Steemit Openmic Songwriterschallenge Week 8 - Till we meet again (@DhannaBao)

in #openmic7 years ago

Decirle adiós a alguien a quien amas es probablemente la peor sensación de todas. En noviembre del año pasado, mi novio perdió a su madre. Ella era una de las personas más adorable que he podido conocer en toda mi vida y estoy agradecida de haber compartido con ella. 

Nunca entenderé por qué las mejores personas se van tan rápido. Me gusta pensar que lo hacen porque ya han cumplido "su ciclo" en la tierra. Recuerdo que los primeros meses luego de que ella falleciera, mi novio se encontraba en una situación terrible emocionalmente (como es lógico). Si yo estaba tan triste por perderla, no podía ni siquiera imaginar cómo él se sentía al respecto. 

Jamás había escrito una canción con guitarra incluida. La verdad es que sé muy poco sobre cómo tocar guitarra y tengo un conocimiento muy básico respecto a este hermoso instrumento, pero un día, tratando de entender cómo se sentía mi novio, comencé a escribir esta canción, tratando de ponerme en los zapatos de él...

Cuando leí el tema de esta semana, me pareció que la canción que escribí combina muy bien con la frase "Till we meet again" (hasta que nos volvamos a ver). Espero que les guste, significa muchísimo para mi.


La vida pasa,

y desde mi ventana no te dejo de pensar.

Y el mundo sigue,

mientras tú descansas en algún lugar.

Sueña tranquila,

ya sé que nos veremos en otras vidas.


Pero no te mentiré,

desde que te fuiste no he vuelto a ser...

ese que reía, ese que encontraba feliz la vida.

Qué difícil es...

acostumbrarme a no poderte ver.

Y llega otro día,

en que la alegría no me viene a visitar.

Y tú sigues dormida

en el dulce sueño de la eternidad.


Pero no te mentiré,

desde que te fuiste no he vuelto a ser...

ese que reía, ese que encontraba feliz la vida.

Qué difícil es...

acostumbrarme a no poderte ver.


Saying goodbye to someone you love is probably the worst feeling of all. In November of last year, my boyfriend lost his mother. She was one of the most adorable people I have ever met in my life and I am grateful to have shared with her.

I will never understand why the best people leave so fast. I like to think that they do it because they have already fulfilled "their cycle" on earth. I remember that the first months after she passed away, my boyfriend was in a terrible emotional situation (as is logical). If I was so sad to lose her, I could not even imagine how he felt about it.

I had never written a song with guitar included. The truth is that I know very little about playing guitar and I have a very basic knowledge about this beautiful instrument, but one day, trying to understand how my boyfriend felt, I started writing this song, trying to put myself in his shoes ...

When I read this week's theme, it seemed to me that the song I wrote combines very well with the phrase "Till we meet again" (until we meet again). I hope you like it, it means a lot to me.


Life happens,

and from my window I keep thinking about you.

And the world goes on,

while you rest somewhere.

Dream calmly,

I know we will see each other in other lives.


But I will not lie to you,

since you left, I have never been ...

the one who laughed, the one who found life happy.

It's difficult...

get used to not see you again.

And another day arrives,

in which joy does not come to visit me.

And you're still asleep

in the sweet dream of eternity.

Dream calmly,

I know we will see each other in other lives.


But I will not lie to you,

since you left, I have never been ...

the one who laughed, the one who found life happy.

It's difficult...

get used to not see you again.


very sweet! And Im sorry to hear about your boyfriends mother. It is true that the best people often leave too fast :(

Thank you. It's quite sad but that's the way life is: it has good things and bad things. The good part is that I was able to meet her and realize how fabulous she was, the bad part is that I could not spend more time with her, but the memories I keep are forever :)

Thank you very much for listening to my song and reading my post!!!!

Gracias por su cancion.


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