 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm PDT 11:00 am - 01:00 pm

A weekly musical contest. Are you a singer? This is the perfect place. Do you make rap? Come and participate. Are you an instrument performer? Hosted by @d-vine, Go see the latest Pitch Perfect post to get involved.

This is open to any kind of music performer in any genre. You can be original if you wish, or you can interpret a song already created, what is sought in this contest is the passion with which you make your presentation, captivate with your interpretation and of course have fun.

Cover another song by fellow musicians on Steemit. and use the tag coverasteemian and they just may cover you back. Great way to share music and build connections on the platform.

DSound is like SoundCloud only decentralized on the Steem blockchain. Artists can upload their works and hear others music, connect with other artists and earn rewards from community votes. DSound is created by @prc

To get involved click on DSound and start making music.

For those who do not know, Cards & Tokens is organizing a Steemit Openmic card contest. The winners will be chosen based exclusively on the number of votes each card received. The competitors must first claim the authorship of their card, which will generate a new POST that will leave reflected on the steem blockchain the data of the card and thus it will be enabled to receive votes.

Related Posts

Music Creators Guide To Copyrights, Royalties, And Recording Contracts --- by @luzcypher

How To Support Musicians On Steemit And Earn Curation Rewards By Following The Open Mic Trail --- by @luzcypher

What Are The Rules To Enter Steemit Open Mic And Why Do We Have Rules Anyways --- by @luzcypher

Behind The Scenes Look At The Steemit Open Mic Selection Process How We Pick The Top 3 Entries --- by @luzcypher



Holy shit guys thank you so so much! You’re all the best <3

Viva la Open Mic! Big love :)

Sounded great. Congratulations once again.


Muchas gracias al equipo de Openmic por haber tomado en cuenta nuestro trabajo en la semana 106. Fue un honor inmenso. Un abrazo mi gente bella. Felicidades a todos los ganadores.

Cada vez que en estos post de @luzcypher encuentro venezolanos la alegría y el orgullo me invaden un poco normalmente porque además comprendo como se siente la emoción (aunque yo solo haya entrado 2 veces) y se lo que significa en ayuda algún premio de estos viviendo en Venezuela.

Pero si a quien encuentro es a tu prima @dianakyv o a vos mi querida @mariajruizb la sensación es mas linda aún. Imaginate encontrarlas a las 2 juntas jajajajaja Dios las bendiga a ambas! un abrazo enorme! Felicidades

Estamos igual Maestro. El ver a un venezolano nos invade la alegria, me pasa lo mismo... Es emocionante ver que tomen en cuenta el trabajo de todos los que estamos aquí.... Gracias maestro por tan hermosas palabras.... Felicidades a usted tambien por sus dos maravillosas entradas con Lilly y yetxuni. Fueron geniales!!!

Felicidades. Me encantó tu actuación.

Thank you so much for the love, and for picking my song as this weeks winner. I am very honored.

You sounded great. Can't wait to hear more. Congrats.

Guys!! Second place.... I have no words. This week has been a rough one so seeing this brought me to absolute tears. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that my original music has impacted so many of you. Thank you for the most thoughtful comments and support. You are all the best!!! A HUGE thank you to all the amazing judges, you always out do yourselves!

Feel the same way about your music. Thanks and congratulations.

Felicidades a los ganadores! A mis queridos amigos @mariajruizb @dianakyv y @davidcentenor los quiero mucho chicos, Dios les siga bendiciendo esas hermosas voces, que sigan los éxitos!

Thank YOU, guys! ❤

Thanks open mic team, I am excited to see my name in the honorable mentions of this post, I will continue striving to be included here, congratulations to the winners!

Hi @luzcypher!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 6.214 which ranks you at #234 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has dropped 2 places in the last three days (old rank 232).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 376 contributions, your post is ranked at #13.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

como Barquisimetano siempre he dicho que mi ciudad es la capital musical de Venezuela, pero con el OpenMic he visto que no solo eso sino que Venezuela es la capital musical del mundo <3 amo ver a mis paisanos aqui demostrando todo lo que tienen, cantando con el corazón y ganando lo que merecen! un abrazo a todos

La capital musical de Venezuela siempre fue Cumaná. Desde hace muy pocos años crearon un mito con Barquisimeto. Incluso el teatro mas importante del pais durante la colonia estuvo en la Provincia de Cumaná. La primera opera en la historia se presentó alli. Saludos!!!

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