🎶 Open Mic Week 106 - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Well this unintentionally became all about the female vocalists this week, but wow what an amazing week it was - I spent countless hours going back and forth shuffling, I finally had to call it and do the post and then I may have tweaked it a little more.

I kid you not on the brilliant front though people, it really was an amazing week with some of the best performances I have heard on Open Mic yet - some weeks we just get inundated with sheer brilliance on mass.

With only 5 positions that I can use, my hands are literally tied - even my special mentions list was stuffed up and I couldn't keep track of them all.

But it wouldn't be Open Mic if there wasn't some amazing music being shared, this week was just really exciting - we got to see some old faces again, plus we met some new peoples and then there's of course the copious amounts of kick ass music!

Well I will try to stop rambling and get on with things (I may be wanting to play a few rounds of Steem Monsters before I call it a night), so without further delays - here is my top 5 selection for this weeks Open Mic.

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @ingridkorneelia - For a while now

Well wow and wow.. this was stunning and I just couldn't believe what I was hearing - you have a truly phenomenal vocal range and style, I can't get enough of!

Seriously just wow, I lack words to describe the awesome I just witness and now need to think of clever things to say...

The playing was precise and I really enjoyed the different effects you used to create such a lovely sound, there is a depth to your music - yet it's also light and airy, just decadently sweet.

But holy hell those vocals, what are you doing there? It's like your hitting harmonic notes, it's truly breathtaking and I am just a little stunned by the beauty - well, please share more that was just divine!

2nd Place - @addiesworld - skylit eyes

Firstly and foremost, hell yeah I just loved that entry and man have I missed that stunning voice - so stoked to hear you here again and whats more kicking some serious ass with that song!

Your composition is just stunning, creating a depth and range - implementing use of both sound and lack there of, creating a beautiful use of dramatic tension that just builds the song perfectly.

You have soulful depth in you lower range, but man when you belt it out the emotion is raw and just sucks me in completely - I love that your originals really show off the extent of your vocal range and control, it can be hard to get the balance right.

The lyric is beautiful and I'm sure that wasn't lost on your boyfriend, that hook is just perfect - I feel like I know the song already, maybe it's just the number of times I've listened to it.

This was really a perfect example as to why your one of my favourite musicians, you have raw talent and you know how to perform a song brilliantly.

Also loved to see the new layout, it worked really well I could see your playing and your super emotive performance - what more can I say but I just adore yore music, playing and above all else that voice!

3rd Place - @katrina-ariel - She’s a Wild One

Oh lovely this was just kick ass on so many levels, firstly how awesome that your inspiration came from Steem Monsters (I'm now obsessed too) - but on a more relevant level, hell yes that was a brilliant composition and performance.

You really caught my attention on the Sound's of Steem the other night and hearing this again now it's easy to see why, you have some serious skills here - I was just hooked the instant I heard it and best part is it keeps adding little twists and turns you don't see coming.

I love unique music, something that catches your attention and keeps it - this song did that and more, you kept me entertained and imagining amazing scenes.

Your playing was perfect, but your vocals stole the show... for me at least - you have some amazing control and really stunning range, I really look forward to hearing more from you and soon!

4th Place - @marianvitz - Zombie

I absolutely love this song and your rendition absolutely does it justice, I really loved every second of it - best of all you really performed the song, showing the emotion and making the connection to the audience.

Your playing is spot on, you created such a full sound with only your guitar and for me that really makes this song - not to mention you really hit the moments perfectly when there was a subtle pause, or extra emphasis when needed.

Your vocals were just amazing, I really loved the choices you made with this song - it's a classic and it's sung in a very specific way, so when people re-work it to work for them I am always pleased to hear a brilliant song in a slightly new way.

You have amazing range and control with your vocals, that's what first caught my attention with this entry - I really enjoyed every moment of that and I really hope to hear more from you soon.

5th Place - @dianakyv - HURT

Well I have wanted to perform this song for as long as I can remember, but hearing you sing it in just such a stunning way blew me away - you really have a truly phenomenal voice.

Your accompaniment as always was just perfection, I love hearing a brilliant guitarist nail a piece of music as delicate as that one - he made the emotion and tension work amazingly.

You have an incredible vocal range and this song really displays it wonderfully, not to mention the power you hold at the top of your range - its really beautiful to hear and take in.

Then of course there's your impeccable control, you have the ability to string together truly breathtaking vocal embellishment's - that just make me want to sing along with you, I will never tire of hearing such beauty.

Honourable Mentions:

@lostgalaxy - Love song

This entry absolutely blew me away, I really could not get over how perfect it was - you have a really beautiful voice and I look forward to hearing more soon.

@k0wsk1 - Fever Dream

This was stunning and I adored this entry, I had a lot of difficulty this week with my selection - I wish I had more place so I could place this entry, just brilliant!

@mayneth - The Burn I´ve Learned to Love

Wow guys, I already loved this song - but this performance is something else, just amazing :D

@rodrigo98 - Seis por derecho

This was intense and absolutely riveting to watch, I couldn't look away it was just amazing - what a brilliant performance and entry, I absolutely loved it.

@mariajruizb - Quedate

Another stunningly beautiful entry from the two of you, seriously it amazes me how extreme the talent is here - love this entry so much.... those harmonies <3

@trilumia - Cabide

Just wow... seriously. Words I can't even find them, you guys are all phenomenal in every sense of the word! Much love and keep it up <3

@jaredkhamanah - Vivo en un barrio

Hell yes this was kick ass man, I couldn't help but get into it - really just brilliant on every level, loven that combination of vocal styles!

@darkdros - Spanish Romance

This is just breathtakingly beautiful, I was held captive to this performance and had to share it far and wide - just brilliant!

@salvadorhr18 - Tabaco y chanel

This was incredible to watch, I couldn't help but get drawn into the sound you've created here - just amazing.

@juanchez - Extracto #10

That was an absolutely divine composition and performance, I loved every second of it - you created such depth and emotion, really wonderful.

Master Shortlist:

@drewley, @exzorltg, @elisonr13, @abelfernandez, @amberyooper, @heberthjose, @abrahampe3, @natvegas, @juliolunar, @tarotbyfergus, @mahomonroy, @davidcentenor, @rhyt, @esthersanchez, @steemmatt, @moccamonica, @miguelvargas, @funkmedia, @felixjfarfan and @jhosepdelgado.

Well as I said people what a simply marvellous week, I thoroughly enjoyed it - and as always, I really hope to see more soon!

Songwriters Shoptalk:

Everyone involved in Open Mic or a fan of some of our amazingly talented entrants, should know about the Songwriters Shoptalk - it's a radio show that @meno and I co-host on a weekly basis.

During our two hour show we interview amazing musicians on Steemit, we play some of their original music and get involved in all manner of conversations - I'm not kidding here people, some of the topics are so far from the realm of music I often wonder how we got there.

It's an amazing show and I am thrilled to be a part of it, we have an amazing time each and every week - not to mention we share some amazing music and get to know some of the faces behind the tunes.

Join us 2am UTC Thursdays, it would be great to have you all along for the ride with us - get to know your fellow musicians and as always hear some kick arse music!

Steemit Musicians:

I'd also like to remind everyone again that all top five nominations from this week, will feature in the Steemit Musicians live radio show on MSP-Waves every week - hosted on the Peace Abundance and Liberty discord server, through the Minnow Support Project.

A massive congratulations to all of those to be featured in the show, it is going to be great opportunity to get to further share the awesome entries we receive each week - I can't wait to hear the audience's feedback on all our judges selections and your entries.

I hope you can all drop by and support those who made this week's lists, I'm sure they'd appreciate the support - not to mention if you join you get to help choose the weekly 30 SBD winning entry!

Please join us for Steemit Musicians this Sunday 12-1 UTC!

Time Zone Converter

You can listen live at the mspwaves website- http://mspwaves.com/home/listen
You can listen on twitch-

You can join broadcast hosts in a special chat room on the MSP Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6
You can check out http://mspwaves.com/ for more information

MSP waves logo.gif

Open Mic's New Discord Server:

I'd like to officially welcome you all to the new Open Mic Discord server, we have been open a little while now - with many of you having already joined.

But it's still a little quiet and I blame myself partly (I didn't know the world of crazy would set in just after opening it up and I just haven't been there to engage with everyone properly or promptly), I hope to remedy this in the coming weeks and months with some big plans we have in the works.

For now it's very hush hush, as plans are finalised and things evolve - you a can be sure you guys will hear all about it.

In the meantime however, there are heaps of amazing musicians already on there - it's a tool and you guys need to use it to get full advantage.

Ask a question, request a collaboration the world is yours - hell even just go in there and play around listening to some tunes in the jukebox room!

I will be trying to make myself more available on the server as time continues, so feel free to drop by even just for a chat.

Again a big thanks to @soundlegion, @meno, @verbal-d and @passion-ground for all they do as judges, please remember to go and check out their top five selections each week and to @luzcypher and @pfunk thank you so much for making all of this possible - until next week.

Which was your favourite entry this week?

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Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
Please consider voting @ausbitbank for witness here


Hi @krystle, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @esthersancehez doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @esthersanchez ?

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@BERNIESANDERS AND @UBG ARE CHILD SEX PREDATORS! @Pfunk is very closely involved in the child sex ring! @UBG was caught posting naked pictures of children on Steemit chat when he was drunk. He also registered @Child and @Children accounts and claims to "love children." Then he posts comments on blogs of mothers breast feeding their babies. All while he wears his Bugs bunny costume and masturbates. This child porn posting incident was before he ripped off Steemit Inc for about 180,000 Steem by registering over 3,000 accounts .. then he sold the account names to Steemit Inc! He has them hidden in many accounts such as @Warren.Buffett. Yes, Ned has been knowingly doing business with crypto thieves and pedophiles like @Fyrstikken, @UBG and @BernieSanders! Did you know Fyrstikken stole every penny of crypto that is currently under his control through a few organized robberies against groups like @Adsactly? What a mess Steemit is. Most of the top 19 witnesses belong in prison for tax fraud!

Here you can see @UBG showing his butt to the whole internet, mainly he wants children to see him naked.

Here is his real name and parents address in case you would like to inform them of their son's theft and child predatory behavior.

Tanel Sillaots
Meistri 15
76506 Saue

Thank you SO MUCH for including my song in this collection of awesomeness! I'm thrilled and honoured to be among such talent. It was also a ton of fun playing on the Sounds of Steem, I'm tickled to hear you enjoyed my performance. :)

thanks for taking into account my work! Blessings!!

Thank you for taking the time to listen to and consider my drumming.

Kristle, you do not know how important it is to me the comments of each of you, thank you once again for including me in your top five this week, they make me very happy !!! ... I send you a big hug! thank you very very much!

hey @krystle Thank you very much, it's an honor to be on your list of honorable mentions, I'm really glad to see you here <3 greetings!

Gracias @krystle por haberme tomado en cuenta para esta semana. Saludos y bendiciones para ti. Felicidades a todos los que estan en este pots.

omg so much beautiful music in here! Thanks for compiling a list and sharing

@Krystle! Oh my gosh! i have no words!! Thank you for the constant support for my music. It truly had been a blessing for me. Your sweet words give me so much motivation to continue writing. You’re the very best. Thank you thank you thank you!

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