
It's hard not to sing with conviction when He has showered His love to my life over and over again in the past years. Thank you for listening @karinzdailygrind! This is indeed a beautiful song :)

Praise God! May He continue to use you mightily as you exercise your gift and talent for the extension of His kingdom. God bless!

Amen! That's one of my prayer for myself too. Thanks Karin! :)

I think I recall you mentioning that you play an instrument right? ;)

Donkey years ago, my piano teacher used to place an orange below my palm so I could train my fingers to glide gracefully on the piano keyboard. These days, my fingers are trained to rapidly fire away on my computer keyboard as I race against the Most Dangerous Writing App to complete my blog post

hahaha! I never actually used an orange! maybe should try one day. with the piano at home now can afford to practice more. 🤞🏼

I’m amazed at how you all can use the Most Dangerous App! I read the description also think twice. and ended up not downloading. hahaha!

Haha...don't let the name of the app fool you. Go ahead and give it a try and pretty soon, you will get addicted to it