🎵 Steemit Open Mic Week 105 - “I Am With You” (Original Song)

in #openmic6 years ago


Today, I'm working to keep my head up and heart open, singing this song as a remedy for worrying. I offer it to you on a day when I am facing some doubts and worries, trusting this song will help me return to an attitude of gratitude.

Once again, I'm thankful for the woman I sing with, @wildfamily, who is with me for the 12th consecutive week here on Steemit Open Mic.

“I Am With You”

The Song

The wildflowers of the field
Each one is sheltered under my shield
The birds who flourish in the air
Are fed and nourished under my care

My child I am in the air you breathe
In the water you drink in a heartbeat
I am with you in the instant when
You invite me into your thoughts and prayers

Will you grow thirsty when the well runs dry
When you know the one who brings the rain
Will you grow lonely on a mountaintop
When you know the one above the mountain

My thoughts for you outnumber all the grains
In all the sands in all the earth
I am with you in the lion’s den
In the fiery furnace in the whirlwind

🌞 🌜 🌟

The Story

Growing up, I often wrestled with stomach aches, worrying about the future. Will mom and dad stay together? How will we be able to pay the bills? I wondered about the worst possible outcomes. Even worse than my own stresses over school and relationships, I worried about my parents.

My fears became real when I was 16. My parents divorced. Then we couldn't afford the house. And then my dad passed. By then, surrendering to the hardships in my present situation, something shifted in my anxiety. I felt like that line in the Eagles song, Take it Easy.

I got a peaceful easy feeling and I know you won't let me down, 'cause I'm already standing on the ground.

At the time, I attended a Christian church, and that's where I was introduced to a selection of Bible verses that spoke to me about worrying. These words are referenced in this song here, attributed to Jesus, in Matthew 6:26-28:

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them... Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they do not toil, neither do they spin.

These words say it straight: nothing is achieved through worrying. In fact, in some ways, I believe worrying can actually worsen our life situations. I've heard that stomach aches are commonly related to emotional stress, i.e. anxiety. And I also believe that when we worry, we actually materialize our thoughts.

I find peace and joy in the remembrance that the wildflowers grow, bloom, and flourish. The birds fly, sing, and play. Even in the desert. These are reminders that Provider does provide. The Creator does create. I find real peace and comfort in this. It eases my mind and softens my heart. It allows me to breathe gently and feel light.

The Acknowledgements


Thanks to @luzcypher for bringing us Steemit Open Mic Week #105. Thanks to the sponsors: @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @curie, and @isaria, who keep this community challenge rewarding in more ways than one. Thanks to the community who keeps it fresh, and vibrant.

Hugs and high-fives!

This post contains 100% original content by @cabelindsay.



very nice song, good musical duo, greetings friends and I wish you much success in the contest.

Thank you, brother. It's always a gift to hear from you. Looking forward to getting back into the Vision Quest later this week.

You guys, it's always a pleasure to hear you two singing together. Peace.


We really appreciate you for saying that! Thanks @luzcypher. We're happy to be here, you know. Grateful for the opportunity.

Hello @cabelindsay, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Cool, thank you! Stay Steemy, @creativecrypto.

So glad you two are with me...
I'm with you too!

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